www.fgks.org   »   [go: up one dir, main page]

This segment was produced by NBC San Francisco, and was aired nationally on most NBC affiliate stations.

Watch it at:

also, “techrockr” has made an intro tutorial video to using BookMooch, which you can see here:

Technorati Tags:

MostwaZorked.net has made several interesting reports available using the BookMooch data feeds.

BookMooch.com – Top 100 Most Wanted Books
BookMooch.com – Top 300 Most Wanted Books
BookMooch.com – Top 500 Most Wanted Books
BookMooch.com – Top 100 Most Available Books
BookMooch.com – Top 300 Most Available Books
BookMooch.com – Top 500 Most Available Books

As many of you know, if you click the “amazon info” button on a book
at BookMooch, and buy the book, BookMooch gets a percentage (which is
currently 7.5%). This is the only way BookMooch makes money, which
is how I can avoid charging anyone for the site, and it’s a nice
“passive” way, since I don’t have to shove commercial or donation
requests on the site 😀

Some stats I received today from Amazon:

1) this quarter, we have sold 922 books for Amazon
2) 1.6% of you who click “amazon info” buy a book
3) Amazon is paying us $1300 is commissions this quarter
4) Since inception, 1493 books have been ordered at Amazon, and there
have been 45,000 mooches. That works out to “For every 30 books
mooched, one is bought on Amazon” or a 3.31% purchase rate.

Now, while these sums of money are pretty small, I’m happy because
this more or less pays for the machine, bandwidth, accounting and
legal bills. Well, not quite for the bandwidth, but for the other

Amazon Bought

This chart shows that we cause 10 to 15 books a day to get sold at
Amazon, though in December that number grew to 20 to 25 (which is
probably because of christmas)

Daily Clicks

This other chart shows the number of clicks on the “amazon info”
button, which is remarkably stable around 1000 a day, which is odd
given that web site usage has gone up since we launched.

Technorati Tags:

We have an cozy space on Second Life:

  • Hang out and discuss books:
    our space is in the corner of Magnatune’s land (near the mountains), with three seating areas situated among trees, flowers, an ocean view, and soothing classical music playing in the background.

  • To go to our space:
    search for “bookmooch” in Second Life and teleport to it or click on this link: BookMooch

  • Tshirt: a free BookMooch tshirt for your avatar
  • Message board: leave us a comment when you visit
  • Dog: play with Janford Flax’s dog Bennie
  • Not on? if you’re not yet a member of Second Life, click here to join for free. Be sure to enter “Janford Flax” (that’s Mrs. BookMooch) on the “referred by” field.

  • countries using BM

    December 8, 2006

    I ran excel on the countries page and came up with the stats printed




    Country – Books – Percent of total – Percent on non-USA

    United States – 65412 – 68.56% – n/a
    United Kingdom – 7692 – 8.06% – 25.65%
    Canada – 4877 – 5.11% – 16.26%
    Singapore – 4024 – 4.22% – 13.42%
    Australia – 2060 – 2.16% – 6.87%
    Germany – 1475 – 1.55% – 4.92%
    France – 1030 – 1.08% – 3.43%
    Belgium – 770 – 0.81% – 2.57%
    Italy – 595 – 0.62% – 1.98%
    Switzerland – 578 – 0.61% – 1.93%
    Finland – 568 – 0.60% – 1.89%
    Portugal – 495 – 0.52% – 1.65%
    Yugoslavia – 450 – 0.47% – 1.50%
    New Zealand – 420 – 0.44% – 1.40%
    Ireland – 417 – 0.44% – 1.39%

    You can see that the USA represents a bit more then 2/3rd of
    BookMooch books (68.56%).

    Taking the USA out, the UK represents 25% of non-USA members, then
    Canada (16%), Singapore (13%), Australia (13%), Germany (5%) and
    France (3%)


    The stats for people using BM by country are similar.

    Country – People – Percent of total – Percent on non-USA

    United States – 3686 – 66.13% –
    United Kingdom – 566 – 10.15% – 29.98%
    Canada – 263 – 4.72% – 13.93%
    Singapore – 255 – 4.57% – 13.51%
    Australia – 120 – 2.15% – 6.36%
    Germany – 63 – 1.13% – 3.34%
    Finland – 48 – 0.86% – 2.54%
    India – 41 – 0.74% – 2.17%
    Belgium – 34 – 0.61% – 1.80%
    Italy – 31 – 0.56% – 1.64%
    France – 30 – 0.54% – 1.59%
    Portugal – 30 – 0.54% – 1.59%
    Switzerland – 27 – 0.48% – 1.43%
    New Zealand – 26 – 0.47% – 1.38%
    Ireland – 23 – 0.41% – 1.22%
    Spain – 23 – 0.41% – 1.22%


    Technorati Tags:

    I printed up a 100 pack of BookMooch minicards from http://
    www.moo.com/flickr/ for $20. I wanted to have personalized bookmarks
    I could include in books I send out.

    They’ve arrived, and they’re adorable. I’m attaching a photo of the
    cards to this email.

    I made the bookmooch minicard graphics public on flickr.

    First, from your flickr account, make a set of my bookmooch minicard
    photos, which you can see from here:

    Then, visit this URL to select these photos and make an order:

    For the text on the back of the card, I decided to advertising
    BookMooch on the top, and then my personal collection at the bottom,
    like so:

    BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books

    Mooch my books!

    You’ll get a tiny little box in the mail, with your 100 cards. I’m
    including one card with each book I send out, as a bookmark, and just
    as a promo/reminder of who they got it from.




    December 1, 2006

    I made a BookMooch mug for myself, and ordered an 11oz and 15oz version.

    A picture of the mug is below.

    If you think it’s cute, you can get one for yourself from:

    I made a white-background version of the BookMooch graphic, so that
    it would print well on mugs and other white objects. You can
    download it from http://bookmooch.com/about/logos and make your own
    products if you’re so inclined.

    Bmmug Bmmug3 Bmmug2

    Technorati Tags: