Updated May 10, 2023

Fern grows after Eagle Creek Fire
Resilience after the Eagle Creek Fire (US Forest Service)

Multnomah County is currently coordinating an update to the countywide Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The purpose of this plan is to create a prioritized strategies to reduce the harm from future wildfires and wildfire smoke events to people, property, natural resources and infrastructure. The last plan was completed in 2010, and the update is planned to be completed by June 2023. Currently, plan partners and stakeholders are reviewing content of a final draft plan. When completed, the plan will be hosted on this website and a public review process will occur after Spring adoption. Participating organizations have come from throughout the county and include Fire Districts, City and County Departments, State and Federal Agencies, Power Utilities, other regional land management districts, and others.

Wildfire and wildfire smoke have become two of Multnomah County’s most pressing hazards. The risk of fire and smoke has been known for a long time, but responding has become more urgent in the last decade due to warmer winters and longer summers that have reduced snowpack, lengthened fire seasons and impacted natural ecosystems. At the same time, Multnomah County has had significant population growth, with more community members living alongside wildfire risk, and more people vulnerable to the health effects of smoke.

Dangerous fire conditions have led to recent disasters. The Eagle Creek Fire in 2017 burned nearly 50,000 acres in Eastern Multnomah County and Hood River County, destroying structures and requiring extensive evacuations. The 2020 Labor Day windstorm fanned fires across Oregon that blanketed Multnomah County in smoke and having some of the worst air quality in the world for days.

Delays to the project have caused a change in the plan update process. A draft plan will posted on this site as soon as possible, and a public engagement process is planned over the summer to improve the plan. The first adopted version of the plan will occur before that process, to ensure that local communities are eligible for Community Wildfire Defense Grants expected to be posted in April. The plan will be updated in the Fall and again annually to ensure it is consistent with new initiatives, research and lessons learned from future events.

Senate Bill 762 has created a number of new statewide initiatives that are in the process of being implemented, including revised risk maps. The first version of the Multnomah County CWPP update will use existing risk data provided by the US Forest Service and Oregon Department of Forestry, until the new statewide mapping has been finalized. Additional local mapping needs will then be re-assessed in light of the State mapping. 

Why is the plan being updated now?

  • 10 years have passed since the last plan.
  • Recent experience from fire and smoke events could be used to re-evaluate priorities.
  • Improved mapping and data became available through the United States Forest Service and hosted by Oregon Department of Forestry.
  • New initiatives through Oregon Senate Bill 762 and other national wildfire mitigation prioritization programs.
  • A desire to add wildfire smoke as a hazard (not included in 2011 plan).
  • A need to refresh coordination between stakeholders and maintain lasting relationships.
  • Goal to make a more equitable plan - one that considers how risks from fire and smoke disproportionately impact County residents.
  • Post-Disaster FEMA grant money from the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire became available.

What is a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)?   

A CWPP is a mitigation plan, and mitigation is work that happens before an event occurs, as compared to responding or recovering after a disaster. Agencies come together to identify risks and prioritize strategies to try to make future events less damaging. A CWPP does not have specific about how to respond to a fire or smoke event, but instead identifies the gaps in current planning and preparation.

FEMA Disaster Cycle
FEMA Disaster Cycle
The CWPP is also not a regulatory plan – it does not create new rules, but works within existing policies to create an action plan that can be successfully addressed through grants and inter-governmental coordination.   

Wildfire Mitigation Resources

Wildfire Smoke Mitigation Resources


The 2011 Multnomah County CWPP


  • Promote public awareness, understanding, and actions to reduce risk.
  • Reduce risk to people, property and environment.
  • Maintain a comprehensive, countywide risk assessment.
  • Support a disaster resilient economy.
  • Develop and maintain collaborative partnerships and funding strategies for implementing the MCWPP.

The 2011 CWPP is linked below.  If you have any questions about the 2011 CWPP, please email David Lentzner at david.lentzner @ multco.us or call 503-988-7563.

Michael Rieger/FEMA News Photo

Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Entire Document

Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Document Breakout