WHO/EuropeVerifizierter Account


The WHO Regional Office for Europe is one of 6 WHO regional offices around the world. It collaborates with a range of public health stakeholders in the Region.

Beigetreten März 2010


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    3. Juni

    The European Region has seen some cases of disease. Here is what you need to know about the monkeypox outbreak in Europe and how to protect yourself 👇

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    vor 8 Stunden

    Agreement signed today for to support Romania implement its Recovery and Resilience Facility Plan. Our goal is to help the country make its health system more people-centred, cost-effective, resilient, and adaptive to future threats. 🤝Minister Rafila

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  3. vor 8 Stunden

    In Spain, calls to ban cigarette-smoking on beaches are getting louder. In 2018 just 3% of beaches were smoke-free – but following a concerted campaign, by 2021 the percentage had risen to 17.5% Find out more 👉

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  4. hat retweetet
    9. Juni

    This week, , , & National Health Service of Ukraine experts met to discuss planning for fiscal consolidation for health in . More👉

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    Vaccines can protect you from serious illness & death from . But that after being vaccinated, you should STILL 😷 ↔️ Keep a safe distance 🪟 Open windows 🤧 Cough/sneeze into your elbow 👐 Keep hands clean to stop the virus? Here’s why ⬇

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  6. vor 11 Stunden

    Fostering means improving the lives of current and future generations of older people—everywhere. It's a big goal that calls for big changes. But there are heroes already showing us that it's possible. 👉Can you help us inspire the world?

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  7. vor 13 Stunden

    🚴 🚶 There's so many benefits to walking & cycling. A new publication from & highlights how these simple activities improve people's health while tackling air pollution & climate change. Find out more 👇

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    9. Juni

    This week, & the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) held a strategic planning session on health financing in to discuss current challenges facing Ukrainian regions, review the NHSU strategy amidst the war & ways for further collaboration

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  9. 9. Juni

    The Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) initiative is led & coordinated globally by , providing extra surge capacity & expertise to 🌍 with health emergencies. In this story, we highlight the role of EMTs in the health response to the war in 🇺🇦 👉

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  10. hat retweetet
    9. Juni

    Talking to your child about mental health can feel daunting, especially during the pandemic and other global challenges. has expert tips to get you started.

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    9. Juni

    Finished 2-day agenda where the SCRC 🟢Discussed health emergencies, our response & Region’s continuing leading global role 🟢Reviewed programme & plans for in September 🟢Assessed nominations for future membership of governing bodies 🙏Nora Kronig Romero &colleagues

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  12. 9. Juni

    Examples such as this one from Shamakhi shows how investing in health & pursuing the health-related improves the health of people of all ages – while also creating a strong basis for economic & social recovery from

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  13. 9. Juni

    Shamakhi – a city in a mountainous region of Azerbaijan has faced numerous challenges. A collaboration led by the Govt of 🇦🇿 with support from & developed and delivered training to strengthen its health workforce & increase capacity

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  14. 9. Juni

    Many countries aren’t on track to achieve the health-related targets by 2030 says progress report. An example from 🇦🇿 shows how investing in (PHC) is essential to create stronger, more equitable health systems. More 👇 & 👉

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  15. hat retweetet
    9. Juni

    For the first time ever, has delivered assistive technology kits as part of emergency supplies to hospitals in Eastern . Why? Because when you have been injured, your recovery will be much slower if you cannot move around and care for yourself.

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  16. 9. Juni

    networks can sustain a wider range of services by sharing resources & collaborating with public health, social services, communities & NGOs. Register to find out more & hear real-world examples👉 📅🕛21/06, 12:00 CEST

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  17. 9. Juni

    "Vaccines bring us one step closer to achieving a world where no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease,” said from . With the is mobilizing young people & athletes to promote vaccines 👇

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  18. hat retweetet
    24. Mai

    After graduating from , finalist and , Tural 🇦🇿, has helped reform the healthcare system in his home country, Azerbaijan. His work has contributed to the implementation of healthcare insurance and response to the Covid-19 crisis.

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  19. hat retweetet
    7. Juni

    . has verified 27 additional attacks on health care in . As of 7 June, 290 attacks on health care have been verified in Ukraine. These attacks took place between 24 February and 30 May & caused 76 deaths and 59 injuries. Health care should never be a target.

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  20. 9. Juni

    We've gained, on average, an extra 20 years of life. It's time to celebrate the people who are working to make those extra years healthy. Are you or someone you know a trailblazer in fostering ? 👉Submit a nomination: 📅15 June

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  21. hat retweetet
    8. Juni

    We are working to increase meaningful engagement with young people, to amplify & embed their voices and perspectives into all areas of work and decisions that affect them, including the European Programme of Work 👉

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