Universal health coverage
Universal health coverage

Universal health coverage in the South-East Asia

Universal health coverage (UHC) is about ensuring all people get the quality health services they need, without experiencing financial hardship. UHC is central to achieving progress on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.

UHC has two dimensions – access to needed health care, and financial protection. The Regional average for the UHC essential health services index is 61% in 2019 compared with 46% in 2010. On the other hand, over 65 million people are pushed into poverty because of health expenditure.

Sound health policies and health financing strategies are essential, to ensure that no one is impoverished as a result of the costs of health care, and that the resources are used efficiently and fairly.

As countries strive to attain universal health coverage they must be able to measure and monitor their progress and have robust accountability mechanisms in place.

Moving towards UHC is a gradual process, and every country has committed itself to do so.

The Department of UHC/Health Systems (HSD) supports Member States with improving their health systems towards achieving universal health coverage. UHC is one of WHO's flagship initiatives in the South-East Asia Region with a focus on the health workforce and access to medicines. 



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