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199 items matched your search for "Congress of Racial Equality"

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Civil Rights Giant James Farmer Dies / One of the `Big Four,' he founded the Congress on Racial Equality

July 10, 1999 |

New York Times James Farmer, a principal founder of the Congress of Racial Equality and the last survivor of the "Big Four" who shaped the civil-rights struggle in the United States in the mid-1950s and '60s, ...

Frank Thomas

February 10, 2021

As a seminarian, Skip built houses in Puerto Rico and volunteered with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

Jeffrey Dickemann

April 29, 2021

Dickemann took a teaching job at the University of Kansas, where she helped found a chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and spent the spring and summer of 1965 with a group of CORE volunteers registering voters in Louisiana.

Michael Lesser

April 21, 2021

While at Syracuse he helped form a local chapter of the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) and actively fought housing segregation in the school dorms and surrounding community.

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Oakland lawyer Walter Riley made the fight for racial justice a family value

June 15, 2021 |

More than 60 years after beginning to work for change, Riley, 77, is still fighting, speaking on the importance of youth finding their collective power and securing a future where there is no police violence, no ...

Willie Brown: We’re creating separate and very unequal school systems

July 25, 2020 |

The Big Five consisted of Lewis, the NAACP’s Roy Wilkins, Congress of Racial Equality leader James Farmer, the Urban League’s Whitney Young, and, of course, the Rev.

A cocktail lounge on BART? Here’s the man who tried to make it happen

November 6, 2019 |

Ussery, who turned 90 in 2018, was once a national officer for the Congress of Racial Equality.

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David Kramer

March 19, 2018

., David needed more fulfillment and decided to quit Ford and join the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in Detroit where he picketed, agitated for integration and equal employment.

Militant days: ‘Just Another N—: My Life in the Black Panther Party,’ by Don Cox

February 20, 2019 |

., church bombing, the 27-year-old San Franciscan joins the Congress of Racial Equality. ... He joins the nascent group, and as millions across the country protest the Vietnam War and racial injustice, Cox and ...

Kenneth Scudder

January 23, 2019

Later describing the era's confluence of events – Vietnam, civil rights and third world revolutionary movements – as a "great moral crisis," he worked for the Congress of Racial Equality, then joined the ...

Famed civil rights protesters to have arrest records erased

January 27, 2015 |

., John Gaines and Mack Workman — were led by Thomas Gaither, who came to town as an activist with the Congress of Racial Equality.

Wyatt Tee Walker — Dr. King’s strategist and Harlem leader, dies at 88

January 23, 2018 |

Walker preached against intolerance and racial inequality for six decades from pulpits across the South, in New York City and on five of the world’s seven continents. ... In Petersburg, he served as president ...

Joanne Heffelfinger

February 26, 2018

Upon passing the California bar exam, Joanne became active in the civil rights movement, both with the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE), and later with the YWCA.

D’Army Bailey, founder of museum on site of King shooting, dies

July 14, 2015 |

., after he was arrested at an antisegregation demonstration organized by the Congress of Racial Equality, Mr. ... Two years later, after being branded an obstructionist and a racial provocateur, he lost a recall vote.

A good day to sit around a police car

September 23, 2014 |

Turned out the guy in the police car had been arrested for refusing to show his ID when they asked him to stop passing out literature at the CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) table.

Photographer Bob Adelman: bearing witness

March 21, 2016 |

Martin Luther King Jr. as he spoke of his dream of racial harmony; he was at the funeral of Malcolm X; he was at the lunch counters and sit-ins; and he was at Selma. ... Between 1963 and 1968, Adelman was a ...

Lyon’s truth-filled images at the de Young

December 6, 2016 |

(Similarly, Adelman volunteered to shoot for the Congress of Racial Equality).

Rep. John Lewis continues civil rights fight

August 13, 2013 |

His history makes him the closest thing to a moral voice in the divided Congress. ... The SNCC and Congress of Racial Equality - CORE - refused to sign a statement calling for a moratorium on action protests until after the November election.

Jerrie Meadows

June 25, 2014

In the early '60s Jerrie joined the Civil Rights movement, working as the office manager for the Congress of Racial Equality.

Rev. George Houser, civil and human rights activist, dies

August 21, 2015 |

George Houser, a founder of the Congress of Racial Equality who was believed to be the last living member of the inaugural Freedom Ride — the volatile, sometimes violent bus trip through the South by a ...

Free Speech Movement at UC sparked change across U.S. beyond

September 20, 2014 |

Oct. 1: Ex-graduate student Jack Weinberg is arrested for manning a Congress of Racial Equality table and placed in a police car.

Topless redwood protester writes poetry

November 5, 2012 |

I marched with the Congress of Racial Equality at 12.

Event to salute apartheid foe

June 25, 2010

The Santa Rosa resident also founded the American Committee on Africa, one of the earliest organizations against apartheid, as well as founding - with James Farmer and Bernice Fisher - the Congress of Racial Equality in 1942.

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