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988 Social Media Shareables

  • These shareables were designed for use as social media posts, stories and threads.

Mental Health Awareness PSAs

Video begins with a search bar in the middle of the screen against an orange to purple gradient background. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo appears at the bottom of the video. The video begins with “struggling with anxiety” being typed in the search bar on the screen.

The video cuts to the words “THERE IS HOPE.” The video ends by showing a young Black woman on the side of the screen, holding her cell phone, looking up, with a hopeful facial expression. She is wearing a ribbed white beanie, hair in long braids, and is wearing a white sweatshirt.

Then text appears alongside the woman that reads there is hope. Text or call 988 to connect with someone who cares.

Hashtag Mental Health Awareness, hashtag 988Lifeline, 24/7

Post Copy - Facebook: If you feel anxious or distressed, please reach out for help. 988 connects you with trained crisis counselors, 24/7. #MentalHealthAwareness #988Lifeline #MentalHealth #Hope

Post Copy - Twitter: To anyone who struggles with their mental health, know that there IS hope and help waiting for you! Contact the #988Lifeline to talk to a trained crisis counselor. #MentalHealthAwareness #Hope

Post Copy - Instagram: Often when we experience anxiety or hardship, it can feel isolating. There is hope. There are people who care and want to help. If you or a loved one are struggling, you can call, text, or chat with the 988 Lifeline at no cost to you, 24/7/365.

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Distressing levels of anxiety can happen to anyone, at any time. If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to—at any hour, day or night—the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is there for you. #988Lifeline #MentalHealthAwareness #Anxiety

Alt-text: Video begins with a search bar in the middle of the screen against an orange to purple gradient background. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo appears at the bottom of the video. The video begins with “struggling with anxiety” being typed in the search bar on the screen.

The video cuts to the words “THERE IS HOPE.” The video ends by showing a young Black woman on the side of the screen, holding her cell phone, looking up, with a hopeful facial expression. She is wearing a ribbed white beanie, hair in long braids, and is wearing a white sweatshirt.

Then text appears alongside the woman that reads there is hope. Text or call 988 to connect with someone who cares.

Hashtag Mental Health Awareness, hashtag 988Lifeline, 24/7.

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 Download the PSA Video (MP4 | 11.6 MB)

Graphic is an orange to purple gradient featuring a young Black woman on the right side of the screen, holding her cell phone, looking up, with a hopeful facial expression. She is wearing a ribbed white beanie and sweatshirt and her is hair in long braids. Text reads: Struggling with anxiety. There is hope. Text or call 988 to connect with someone who cares. Hashtag Mental Health Awareness, hashtag 988 Lifeline. 24/7

Post Copy - Facebook: You don’t have to struggle with your mental health alone. There’s help. #988Lifeline #MentalHealthAwareness #Anxiety

Post Copy - Twitter: Life can get overwhelming. Take it one moment at a time. Things will get better. If you need someone to reach out to for help, #988Lifeline is here 24/7/365. #988Lifeline #MentalHealthAwareness #Hope

Post Copy - Instagram: Life is full of ups and downs. Know that asking for help is a sign of strength. Call or text the 988 Lifeline to speak to a trained crisis counselor who is there for you whenever you need. #988Lifeline #MentalHealthAwareness

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Distressing levels of anxiety can happen to anyone, at any time. When things feel overwhelming, know that there is hope and help. #988Lifeline #MentalHealthAwareness #Anxiety

Alt-text: Graphic is an orange to purple gradient featuring a young Black woman on the right side of the screen, holding her cell phone, looking up, with a hopeful facial expression. She is wearing a ribbed white beanie and sweatshirt and her is hair in long braids. Text reads: Struggling with anxiety. There is hope. Text or call 988 to connect with someone who cares. Hashtag Mental Health Awareness, hashtag 988 Lifeline. 24/7

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 Facebook Post Graphic (PNG | 1.2 MB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 1.1 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (PNG | 879 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (PNG | 1 MB)

Adult Suicide Warnings Signs

Images have been designed to work as a slideshow

Post Copy: There are many warning signs that a person may be at risk of suicide. If someone you know is talking about or making plans to hurt themselves, take it seriously. Let them know there is hope and encourage them to call or text 988 for help. #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline

Graphic with a photo of an adult and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. We Can Be Each Other’s Lifeline. Learn how to recognize the warning signs when someone may be at risk of suicide.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. We Can Be Each Other’s Lifeline. Learn how to recognize the warning signs when someone may be at risk of suicide.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 641 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man on the phone and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about or making plans for suicide. Talking about feeling hopeless.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man on the phone and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about or making plans for suicide. Talking about feeling hopeless."

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 640 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man on a farm and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about being a burden to others.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man on a farm and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about being a burden to others.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 773 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man outside in a city and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. Acting anxious or agitated. Behaving recklessly.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man outside in a city and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. Acting anxious or agitated. Behaving recklessly.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 581 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 601 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman looking out the window and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge. Displaying extreme mood swings.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman looking out the window and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge. Displaying extreme mood swings.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 722 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 498 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. We Can Be Each Other’s Lifeline. Learn how to recognize the warning signs when someone may be at risk of suicide.”

Post Copy: There are many warning signs that a person may be at risk of suicide. If you or someone you know needs help now, the #988Lifeline is here to help. Check out this thread to learn about suicide warning signs in adults. #MentalHealthMonth

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. We Can Be Each Other’s Lifeline. Learn how to recognize the warning signs when someone may be at risk of suicide.

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 545 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man on the phone and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about or making plans for suicide. Talking about feeling hopeless.”

Post Copy: If someone you know is talking about or making plans to hurt themselves, take it seriously. Let them know there is hope and encourage them to call or text 988 for help. #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man on the phone and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about or making plans for suicide. Talking about feeling hopeless.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 679 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man on a farm and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about being a burden to others.”

Post Copy: Many people at risk of suicide feel they are a burden to others or a problem that can’t be solved. Show them love and compassion and let them know that help is available. Learn more: #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man on a farm and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Talking about being a burden to others.

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 607 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult man outside in a city and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. Acting anxious or agitated. Behaving recklessly.”

Post Copy: Significant behavior changes can be a sign that someone is in a mental health crisis. Learn more about warning signs that may mean someone is at risk: #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult man outside in a city and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. Acting anxious or agitated. Behaving recklessly.

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 502 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

Post Copy: Is someone you care for withdrawing from things around them? This may be a warning sign that they are in crisis. Check in on them and show them you care. Encourage them to call or text 988 to talk to a trained crisis counselor any time. #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 558 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

Post Copy: Big feelings like extreme anger may be a risk factor for suicide. Ask questions. Be willing to listen. Get help from the #988Lifeline. Learn more: #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “Suicide Warning Signs in Adults. Behavior Changes Like: Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawing or feeling isolated.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 642 KB)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

Post Copy: Get help from the #988Lifeline. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 396 KB)

You Matter. Text, call, or chat 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Post Copy - Facebook: Talking with someone about your thoughts and feelings could save your life. And you matter! @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Twitter: Don’t do it alone. Talk with someone about your thoughts and feelings. It could save a life—yours! And you matter. @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth #suicideprevention

Post Copy - Instagram: You matter! Talk to someone about your feelings. You could save a life (yours!). @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth #suicideprevention

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Spread the word this May, Mental Health Awareness Month. No one is alone. We all matter.

Alt-text: You Matter. Text, call, or chat 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

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 Facebook Post Graphic (GIF | 6.3 MB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (GIF | 13.7 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (GIF | 1.7 MB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (GIF | 3.3 MB)

Colorful graphic that reads, You Matter. Text, call, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Post Copy - Facebook: You matter. During Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond, support is a text, call, or chat away. Talk to us 24/7. @988lifeline

Post Copy - Twitter: You matter during #mentalhealthmonth and beyond. If you need it, support is a call, text, or chat away. @988Lifeline.

Post Copy - Instagram: You matter during #mentalhealthmonth and every day of the year. If you need it, support is at your fingertips.

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Help spread the word about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline during May, Mental Health Awareness Month. People in distress, crisis, or struggling with alcohol or substance use can text, call, or chat 988 anytime, day or night. Learn more at

Alt-text: Colorful graphic that reads, You Matter. Text, call, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

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 Facebook Post Graphic (GIF | 369 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (GIF | 346 KB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (GIF | 563 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (GIF | 353 B)

Graphic with a photo of two adult men talking together, and text that reads Know the signs of suicide. There is hope. Along with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

Post Copy - Facebook: Warning signs let you know if someone is at risk for suicide, especially if their behavior is new or seems related to loss or change. @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: Learn the warning signs of #suicide to save a life. #mentalhealthmonth #988lifeline

Post Copy - Twitter: Learn the warning signs of #suicide this #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Learn and look out for the warning signs of suicide. It could save a life—your own or someone else’s. Please share these warning signs now, during Mental Health Awareness Month.

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of two adult men talking together, and text that reads Know the signs of suicide. There is hope. Along with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

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 Facebook Post Graphic (GIF | 45 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (GIF | 39 MB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (GIF | 75 MB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (GIF | 45 MB)

Youth Suicide Warning Signs

Images have been designed to work as a slideshow

Post Copy: If a young person you know has been talking about suicide, keep calm but take it seriously. Call/text 988 or chat at to find out how to help. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “We can be each other’s lifeline. Know the warning signs of suicide risk in young people.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “We can be each other’s lifeline. Know the warning signs of suicide risk in young people.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 1 MB)

Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Talking about or making plans for suicide.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Talking about or making plans for suicide.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 901 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Expressing hopelessness about the future.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Expressing hopelessness about the future.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 859 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Displaying severe or overwhelming emotional pain or distress.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Displaying severe or overwhelming emotional pain or distress.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 1 MB)

Graphic with a photo of two teenagers and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Worrisome changes in behavior.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of two teenagers and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Worrisome changes in behavior.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 960 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or Text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or Text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

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 Facebook & Instagram Story Post Graphic (9:16) (JPG | 772 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “We can be each other’s lifeline. Know the warning signs of suicide risk in young people.”

Post Copy: Check out this thread to learn about suicide warning signs in young people. If you notice any of these signs in family or friends, take action. Call/text 988 or chat at today. #MentalHealthMonth

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “We can be each other’s lifeline. Know the warning signs of suicide risk in young people.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 699 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Talking about or making plans for suicide.”

Post Copy: If a young person you know has been talking about suicide, keep calm but take it seriously. Call/text 988 or chat at to find out how to help. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Talking about or making plans for suicide.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 676 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Expressing hopelessness about the future.”

Post Copy: Remind a young person in crisis that there is hope. The #988Lifeline is here to help. Call or text 988 or chat for help today. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Expressing hopelessness about the future.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 621 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Displaying severe or overwhelming emotional pain or distress.”

Post Copy: If you know a young person experiencing severe emotional pain, encourage them to talk about it. Let them know that they can call or text 988 any time. It’s free and confidential. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention #988 Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a female teenager and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Displaying severe or overwhelming emotional pain or distress.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 763 KB)

Graphic with a photo of two teenagers and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Worrisome changes in behavior.”

Post Copy: Suicide risk in young people can often look like withdrawal, rage, or problems sleeping. Talking with someone can save a life. Encourage them to reach out to the #988Lifeline via call, text, or chat to get the help they need. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of two teenagers and text, “Suicide Warning Sign in Youth. Worrisome changes in behavior.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 672 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or Text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

Post Copy: Big feelings like extreme anger may be a risk factor for suicide. Ask questions. Be willing to listen. Get help from the #988Lifeline. Learn more: #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager and text, “If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or Text: 988. Chat: You can also reach out to a mental health professional.”

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 Twitter Post Graphic (16:9) (JPG | 551 KB)

Graphic with a photo of a male teenager with text, “Talk to us. There is hope. Text. Chat. Call. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo”

Post Copy - Facebook: Remind a young person in crisis that there is hope. 988 is here to help—during Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond.

Post Copy - Twitter: Remind a young person in #crisis that there is hope. 988 is here to help—during #MentalHealthMonth and beyond.

Post Copy - Instagram: Remind a young person in #crisis that there is hope. 988 is here to help—during #MentalHealthMonth and beyond.

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Spread the word that young people in crisis do not need to suffer alone. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here to help—every day, 24/7.

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a male teenager with text, “Talk to us. There is hope. Text. Chat. Call. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

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 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 141 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 180 KB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 181 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 141 B)

Graphic with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo and text that reads, there is hope in bold and repeated in the background; and an image of open hands with a heart between them.

Post Copy: If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, 988 provides 24/7 connection to confidential support. There is Hope. Just call or text 988 or chat #988Lifeline

Post Copy: Let’s spread hope! The 988 Lifeline helps thousands of people overcome suicidal crisis or mental-health distress every day. Call or text 988 or chat if you or someone you know needs support. #988lifeline #suicideprevention

Alt-text: Graphic with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo and text that reads, there is hope in bold and repeated in the background; and an image of open hands with a heart between them.

  Instagram Post Graphic (1:1) (PNG | 82 KB)

  Facebook & Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 219 KB)

Be a Lifeline

Be the Lifeline with images of smartphone, hearts, life preserver. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat

Post Copy - Facebook: If you think someone is in crisis or at risk of #suicide, be a lifeline. Stay with them until you can get them help and call, chat, or text 988. Learn other ways to help #988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Twitter: Is someone you know in crisis? Stay with them until you can get help. Call, text, or chat 988. #988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: Are you worried about someone you know who may be in crisis? Stay with them until you can get them help. Call, text, or chat with @988lifeline. #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - LinkedIn: During Mental Health Month, let your network know how to help someone in need. Everyone can help someone in need by reaching out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Alt-text: Be the Lifeline with images of smartphone, hearts, life preserver. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat

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 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 364 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 523 KB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 428 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 364 B)

Graphic with a photo of an adult woman, with text “988 is here to help you help others. Call, text, or chat.” 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo

Post Copy - Facebook: Be a lifeline for someone who is in crisis or considering #suicide. Call, chat, or text 988. You could save a life. @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Twitter: Be a lifeline for someone who is in crisis or considering #suicide. Call, chat, or text 988. You could save a life. @988lifeline #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: Save a life by being a lifeline for someone considering #suicide. Call, chat, or text 988. @988lifeline #MentalHealthMonth

Post Copy - LinkedIn: We can all be ready to save a life. Spread the word about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline this Mental Health Awareness Month.

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of an adult woman, with text “988 is here to help you help others. Call, text, or chat.” 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

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 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 687 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 1 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 878 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 687 B)

Post Copy: When someone you love is in crisis and needs support, it can be hard to know what to do. 5 steps are known to help save lives. #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Post Copy: Ask. Be There. Follow Up. 3 of 5 key steps to help someone you know in crisis. The 988 Lifeline is here to help you and your friends/loved ones. Call. Text. Chat. #988lifeline #suicideprevention

Post Copy: A person in crisis is a family in crisis is a community in crisis. You can be a lifeline. Call or text 988 or chat if you or someone you know needs support. #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with an image of open hands with a heart between them, and text that reads, there is hope; the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo; and a list of steps to help someone in crisis.
Details of the graphic are: Do you know someone in crisis? You can be a lifeline and help support them. Here are five steps you can take that are known to help:

  1. Ask: Are you thinking about suicide? How do you hurt? How can I help?
  2. Be there: In person or on the phone. Show support. Listen. Keep promises to connect.
  3. Help keep them safe: if the person in crisis is suicidal, details matter; do they have a plan, or ideas about timing or method? You can call 988 to support their crisis care.
  4. Help them connect: When someone is in crisis, connecting them with ongoing supports can help establish a safety net. Remind them they can call, text, or chat 988 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.
  5. Follow up: After the immediate crisis is over, check in. That text or call afterwards makes a real difference.

Meditation Videos

Meditation video with green background and graphics of hands surrounding a purple heart. Text encourages viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Post Copy - Facebook: Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Repeat. 😮‍💨 [breathe]. Take time during #MentalHealthMonth and every day to meditate—especially if you feel overwhelmed or distressed. ❤️ There is help if you need it. Call, chat, or text 988 for free, confidential support 24/7. ❤️ #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealthAwareness #DailyMeditation #988Lifeline

Post Copy - Twitter: Take a moment for yourself today during #mentalhealthmonth to breathe deeply and meditate. And, if you’re struggling, there is help and hope when you call, chat, or text 988. #mentalhealthawareness #988Lifeline #mentalhealth

Post Copy - Instagram: Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Repeat. 😮‍💨 [breathe]. Learn to take time out for yourself during #MentalHealthMonth—especially if you feel overwhelmed or distressed. There is help if you need it. Call, chat, or text 988 for free, confidential support 24/7. ❤️❤️❤️ #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealth Awareness #DailyMeditation #988Lifeline

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Take a minute today—during Mental Health Awareness Month—to breathe. And remind others by sharing. #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Alt-text: Meditation video with green background and graphics of hands surrounding a purple heart. Text encourages viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

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 Breathe In Video 1 with Music (1:1) (MP4 | 11.9 MB) - 30 seconds 

 Breathe In Video 1 with Audio Description (1:1) (MP4 | 11.9 MB) - 30 seconds

Meditation video with blue and purple abstracts of a face and heart encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Post Copy - Facebook: Take a moment for yourself today during #MentalHealthMonth. There is help if you or someone you know is struggling. Have ❤️ There is hope. Text or call 988 or chat for free, confidential support 24/7.

Post Copy - Twitter: Take a moment for yourself today during #mentalhealthmonth. There is help and hope if you’re struggling. @988lifeline.

Post Copy - Instagram: Take a moment for yourself today during #mentalhealthmonth. There is help if you or someone you know is struggling. Have ❤️ There is hope through @988lifeline.

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Life can be hard. Take a breather and reach out if you need support. #mentalhealthmonth #988lifeline

Alt-text: Meditation video with blue and purple abstracts of a face and heart encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

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 Breathe In Video 2 with Music (1:1) (MP4 | 12 MB) - 45 seconds 

 Breathe In Video 2 with Audio Description (1:1) (MP4 | 12 MB) - 45 seconds

Meditation video with pastel background and abstract hearts encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Post Copy - Facebook: Take a few minutes for you today. You deserve it. #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Post Copy - Twitter: Take a minute for yourself today to breathe. #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Post Copy - Instagram: This is a sign to take a minute for yourself today and 😮‍💨 [breathe]. #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Take a minute for yourself today to breathe. And remind others by sharing. #mentalhealthmonth @988lifeline

Alt-text: Meditation video with pastel background and abstract hearts encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Download & Share

 Breathe In Video 3 with Music (1:1) (MP4 | 14.4 MB) - 1 minute 

 Breathe In Video 3 with Audio Description (1:1) (MP4 | 14.4 MB) - 1 minute

Meditation video with pastel blue background and abstract chat boxes encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Post Copy - Facebook: It’s ok to not be ok. Take a deep breath with us. And if you need help, call or text 988 or chat They’re there for you! #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Twitter: It’s ok to not be ok. Breathe with us. And if you need help, call or text 988 or chat 24/7. #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: It’s ok to not feel ok. 👌 Take a deep breath with us. And if you need help, call or text 988 or chat They’re there for you! #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Take a minute to remind a friend to take a deep breath and practice self-care. Life can be hard—we’re here for each other. If you or someone you know needs help, call or text 988 or chat #mentalhealthmonth #988lifeline

Alt-text: Meditation video with pastel blue background and abstract chat boxes encouraging viewers to breathe in, hold, and breathe out, with a reminder that if you are struggling, reach out to the 988 Lifeline via call, text, or chat for support.

Download & Share

 Breathe In Video 4 with Music (MP4 | 15.5 MB) - 1 minute 

 Breathe In Video 4 with Audio Description (1:1) (MP4 | 15.5 MB) - 1 minute

Make a Safety Plan

Graphic with a photo of a female teenager texting the 988 Lifeline, with text “Know who to call when you need help” and the 988 Lifeline Suicide Crisis Lifeline

Post Copy - Facebook: Don’t wait for a crisis to create a #suicideprevention safety plan. #mentalhealthmonth is the perfect time to take care of yourself. Visit for your “how-to.” @988lifeline #mentalhealth

Post Copy - Twitter: Don’t wait for a #mentalhealth crisis. Create a #suicideprevention plan this #MentalHealthMonth. Go to for your “how-to.” @988lifeline #mentalhealthawareness

Post Copy - Instagram: Don’t wait for a crisis. Create a #suicideprevention plan this #MentalHealthMonth. Go to for your “how-to.” @988lifeline #mentalhealthawareness

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the U.S.—and even more common among children and teens. Help educate people about creating a crisis safety plan this Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn more at

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a female teenager texting the 988 Lifeline, with text “Know who to call when you need help” and the 988 Lifeline Suicide Crisis Lifeline.

Download & Share

 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 836 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 1.4 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 1.2 MB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 836 B)

988 is Here to Help

Graphic with a photo of female crisis call center operator and text, “988 is here to help. Call, text, or chat today.” 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo”

Post Copy - Facebook: Pass it on! Share this post to help spread the word about the #988Lifeline. You could be the one to help someone get the support they need. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Post Copy - Twitter: Spread the word about the #988lifeline. You can help people get the help they need. #suicideprevention #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: Help people get the help they need. Spread the word about the @988lifeline this #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Most of us know someone who is struggling emotionally or may even be in crisis and at risk of suicide. For Mental Health Awareness Month, please share so we can all be equipped to help each other in times of need.

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of female crisis call center operator and text, “988 is here to help. Call, text, or chat today.” 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

Download & Share

 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 272 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 538 KB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 496 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 272 B)

Graphic with a sun and moon and text, “988 is always here to help.”

Post Copy - Facebook: Get emotional support at any time of day by calling, texting, or chatting the trained counselors at the #988Lifeline. #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Post Copy - Twitter: Connect with a trained crisis counselor at any time – day or night – by calling or texting 988 or chatting at #MentalHealthMonth #988Lifeline #SuicidePrevention

Post Copy - Instagram: The #988Lifeline is here to provide emotional support for anyone who needs it at any time - ☀️ or 🌙. Call, text, or chat and get the emotional support you need! #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Post Copy - LinkedIn: The #988Lifeline team is here for you at any time – day or night. Call, text, or chat and get the emotional support you need! #MentalHealthMonth #SuicidePrevention

Alt-text: Graphic with a sun and moon and text, “988 is always here to help.”

Download & Share

 Facebook Post Graphic (JPG | 703 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (JPG | 1.1 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (JPG | 919 KB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (JPG | 708 B)

Graphic with a photo of a young Black woman seated alone on an empty bus texting on her smartphone, with text “Text us 24/7 every day. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat”

Post Copy - Facebook: Feeling distressed and can’t find alone space to call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline? Text 988 anytime, day or night. It’s free. It’s confidential. And it’s at your fingertips.

Post Copy - Twitter: Feeling distressed? Have people around all the time? Text 988 anytime (days, nights, weekends – really, ANY TIME!) for free, confidential help. #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - Instagram: Need to talk with someone but don’t have any alone space? Text 988 for free, confidential support 24/7. #mentalhealthmonth #988lifeline

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Remind friends, family, and colleagues that they can text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline instead of calling. Texting is also available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a young Black woman seated alone on an empty bus texting on her smartphone, with text “Text us 24/7 every day. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat”

Download & Share

 Facebook Post Graphic (PNG | 731 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 1.3 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (PNG | 1.1 MB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (PNG | 729 B)

Graphic with a photo of a Black man concentrating on a laptop while chatting with 988, with text “Chat with us. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat”

Post Copy - Facebook: Feeling distressed and can’t find the privacy to call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline? Text 988 anytime, day or night. It’s free. It’s confidential. It’s at your fingertips.

Post Copy - Twitter: Feeling distressed? Chat with a counselor via 24/7/365. It’s free and confidential.

Post Copy - Instagram: Need to talk with someone but can’t talk on the phone? You can chat with the #988lifeline 24/7 at #mentalhealthmonth

Post Copy - LinkedIn: Remind your network that people in crisis can chat with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline instead of calling—24 hours a day, every day of the year at

Alt-text: Graphic with a photo of a Black man concentrating on a laptop while chatting with 988, with text “Chat with us. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat”

Download & Share

 Facebook Post Graphic (PNG | 601 KB)

 Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 1.2 MB)

 Instagram Post Graphic (PNG | 1.2 MB)

 LinkedIn Post Graphic (PNG | 600 KB)

Graphic with photo of young woman looking down using a mobile phone and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

Post Copy: When you’re struggling and in crisis and text 988, your trained counselor will listen, support, and share resources. #988Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of young woman looking down using a mobile phone and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

  Instagram Post Graphic (1:1) (PNG | 276 KB)

  Facebook & Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 1.2 MB)

988 Awareness Explainer Videos

Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, 988 24/7 crisis and support.

Post Copy: If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat 988 connects you with a trained crisis counselor who can help.

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, 988 24/7 crisis and support.

Download & Share

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post with Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 9 MB) - 30 Seconds 

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post without Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 8 MB) - 30 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story with Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 11 MB) - 30 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story without Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 11 MB) - 30 Seconds

Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, what is 988?

Post Copy:  If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, what is 988?

Download & Share

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post with Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 14 MB) - 40 Seconds 

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post without Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 12 MB) - 40 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story with Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 16 MB) - 42 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story without Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 14 MB) - 42 Seconds

Graphic with a young woman looking down and text that reads, what is 988 for?

This item has been designed as a full start-to-finish social media post that both describes what 988 is and how it works, ending with the hope that 988 brings.

Alt-text: Graphic with a young woman looking down and text that reads, what is 988 for?

Download & Share

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post with Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 6 MB) - 21 Seconds

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post without Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 10 MB) - 21 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story with Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 8 MB) - 20 Seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story without Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 7 MB) - 20 Seconds

Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, what is 988?

This "What is 988?" item has been designed as the beginning portion describing what 988 is. It can then be paired with one of several elements over time – What happens when I call? What happens when I text? What happens when I chat?

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and text that reads, what is 988?

Download & Share

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post with Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 9 MB) - 32 seconds 

 Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Post without Audio (1:1) (MP4 | 8 MB) - 32 seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story with Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 11 MB) - 25 seconds

 Facebook & Instagram Story without Audio (9:16) (MP4 | 10 MB) - 25 seconds

988: Facts and Privacy

Post Copy: 988 Fact: What you say about yourself is your choice when you call, text or chat 988. The 988 Lifeline has several safeguards to address concerns about privacy. #suicideprevention #988lifeline Link:

Post Copy: 988 Fact: When you reach out to 988, the 988 Lifeline crisis counselor knows only your phone number if you call or text, or your IP address if you use chat. What you say about yourself is your choice. #suicideprevention #988lifeline 

Post Copy: 988 Fact: It’s OK to not say who you are or where you are when you call, text or chat 988. The 988 Lifeline is here for you. #suicideprevention #988lifeline 

Alt-text: Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are:

  • When you contact 988:
  • You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
  • You will get support from a trained crisis counselor.
  • Call or text 988, or chat
  • There is hope.

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #1 (1:1) (JPG | 481 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #1 (9:16) (JPG | 622 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #2 (1:1) (JPG | 498 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #2 (9:16) (JPG | 629 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope.  

 988 Privacy Graphic #3 (1:1) (JPG | 491 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #3 (9:16) (JPG | 640 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #4 (1:1) (JPG | 487 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #4 (9:16) (JPG | 644 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #5 (1:1) (JPG | 495 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #5 (9:16) (JPG | 640 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #6 (1:1) (JPG | 499 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #6 (9:16) (JPG | 651 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #7 (1:1) (JPG | 481 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #7 (9:16) (JPG | 634 KB)

Infographic with different facts about contacting the 988 Lifeline and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo. Details of the infographic are: 
•	When you contact 988:
•	You don’t have to say who you are or where you are.
•	You will get support from a trained crisis counselor. 
•	Call or text 988, or chat 988Lifline dot org. 
•	There is hope. 

 988 Privacy Graphic #8 (1:1) (JPG | 516 KB)
 988 Privacy Graphic #8 (9:16) (JPG | 684 KB)

Post Copy: Did you know: The 988 Lifeline helps thousands of people overcome crisis situations every day. #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Post Copy: 988 by the numbers: What happens with calls, texts, chats to the 988 Lifeline? See for yourself #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Alt-text: Infographic with different facts about the impact of contacting the 988 Lifeline. Details of the infographic are:

  • About 98% of people who contact the 988 Lifeline are helped by the crisis counselor, resources shared, or community connections made (without involvement of 911) during the call/text/chat.
  • 9,360 is the average number of daily contacts to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
  • About 1 percent of people who contact the 988 Lifeline agree to have their crisis counselor call 911 because of serious risk to life.
  • In fewer than 1 percent of the 988 contacts, the crisis counselor must call 911 without consent because of serious risk to life.

Static Graphics

Graphic of a 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline magnet with an image of open hands with a heart between them and text that reads, there is hope; and speech balloons that read, talk with us.

Post Copy: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline educational magnets are now available in the SAMHSA store. Help spread the word to those who are struggling in your communities. #988Lifeline

Suggested Audiences: governments, states, territories, tribes, crisis centers, and partners to educate and outreach about 988.

Post Copy: Simply calling or texting 988 or typing will connect you to compassionate care & support for mental health-related distress. #988Lifeline

Suggested Audiences: general public, at-risk audiences, public education/awareness.

Alt-text: Graphic of a 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline magnet with an image of open hands with a heart between them and text that reads, there is hope; and speech balloons that read, talk with us.

 Square Magnet Graphic (PNG | 78 KB)

Post Copy: Answer the call! Join the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline network as a volunteer or employee to answer calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. Save a life, make a difference today. Find your opportunity: #Answerthecall #988lifeline

Post Copy: If you’re interested in supporting the #988Lifeline or becoming a part of this life-saving work, there are volunteer and job opportunities available at our 200+ crisis centers across the country. Training is provided. Visit here to learn more: #Answerthecall #988lifeline

Facebook Post Copy: Answer the call! The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline network is made up of over 200 centers answering calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. These centers are looking are looking for empathetic volunteers, employees, and interns to serve as crisis counselors. You will receive training, so if you are a caring person who wants to help those in crisis, apply today. Find your opportunity:

Post Copy: If you’re a student interested in social work or behavioral health, apply to work at a 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline center. There are over 200 centers across the country to apply to. Find your opportunity here: #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Post Copy: The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline network is hiring volunteers and full-time workers today! You will receive training, so if you are a caring person who wants to help those in crisis, apply. Find your nearest center today: #suicideprevention #988lifeline

Facebook Post Copy: Answer the call! The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline network is made up of over 200 centers answering calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. These centers are looking are looking for empathetic volunteers, employees, and interns to serve as crisis counselors. You will receive training, so if you are a caring person who wants to help those in crisis, apply today. Find your opportunity:

Facebook Post Copy: Spread the word! The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is hiring crisis counselors as volunteers, part-time, and full-time employees. Apply to any one of the 200 centers answering, calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. Find your nearest center and apply today:

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of a young woman looking up through a window and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

Graphic with photo of an adult man and adult woman in an embrace, an image of open hands with a heart between them, and text that reads, there is hope; and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

Post Copy: If you or someone you know is struggling or needs support now, call or text 988 or chat – You are not alone. #988Lifeline

Alt-text: Graphic with photo of an adult man and adult woman in an embrace, an image of open hands with a heart between them, and text that reads, there is hope; and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logo.

  Instagram Post Graphic (1:1) (PNG | 247 KB)

  Facebook & Twitter Post Graphic (PNG | 1.3 MB)

Last Updated

Last Updated: 05/17/2023