Press release, International development cooperation strategies from Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Government

Government adopts regional strategy for Swedish development cooperation with Africa


The Government has adopted a regional strategy for Swedish development cooperation with Africa for 2022–2026. Sweden’s support will help strengthen the continent’s opportunities to meet cross-border challenges.

"More support is needed to strengthen society’s resilience to crises caused by climate change and conflicts. Climate change has a major impact on the African continent, resulting in natural disasters, threatened livelihoods and conflicts. We now have the chance to strengthen the continent’s ability to increase efforts for democracy and access to renewable energy,” says Minister for International Development Cooperation Matilda Ernkrans.

Africa’s countries and regions face widely differing conditions and opportunities when it comes to sustainable development. At the same time, several of the continent’s challenges are cross-border in nature. One important starting point for the strategy is therefore to strengthen regional cooperation and integration. Development cooperation includes support in areas such as environment and climate, democracy and human rights, migration and development, economic integration, and peaceful and inclusive societies.

Swedish development cooperation will also contribute to strengthening regional initiatives and actors such as the African Union (AU) and regional economic cooperation organisations. Sweden’s regional development cooperation with Africa is therefore an important contribution to a deeper and strategic partnership between the EU and the AU.

The new regional strategy amounts to SEK 934 million per year. In total, the strategy encompasses SEK 4.67 billion until 2026. The strategy will be jointly implemented by Sida and the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

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