
News from the Government and Government Offices

Kristersson and  Stoltenberg standing next to eachother in front of flags
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Government Offices

Sweden’s path to NATO membership

Read about what Sweden’s path to NATO membership involves, why Sweden has applied for NATO membership and what membership will mean for Sweden.

Illustration: Government Offices

Sweden's new migration policy

Sweden’s migration policy is undergoing a paradigm shift. The Government is intensifying its efforts to reduce, in full compliance with Sweden’s international commitments, the number of migrants coming irregularly to Sweden. Labour immigration fraud and abuses must be stopped and the ‘shadow society’ combated

Illustration: The Government Offices

Efforts to strengthen Sweden’s security

Information about the Government’s measures to strengthen Sweden’s security, protect Swedish citizens and safeguard Swedish economic interests in light of the serious security situation is available here.

Photo: Ninni Andersson/Government Offices

Government presents Budget Bill for 2024

Today, the Government is presenting the Budget Bill for 2024 to the Riksdag. The proposals in the budget aim to address Sweden’s most acute problems. This includes combating inflation and managing its effects through assistance to households and the welfare system. Defence and the judicial system will also receive substantial investments to make Sweden safer and more secure. The reforms in the budget total SEK 39 billion next year. The budget is based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats.

Content about the Government and the Government Offices of Sweden

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