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Anyone else have CHEK2 gene mutation? And have had multiple cancers?

Posted by colorado73 @colorado73, Jun 1 5:09pm

I've had skin cancer, double mastectomy due to breast cancer & reconstruction, and now thyroid cancer & had to have thyroid removed. I'm scared & frustrated & I'm not getting a lot of answers from my Drs bedside blood tests for cancer markers. I'm tired & frustrated & am needing advice from others like me in this situation.

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I initially did genetic testing through my breast oncologist and was BRCA2 positive. So when my son turned 35 and had to do testing through color.com as suggested by my breast oncologist, I found they were testing for 30 cancer mutations plus other types of mutations (heart, enzymes to metabolize drugs). I had only been tested for 10-12 types so I did the testing with my son (mail saliva with their kit) and that is how I found out both my son and I have the CHEK2 mutation as well. I think it's about $250 for the package now. At the time, I was a family add-on for only $50 more, but I'm not sure they have that special offer anymore. If your doctor doesn't submit a test order, one of their doctors will. Someone will go over the test with you and then you have the option to ask a genetic counselor more questions (at least 5 years ago that's how it worked).

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Thank you for sharing this information. Greatly appreciated.


New to channel. How do you check for those specific markers?

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I initially did genetic testing through my breast oncologist and was BRCA2 positive. So when my son turned 35 and had to do testing through color.com as suggested by my breast oncologist, I found they were testing for 30 cancer mutations plus other types of mutations (heart, enzymes to metabolize drugs). I had only been tested for 10-12 types so I did the testing with my son (mail saliva with their kit) and that is how I found out both my son and I have the CHEK2 mutation as well. I think it's about $250 for the package now. At the time, I was a family add-on for only $50 more, but I'm not sure they have that special offer anymore. If your doctor doesn't submit a test order, one of their doctors will. Someone will go over the test with you and then you have the option to ask a genetic counselor more questions (at least 5 years ago that's how it worked).


New to channel. How do you check for those specific markers?

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I went through my oncologist office & was genetically tested. I got the results via email & they received a copy as well then I went to his office for consult. I also talked to a genetic counselor from the agency that tested me.
Hope this helps.


New to channel. How do you check for those specific markers?


I would not let them take your ovaries. They do most of the hormones. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2011 due to fibroids. They took the uterus but left the ovaries to keep me from going into early menopause. I'm 53 now and my hormone levels are still normal. I make the Dr check every so often to make sure. I have an Endocrinologist for my thyroid meds but, I see an Oncologist for the Chek2 stuff. He makes sure that I'm getting the correct check ups and avoiding anything that other Specialist Dr are doing that might be a problem. (Multiple radiology, meds like Ozempic, ect) He and the Oncology Surgeon do acknowledge they don't have much infomation or knowledge about Chek2 right now. Right now they are both pushing a double mastectomy for me because of my history. I did say No and they are working with me on developing other safety options. However, I just had a biopsy on a breast lump yesterday. They found it in my breast scan this month. It was not there in Jan's Mammogram. I have had 2 prior biopsies that were benign. One was a surgical biopsy and it caused horrible pain. They think I'm going to have Post Mastectomy Syndrome which is why I said no to the double Mastectomy. You do have the right to say NO to anything the Dr recommends. It is your choice what is done to your body. Make the decision what is best for you and your quality of life. The Dr doesnt know that part when they suggest stuff. If you want to keep your ovaries and let them take the uterus that is what they have to do. Even no hysterectomy at all (although I love no more period). An ultrasound can always check those organs safely as often as needed. Good Luck

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Thank you for sharing your journey. I do appreciate it. I'm still on the fence on what to do & I see my Dr next week. Ugh … I've tried educating myself on the results of full hysterectomy & the results from it. Scares me for sure cause I don't want to go into full blown menopause just yet. I'm only 50. My mom still had periods at 60 when she passed away & my sister still had hers when she passed away at age 52.
Yes I look forward to having no periods for sure cause they are extremely painful & heavy. But then again this gene mutation thrives on estrogen & the ovaries produce it. So I'm back to square one lol. Not sure what to do. Dr wants to remove everything due higher risk of uterine cancer and ovarian cancer as well. But I like the idea of having her check my ovaries every so often to see if they are ok instead of taking them out right now.
Thank you for your advice. Good luck to you as well.


My Endocrinologist has me on generic Synthroid every day. I basically have spurts of energy anymore. Surgery was in April of this yr. I'm a care taker of 2 adults & I'm struggling with lack of energy now. Dr has changed my dosage 2x. So now I'm splitting the 200mg tablet in half & taking the half once a day. My lab work seems to be somewhat a roller coaster still. I'll see her again in Aug & discuss with her about what can be done if anything. I'm trying to boost my energy with protein shakes in the morning. But I'm lagging in the afternoons terribly. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
The Drs I speak with ARE NOT educated on this gene mutation & their solution is to start YANKING OUT BODY PARTS!! My obgyn wants to do a full hysterectomy on me in October to ward off Uterine cancer from this gene. Ugh! I'm 50yrs young & I won't be a candidate for estrogen replacement either due to the gene mutation. So I'll just "Waver through it" according to Dr. Frustrating!! Tons of questions & NO ANSWERS from the medical specialists. They just sit back & say well there's no data on that so better just take it out!!
Ugh …

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I would not let them take your ovaries. They do most of the hormones. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2011 due to fibroids. They took the uterus but left the ovaries to keep me from going into early menopause. I'm 53 now and my hormone levels are still normal. I make the Dr check every so often to make sure. I have an Endocrinologist for my thyroid meds but, I see an Oncologist for the Chek2 stuff. He makes sure that I'm getting the correct check ups and avoiding anything that other Specialist Dr are doing that might be a problem. (Multiple radiology, meds like Ozempic, ect) He and the Oncology Surgeon do acknowledge they don't have much infomation or knowledge about Chek2 right now. Right now they are both pushing a double mastectomy for me because of my history. I did say No and they are working with me on developing other safety options. However, I just had a biopsy on a breast lump yesterday. They found it in my breast scan this month. It was not there in Jan's Mammogram. I have had 2 prior biopsies that were benign. One was a surgical biopsy and it caused horrible pain. They think I'm going to have Post Mastectomy Syndrome which is why I said no to the double Mastectomy. You do have the right to say NO to anything the Dr recommends. It is your choice what is done to your body. Make the decision what is best for you and your quality of life. The Dr doesnt know that part when they suggest stuff. If you want to keep your ovaries and let them take the uterus that is what they have to do. Even no hysterectomy at all (although I love no more period). An ultrasound can always check those organs safely as often as needed. Good Luck


My Dr would have to change my dosage every 3 months on the generic. I use the VA and they will not let us use synthroid. My Dr did some math and figured out how to make the 137mg dosage work for me because that dosage was only made by synthroid. I take 2 pills mostly, 1 day a week I take 1 pill or no pill. I have been on that dosage for 3 years now (12 years on generic). It saves money cause I'm not throwing away pills every 3 months. Since I have been stable I have found myself to be less tired and I realized my hair loss seems to cycle instead of just happening randomly. My body temp control still is wonky.

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Thank you for the responses on synthroid vs. generic.


My Dr would have to change my dosage every 3 months on the generic. I use the VA and they will not let us use synthroid. My Dr did some math and figured out how to make the 137mg dosage work for me because that dosage was only made by synthroid. I take 2 pills mostly, 1 day a week I take 1 pill or no pill. I have been on that dosage for 3 years now (12 years on generic). It saves money cause I'm not throwing away pills every 3 months. Since I have been stable I have found myself to be less tired and I realized my hair loss seems to cycle instead of just happening randomly. My body temp control still is wonky.

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My Endocrinologist has me on generic Synthroid every day. I basically have spurts of energy anymore. Surgery was in April of this yr. I'm a care taker of 2 adults & I'm struggling with lack of energy now. Dr has changed my dosage 2x. So now I'm splitting the 200mg tablet in half & taking the half once a day. My lab work seems to be somewhat a roller coaster still. I'll see her again in Aug & discuss with her about what can be done if anything. I'm trying to boost my energy with protein shakes in the morning. But I'm lagging in the afternoons terribly. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
The Drs I speak with ARE NOT educated on this gene mutation & their solution is to start YANKING OUT BODY PARTS!! My obgyn wants to do a full hysterectomy on me in October to ward off Uterine cancer from this gene. Ugh! I'm 50yrs young & I won't be a candidate for estrogen replacement either due to the gene mutation. So I'll just "Waver through it" according to Dr. Frustrating!! Tons of questions & NO ANSWERS from the medical specialists. They just sit back & say well there's no data on that so better just take it out!!
Ugh …


Hi @journey99

You are the second person to say they only take Synthroid brand, not the generic because Synthroid worked better for them. Both of you had your thyroid removed so I'm guessing on a much higher dose than me with hypothyroidism for 35 years. I took Synthroid in the beginning, but I've been taking the generic for 30 years since that is what insurance covers. I was just told to stick with the same manufacturer when using generic as they may all dose slightly differently. I'm wondering if you could tell me exactly what difference you noticed between the name brand and generic. Thanks.

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My Dr would have to change my dosage every 3 months on the generic. I use the VA and they will not let us use synthroid. My Dr did some math and figured out how to make the 137mg dosage work for me because that dosage was only made by synthroid. I take 2 pills mostly, 1 day a week I take 1 pill or no pill. I have been on that dosage for 3 years now (12 years on generic). It saves money cause I'm not throwing away pills every 3 months. Since I have been stable I have found myself to be less tired and I realized my hair loss seems to cycle instead of just happening randomly. My body temp control still is wonky.


I was Diagnosed with my 1st BC at age 31, second BC 39, which was a totally different type in other breast. That’s when they discovered I had Chek2 . I’ve had so many skin cancers I can’t count , all 3 types. I have to get checked every 2 Months. In 2020 had Right side of Thyroid removed cause it had 5 pre cancer nodules on it. I’ve also been diagnosed with Grover’s Disease, rare skin condition. In 1998, after the birth of my first child, a Malignant Peripheral nerve Sheath Tumor was removed from in between my breast. The only reason I’m on here I was looking it up and saw your comment about Chek 2. I’m sorry we all have this but I’m glad I found you guys. Both my sons have it but my daughter does not. Plus this week I found out my thyroid is off again but it’s my T3 . So having ultrasound on it to see what’s going on. Having said all this lol , I feel blessed , to be here and help others.

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@jpmtja123 Wow, you've had a lot of different cancer issues to deal with. The more stories I hear about multiple cancers for people with CHEK2 mutation, the more concerning it gets. My oncologists just seemed to focus on my BRCA2 mutation and I didn't get much of a reaction when I showed them new test results showing the CHEK2 mutation. In fact, a lot of doctors are unfamiliar with it even though I've read it's more common than BRCA2. BRCA mutations seem to get all the attention. Prayers from me too.

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