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Report Suspicious Activity

Amazon works hard to ensure our store is a safe and trusted place for shoppers. If you believe any product, seller or other activity in our store is suspicious, please report this using one of the below methods. While we are not able to respond directly to each report, we appreciate your feedback.

Submit a report on the product page. Log into your Amazon account on your desktop computer, navigate to the product page, click the "Report incorrect product information" link available in product details, and select "This product or content is illegal, unsafe or suspicious." Follow the prompts to enter details about your issue and click "submit."

Contact Us. Please visit our Customer Service page and then click on the "Report Suspicious Activity" tile, which you may find on the main page or by clicking "Help with something else." You will be offered a choice between entering your phone number to receive a call and chatting online with a Customer Service agent.

Report a suspicious phone call, message, or other scam. Follow the instructions in the Report Something Suspicious page to report suspicious emails, phone calls, text messages, unsolicited packages, or gift card scams.

Stolen goods. The sale of stolen property is illegal and strictly prohibited in Amazon's store. If you suspect that a product for sale on Amazon.com is stolen, please contact Customer Service by one of the methods on this page and immediately file a report with your local law enforcement agency. For California residents, report suspected stolen goods to the California Office of the Attorney General at the following link: https://oag.ca.gov/bi/retail-theft/report.

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