Multnomah County Library Priorities

Revised October 2022

Multnomah County Library’s mission: Empowering our community to learn and create

Multnomah County Library serves our community based on a set of priorities that change over time and on four pillars that will not change.

Our pillars:

Free access for all
A trusted guide for learning
The leading advocate for reading
A champion for equity and inclusion

The library works to create an environment that serves and supports those who have not had access or been welcomed. The library acknowledges its own legacy of oppression and racism and is committed to a path of evolution and improvement to deconstruct those systems. Multnomah County Library will focus resources on people and groups who have been left out. To this end, the library will act based on the priorities below.

Our priorities:

Evolving library services

  • Centering community voices, race and culture in developing library services, collections and resources
  • Meeting and serving communities at their point of need
  • Uplifting the voices of those who have not been heard

Supporting education and learning for all ages

  • Serving youth, educators, parents and caregivers in libraries and beyond
  • Offering students and learners tools and resources to help online and in-person learning
  • Providing tools and help for lifelong learning

Delivering technology training, access, and assistance for all

  • Making technology available and useful for those who need it most
  • Collaborating with partners to provide devices, internet access and training
  • Acting and advocating for digital equity and inclusion

Creating and maintaining safe and healthy spaces

  • Serving people in buildings that are as safe and healthy as we can make them
  • Striving to maintain inclusive library spaces that promote emotional health and safety
  • Planning for future library spaces that support safety, health and wellbeing

Multnomah County Library Priorities 2022–2023 printer-friendly version