WHO Council on the Economics of Health For All
The WHO Council on the Economics of Health For All aims to reframe health for all as a public policy objective, and ensure that national and global economies and finance are structured in such a way to deliver on this ambitious goal. The Council will aim to create a body of work that sees investment in local and global health systems as an investment in the future, not as a short-term cost.


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Final report

The Council was established in late 2020 by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General, WHO) to provide new economic thinking – reassessing...


The Council on the Economics of Health For All was established on 13 November 2020 by the WHO Director-General to rethink how value in health and wellbeing is measured, produced, and distributed across the economy.

We believe in three fundamental truths:

  • that health and the economy are interdependent;
  • that health is in itself a key economic sector and critical to resilience and stability in economies worldwide;
  • and that we can channel and shape public and private investments in health to achieve global cooperation towards supranational goals. 

Our work will assess, critique, challenge and reimagine the value of health in four major areas:

  • Measurement: Valuing and measuring Health for All.
  • Capacity: Pathways to Health for All.
  • Finance: Investing in Health for All.
  • Innovation: Governing Innovation for All.

Our work

 “Health for all must be at the heart of government investment and innovation decisions—and it must be governed with the common good in mind. The Council will work to address these many challenges and offer the world a path forward.”

- UCL Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Chair, WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All


One Year Overview

30 November 2022

One year overview

The WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All

Four briefs



11 November 2022

Green financing for good health: common investments for people and the planet

13 October 2022

What is at stake at COP27? Our last chance to achieve a healthy future for humanity

30 September 2022

Barbados' introduction of a pandemic debt suspension clause

26 September 2022

New international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: contributing to the second round of public hearings

15 July 2022

The new WTO decision on the TRIPS Agreement

22 June 2022

Policy priorities for Germany’s G7 Presidency in 2022 – Towards a more sustainable and inclusive global economy

31 May 2022

A proposed Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response hosted by the World Bank - Elevating ambitions beyond business as usual

19 April 2022

Building an inclusive global fund to address pandemic preparedness and response beyond COVID-19: policy principles and strategic considerations



Cover of document of the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All

This paper analyses ways in which the right to health supports health policies, programmes, and infrastructures for the delivery of health goods and services....

This Council Insight expands on the importance of time-use data referred to in the Council’s Brief on “Valuing health for all” and is...







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Related articles

18 November 2022 - The World Is Still Failing at Pandemic Preparedness and Response - by Mariana Mazzucato and Alan Donnelly

15 September 2022 - Failing the Pandemic Preparedness Test - by Mariana Mazzucato

20 July 2022 - An Effective Pandemic Response Must Be Truly Global - by Mariana Mazzucato and Jayati Ghosh

16 July 2022 Mariana Mazzucato: leading a new type of economics, The Lancet - by Jessamy Bagenal

23 June 20222 - How the G7 Could Help the Debt-Distressed - by Mariana Mazzucato and Alan Donnelly

25 May 2022 - Three lessons from countries that performed best in tackling COVID-19 challenges - by Jayati Ghosh and Mariana Mazzucato

11 May 2022 - The gender pay gap is wider than you thought - by Marilyn Waring

8 March 2022 - What if our economy valued what matters? - by Mariana Mazzucato

9 February 2022 - Reboot biomedical R&D in the global public interest - by Soumia Swaminathan, Bernard Pécoul, Hisham Abdullah, Christos Christou, Glenda Gray, Carel IJsselmuiden, Marie Paule Kieny, Mariana Mazzucato, Veronika von Messling, Bernhards Ogutu, John Reeder, John-Arne Røttingen, Renu Swarup, Marcel Tanner, Nísia Trindade Lima, Michelle Childs, Alex Harris, Els Torreele and Suerie Moon

A New Model for African Health - by Mariana Mazzucato and Vera Songwe

14 December 2021 - The WHO's Penny Wise and Health Foolish Members - by Mariana Mazzucato and Ilona Kickbusch

9 December 2021 - Health Innovation for All - by Mariana Mazzucato and Jayati Ghosh


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