Social science training enhances community engagement in health emergencies in 11 countries of the European Region

5 February 2019
Under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) and the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) framework, WHO provides support to Member States to improve national capacity to engage communities through enhanced use of social science-based interventions (SSIs) before, during and after health emergencies. The SocialNET training, a global initiative of WHO, was the first of its kind in the European Region and was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on 10–14 December 2018. It strengthens WHO/Europe’s efforts to build skills in emergency risk communication (ERC) and community engagement as part of the ERC five-step capacity-building package.
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A 2-day simulation exercise provided participants an opportunity to practice and demonstrate use of social science-based interventions in a simulated outbreak of pandemic influenza. This involved a range of drills including engaging leaders, the civil society, the community as well as media interviews. 


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The scenario started with cases of a severe acute respiratory infection and rapidly evolved to when WHO officially declared a fictitious A(H8N5) influenza pandemic. It required participants to engage with at-risk groups, influencers and decision-makers. They used social science-based interventions to effectively communicate in difficult situations, including during security situations.


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Participants saw firsthand how communities must be at the heart of any health emergency response. A pregnant woman and her mother were a key source of information on risk perception, that is at the basis of effective emergency risk communication strategies. Engaging with them is essential to maintain trust in affected populations and improve health outcomes. 


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Partnerships are at the heart of WHO’s work to support countries in improving their capacity in health emergency preparedness and response. This was the first SocialNET training with WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan all working together to enhance use of social science-based interventions in outbreaks and health emergencies.


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The Médecins Sans Frontières treatment tent provided participants an opportunity to demonstrate effective emergency risk communication and community engagement techniques with health care workers and affected persons. Engaging health professionals in communicating to the public is critical to convey trusted messages.

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The training was made up of two parts: class learning and a simulation exercise. Participants expanded their knowledge and shared best practices on use of social science-based interventions in a variety of disease outbreaks and natural disaster settings. They developed community engagement plans that can be integrated as part of an all-hazards emergency risk communication plan in their respective countries.

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Participants experienced the dynamics of working in teams and managed to overcome challenges to get the most out of their journey. For some it was a very intense experience and they appreciated the importance of supportive team members and mentoring that are at the basis of effective performance in emergency settings.

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Experts from 11 countries are now part of a roster that can provide surge support in their countries as well as be rapidly deployed in a real outbreak or humanitarian health emergency in the WHO European Region.

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“It was amazing seeing the engagement of all 24 participants. You could tell how much each and every one was keen to learn how to involve the affected communities into emergency response. It was clear that this is a must for effective crisis control”, said Cristiana Salvi, who coordinated the SocialNet from the WHO Regional Office for Europe. 


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Together with partners, the three levels of WHO - headquarters, the regional office and the country office - worked very closely together to deliver the training in the spirit of WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work. 
