Regional framework for reaching the unreached in the Western Pacific (‎2022-2030)‎


The Regional Framework for Reaching the Unreached in the Western Pacific (2022–2030) aims to support Member States in transforming their health systems and services to reach everyone, everywhere. Reaching the unreached is a dynamic, evolving process that will require innovation. The needs of unreached populations are central to this innovation. Therefore, a system-wide, coordinated approach combining national and global evidence and the capability for local-level adaptation is essential. There will be many pathways to reaching the unreached across the diverse countries and areas in the Region.

The framework focuses on three priority action areas: 1. Strengthening the Primary Health Care System for enhanced inclusivity and equity; 2. Empowering communities and individuals to foster health promotion and participation; 3. Addressing socio-economic determinants to tackle barriers in health service access. These action areas are integrated within five transformative domains: political commitment, multi-stakeholder engagement, data-driven decision-making, health service evolution, and special approaches.

WHO Team
Integrated Communicable Disease Control (ICD), WHO Western Pacific
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789290620136