

At Cleveland Clinic, we are an intrinsic part of the social fabric of the community, creating opportunities for those around us and making the communities we serve healthier. Our investment in the community ranges from charitable care to education, medical research and community health initiatives.

It also includes partnering with other community organizations to impact the surrounding areas in which we are is vested, ensuring they continue to thrive. Our shared commitment to creating a healthier community for everyone — both economically and environmentally — is how believe we can make the greatest impact. This includes:

  • Providing safe green space for local residents.
  • Creating walkable streets and parks for families in our community.
  • Reducing our carbon footprint.

As one of the founding members of the Healthcare Anchor Network partners, we strive to improve community health and well-being by leveraging all of our available resources, including hiring, purchasing and investing to provide an equitable, local economic impact.

Contact Us

To speak with the team, or for more information about the INVEST initiatives, please email CHPInvest@ccf.org.

Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships

The Cleveland Clinic Community Health Strategy (CHS) is an enterprise-wide initiative to consolidate all community-facing efforts and align resources to provide the highest level of partner-driven, organized, efficient, evidence-based opportunities. These efforts will engage our communities in learning about the impact of the social determinants of health and health inequity on their everyday life.

The objective of the CHS is to care for every community we serve through a HEAL, HIRE, and INVEST approach for our patients, families, and surrounding communities. We reduce barriers to health identified in Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and focus on health equity for vulnerable populations. We improve community conditions by leveraging our business practices around inclusive, local hiring and workforce development, local and diverse sourcing, and place-based investing. We engender trust through collaboration and partnership with trusted stakeholders and community-based organizations.

Our goal is to partner with organizations that offer one or more of the following:

  • Provide services to families and people throughout their lifetime
  • Are a trusted stakeholder and/or advocate for populations with health disparities
  • Promote wellness by directly addressing maternal/infant health, chronic disease prevention, behavioral health, and/or socioeconomic concerns through evidence-based strategies
  • Support educational attainment and workforce development
  • Improve environment or community conditions (housing, green space, safety)
  • Have the capacity to build a bidirectional partnership

With the ever-changing landscape in health care and services, the dynamic is changing from "sick" care to "health" care. As such, the health of a community is not determined solely on physical well-being, but on all the factors that go into the experience of living, working and thriving in Northeast Ohio. Cleveland Clinic is committed to working with individuals and organizations that understand this new reality, and these social and environmental determinants will be considered within the framework of any request for support.

Partnerships (follow the Cycle I Or Cycle II schedule)

To request financial or collaborative support, please consider the following:

  • A partnership request should focus on sustainable, bi-directional programs/initiatives that benefit the health, wellbeing, and health equity of the communities Cleveland Clinic serves, where metrics related to improved health outcomes can be identified and collected to determine ROI on funding.
  • Examples of partnerships may include, but are not limited to:
    • Ongoing programs or initiatives where Cleveland Clinic Caregivers may be able to engage with your organization (School based programs, youth/adult wellness programs, etc.)
    • Programs/initiatives that provide education or engagement that improve overall health of the community or participants
  • Partnership requests must align with one or more of the following priorities:
    • Heal: Serve our most vulnerable populations, focus on Community Health Needs, address root causes
    • Hire: Local youth education to workforce development, support job readiness programs and partnerships, create an employee pipeline
    • Invest: Buy local when possible, partner with community leaders to attract and support businesses, commit to a community investing plan, improve local built environments
  • Partnership requests must also align with one or more of the following priorities:
    • Digital equity
    • Food / nutrition
    • Access to care
    • Social determinants of health
    • Affordable safe housing
    • Infant and maternal health
    • Chronic disease management and prevention
    • Youth: Lead / School Based Health / Mental Health / Pipeline opportunities

Cycle I Schedule

Application Period: March 1 – March 31, 2023

If you are interested in being notified when the Cycle I application opens in March, 2024, please complete our Partnership Interest form.

Cleveland Clinic Internal Review Period: April 1 – April 30, 2023

Notification of approval or decline/ funding is released: May 1 – May 31, 2023

Measurable outcomes will be a requirement of receiving funding. In your application, you will be asked to identify metrics that can be collected and submitted to Cleveland Clinic Community Health & Partnerships team for evaluation of the partnership.

  • 6 month metrics are due: November 1 – November 30, 2023
  • 12 month metrics are due: June 1 – June 30, 2024

View our metric/outcome collection criteria.

Cycle II Schedule (closed until August 2023)

Application Period: August 1 – August 31, 2023

If you are interested in being notified when the Cycle II application opens in August, 2023, please complete our Partnership Interest form.

Cleveland Clinic Internal Review Period: September 1 – September 30, 2023

Notification of approval or decline/ funding is released: October 1 – October 31, 2023

Measurable outcomes will be a requirement of receiving funding. In your application, you will be asked to identify metrics that can be collected and submitted to Cleveland Clinic Community Health & Partnerships team for evaluation of the partnership.

  • 6 month metrics are due: April 1 – April 30, 2024
  • 12 month metrics are due: November 1 – November 30, 2024

View our metric/outcome collection criteria.

If you have questions regarding the criteria, or the review process, please contact CHPInvest@ccf.org.

Community Sponsorships

Community Sponsorships

Sponsorships: Support for event/program where promotional opportunity may be available.

Examples of sponsorships may include, but are not limited to:

  • Community wellness events (health fairs, 5K runs, etc.)
  • Fundraising events (luncheons, galas, etc.)
  • Community events (farmer’s markets, festivals, parades, etc.)
  • Other events/programs (Chamber events, local/national conferences with a health focus)

Sponsorship requests will be considered year-round.

For your request to be considered, please provide all information requests in the Cleveland Clinic Community Health Sponsorship Request Form.

If you have questions regarding the criteria, or the review process, please contact sponsorships@ccf.org.