
Cheer up Someone’s Day

October 6, 2017 admin 0

“Anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word makes him glad.” Proverbs 12:25 Rebecca hung her head and swung her pink and yellow backpack into the backseat of the […]


The Rocking Chair

October 6, 2017 admin 0

Vickie sat quietly on the porch rocking back and forth in her chair. She hadn’t bothered to change her clothes. It was still early and anyway she really didn’t care what she looked like. The […]


A Season to Remember

October 6, 2017 admin 0

I was reared on a farm in upstate New York where “everybody!” hunts deer in season, so when Nance and I purchased our lot in Goochland County, Virginia, I was ecstatic to learn that our […]

Christian Teaching

What is a Man

October 6, 2017 admin 0

What makes a man? In some cultures, a child is believed to make the transition to manhood at the ripe old age of 13. In the minds of many in this country the arbitrary age […]