Touchstone Exploration Inc. provided an update on the construction of the Cascadura facility. It is anticipated that the Cascadura natural gas and liquids facility will operate between approximately 600 to 750 pounds per square inch. On July 20, 2023, the company completed the initial operational preparedness inspection of the facility with the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI) which involved a comprehensive evaluation of the facility's infrastructure, safety protocols, and operational procedures.

Following the inspection, minor modifications to optimize the facility's performance and operational protocols were completed and the facility was mechanically complete on July 30, 2023. Pressure testing of the facility with inert nitrogen gas commenced on July 28, 2023, and is now 70% complete. As the company continue to pressure test the facility, the company will finalize the electrical and instrumentation connections required to link the Cascadura facility to the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago pipeline tie-in point.

The company scheduling the final MEEI inspection this week prior to the introduction of initial natural gas into the system.