UN Decade of Action on Nutrition

UN Decade of Action on Nutrition

WHO / Quinn Mattingly
© Credits



The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition is a commitment by United Nations Member States to undertake 10 years of sustained and coherent implementation of policies, programmes and increased investments to eliminate malnutrition in all its forms, everywhere, leaving no one behind.



The Work Programme for the Nutrition Decade is a living document developed through an inclusive, continuous and collaborative process, building upon and...

Action Networks are informal coalitions of countries focusing on a specific nutrition related action area to foster policy dialogue and facilitate and...

The proclamation of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016–2025 – the Nutrition Decade – by the UN General Assembly...

All people, at all ages and at all times, should have access to affordable, diversified, safe and healthy diets. Maintaining a healthy diet throughout...

Fiscal policies to promote healthy diets: policy brief

This policy brief provides policy-makers, programme managers, health professionals and advocates with information and policy options related to the implementation...

Reformulation of food and beverage products for healthier diets: policy brief

Food reformulation is the process of altering the processing or composition of a food or beverage product, to improve its nutritional profile or to reduce...

Nutrition labelling: policy brief

This policy brief provides policymakers, programme managers, health professionals and advocates with information and options for nutrition labelling policies,...

Protecting children from the harmful impact of food marketing: policy brief

This policy brief provides policy-makers and programme managers, health professionals and advocates with information and policy options to increase protection...

Promoting physical activity through schools: policy brief

This policy brief describes the importance of integrating physical activity into primary and secondary schools so that all children and young people can...


The Global Nutrition Policy Review 2016–2017 is the report of the second comprehensive analysis of nutrition-related policy environment, coordination...


 The Strengthening Nutrition Action resource guide is part of the follow-up to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) that was...

Driving commitment for nutrition within the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition: policy brief

The Nutrition Decade presents an unprecedented opportunity for accelerating country-led actions to end hunger, eliminate all forms of malnutrition, and...

Facts on nutrition

144 million

children under 5

Globally, 144 million children under 5 are stunted

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of child deaths

Undernutrition is associated with 45% of child deaths

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820 000 children

could be saved

Over 820 000 children could be saved yearly if all children 0-23 months were optimally breastfed.

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3.3 billion USD

Investment from WB

From 2000-2013 World Bank invested in 273 projects for health, nutrition, and population programmes.

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number of countries

with multi-social early childhood development policies, 45% from low- and middle-income countries

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149 million children

under 5 yrs of age

are too short for their age (stunted)

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15% babies

are born with

Low birth weight

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33% of women

of reproductive age

have anaemia

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39 million

children under 5 are

Overweight or obese

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45 million children

under 5 yrs of age

are too thin for their height (wasted)

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less than 5 grams

salt per day

can reduce blood pressure and the risk of several diseases

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Limit free sugars

Limit intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake

10 steps


successful breastfeeding.

Guide & tools


Please send inquiries to:

The joint FAO/WHO Secretariat of the Nutrition Decade
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome
Website: https://www.un.org/nutrition/
Email: [email protected]


The joint FAO/WHO Secretariat of the Nutrition Decade
World Health Organization (WHO)
Avenue Appia 41
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Email: [email protected]