Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for issues concerning central government finances, including coordination of the central government budget, forecasts and analyses, tax issues, and management and administration of central government activities. The Ministry is also responsible for matters concerning financial markets, consumer legislation, state-owned enterprises and digital policy.

Responsible ministers

Elisabeth Svantesson Minister for Finance
Erik Slottner Minister for Public Administration
Niklas Wykman Deputy Minister for Finance, Minister for Financial Markets

News from Ministry of Finance

  • Government presents Budget Bill for 2024

    Photo: Ninni Andersson/Government Offices

    Today, the Government is presenting the Budget Bill for 2024 to the Riksdag. The proposals in the budget aim to address Sweden’s most acute problems. This includes combating inflation and managing its effects through assistance to households and the welfare system. Defence and the judicial system will also receive substantial investments to make Sweden safer and more secure. The reforms in the budget total SEK 39 billion next year. The budget is based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats.

  • Sweden's carbon tax

    Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

    The Swedish carbon tax was instituted in 1991, alongside an already existing energy tax, and it remains a cornerstone of Swedish climate policy. Over time, the carbon tax has increased in importance, contributing to a broad range of environmental and climate objectives.

Content from the Ministry of Finance

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