The U.S. Embassy Partnered with RNW Media and CARD to Launch a Series of Media Training Sessions Across Ethiopia

Bahir Dar, October 19, 2022 –  The U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa funded a grant implemented by Radio Netherlands Worldwide Media (RNW) and the Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD) for a series of media training workshops.  This week, the facilitators were joined in Bahir Dar by representatives of the U.S. Embassy Public …

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Five Months of a Humanitarian Truce in Ethiopia

PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE AUGUST 24, 2022 We are concerned by reports of renewed hostilities in Ethiopia.  We call on the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) to redouble efforts to advance talks to achieve a durable ceasefire without preconditions and ultimately bring a permanent end to the conflict. Over the past five months, …

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The United States is Committed to Peace in Ethiopia and Across the Horn of Africa

Addis Ababa, August 9, 2022– During his first official visit to Ethiopia as U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa (SEHOA), Ambassador Mike Hammer met with senior Ethiopian government officials and African Union representatives to discuss opportunities and efforts to advance peace in Ethiopia and the region. SEHOA Hammer and Ambassador Tracey Jacobson, Chargé …

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U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Campbell, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Visited Gambella, Semera, and Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, August 5, 2022 – Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Campbell in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State visited Ethiopia this week to visit refugee camps and to gain a deeper understanding of the refugee experience in the country.  She visted Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp in Gambella August …

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Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Satterfield’s Travel to Ethiopia

Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa David Satterfield and Deputy Special Envoy Payton Knopf will arrive in Ethiopia April 13 for meetings with Ethiopian government officials, representatives of humanitarian organizations, and diplomatic partners. Their visit continues U.S. efforts towards ceasing hostilities, unhindered humanitarian access, transparent investigations into human rights abuses and violations by all …

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Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary of Foreign Affairs Raychelle Omamo at a Joint Press Availability

FOREIGN SECRETARY OMAMO:  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, from various media houses. We are delighted to welcome you to this press conference.  My name is Raychelle Omamo.  I am the cabinet secretary for foreign affairs of the Republic of Kenya, and I’m delighted to be sharing this platform with my dear friend and colleague, the …

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Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions on Certain Persons With Respect to the Humanitarian and Human Rights Crisis in Ethiopia

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) …

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Ceasefire in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region

For Immediate Release STATEMENT BY NED PRICE, SPOKESPERSON June 29, 2021 Ceasefire in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region The Government of Ethiopia’s announcement yesterday of a unilateral ceasefire in the Tigray region could be a positive step if it results in changes on the ground to end the conflict, stop the atrocities, and allow unhindered humanitarian assistance. …

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Statement by Secretary Antony J. Blinken on the Continuing Atrocities and Denial of Humanitarian Access in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region

For Immediate Release May 15, 2021 The United States is gravely concerned by the increasing number of confirmed cases of military forces blocking humanitarian access to parts of the Tigray region. This unacceptable behavior places the 5.2 million people in the region in immediate need of humanitarian assistance at even greater risk. The United States …

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Secretary Blinken’s Call with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

U.S. Department of State Office of the Spokesperson APRIL 26, 2021   Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed today to reiterate the United States’ grave concern about the deteriorating humanitarian and human rights crisis in the country, including the growing risk of famine in Ethiopia’s Tigray region as well as ongoing insecurity …

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Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa 

STATEMENT BY SECRETARY ANTONY J. BLINKEN April 23, 2021 Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa  Today, I am announcing that Jeffrey Feltman will serve as the U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa.  This appointment underscores the Administration’s commitment to lead an international diplomatic effort to address the interlinked political, security, and humanitarian …

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The United States Condemns the Attack on Eritrea by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front

PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE NOVEMBER 17, 2020 The United States strongly condemns the attack carried out by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) on the airport in Asmara, Eritrea, on November 14. We are deeply concerned by this blatant attempt by the TPLF to cause regional instability by expanding its conflict …

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UNICEF handed over 380 oxygen concentrators to the Federal Ministry of Health

Addis Ababa, 18 September 2020 – UNICEF has today handed over 380 oxygen concentrators to the Federal Ministry of Health to support its response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia. The oxygen concentrators and their accessories were procured with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth, …

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The United States Provides Over $37 Million to Ethiopia for COVID-19 Response

Embassy of the United States of America Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 5/8/20 The United States Provides Over $37 Million to Ethiopia for COVID-19 Response Addis Ababa, May 8, 2020– Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the United States Government has committed over $37 million to Ethiopia to help mitigate the spread of the virus. Through the U.S. …

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Gen. Townsend Engages African Leaders at African Land Forces Summit 2020

Good morning.  I am honored to be here with you today in – as General Adem described – “the 13 Months of Sunshine.”  It is still a cold, wet winter in Germany and I appreciate your warm welcome! I am Steve Townsend.  Like GEN Garrett said in his opening comments, I am also a soldier …

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U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s remarks at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

Michael R.Pompeo Secretary of State Liberating Africa’s Entrepreneurs  United Nations Economic Commission for Africa February 19, 2020 SECRETARY POMPEO:  Good morning everyone.  Vera, thank you.  Thank you for the kind introduction.  Thank you all very much for welcoming me.  Let’s see, there we go.  Vera, I think we got the lapel mike.  Here we go.  …

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Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF 2020)

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE U.S. EMBASSY Addis Ababa Notice of Funding Opportunity   Funding Opportunity Title:             Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF 2020) Funding Opportunity Number:       PASNOFO-20-01 Deadline for Applications:                03/06/2020 CFDA Number:                                19.040 Total Amount Available:                  $5,000 to $25,000   The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia seek proposals from …

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Opening Statement by GEN Stephen J. Townsend, Commander, USAFRICOM, before the SASC, 30 Jan 2020

Chairman Inhofe, Ranking Member Reed, and distinguished members of the committee, good morning, and thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. It is a privilege to be a part of and lead America’s finest men and women at U.S. Africa Command, an exceptional team dedicated to protecting America and advancing her Interests …

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U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Visits Ethiopia

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Visits Ethiopia to Discuss New Program to Advance Financing Solutions Addis Ababa, November 15, 2019– Adam Boehler, Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), visited Ethiopia November 13-14 to promote U.S. investment in Ethiopia and strengthen relationships with key partners in support of mutual development …

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Remarks by Ambassador Michael Raynor delivered at the Justified Accord 2019 Opening Ceremony

Michael Raynor  U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia at Justified Accord 19 Opening Ceremony Peace Support Training Center, Addis Ababa July 15, 2019 (As prepared for delivery)   Ato Fisseha Woldesenbet, State Minister for Ethiopian Minister of Defense; Major General Roger Cloutier, U.S. Army Africa commanding general; Major General Yimer Ali, Ethiopian National Defense Force Representative; Brigadier General …

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U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Tibor Nagy arrives in Addis Ababa

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Tibor Nagy arrived in Addis Ababa today, November 28, for a three-day visit that will include engagements focused on the United States’ relationship with Ethiopia and the sixth annual U.S.-African Union High Level Dialogue. This is Nagy’s first visit to Ethiopia since his confirmation on July 23, …

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U.S. Supports Geothermal Power in Ethiopia

 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 27, 2018:- The United States continues to invest in Ethiopia’s capacity to develop its energy sector.  Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency awarded a grant to TM Geothermal Operations Private Limited Company (TMGO) [1] , an Ethiopian company, to coordinate a feasibility study supporting development of the first 50 megawatts of …

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USAID Health Financing Reform Project Makes Health Coverage More Accessible for Millions

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 19, 2018 – Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) marked the end of its five-year Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project, which has helped more than 16 million people cover their medical costs through community-based health insurance programs. The program allows participants to receive a special …

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Statement by Secretary Pompeo

    STATEMENT BY SECRETARY POMPEO July 10, 2018 Eritrea and Ethiopia End War and Adopt Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship The United States welcomes the July 9 commitment to peace and security between the State of Eritrea and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, effectively ending 20 years of conflict.  We commend Prime Minister …

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Power Africa Young Women in Africa Power Leadership Training

Are you a young African woman engaged in Africa’s energy sector ready to take your career to the next level? Are you interested in increasing your leadership skills, strengthening your professional networks, gaining new career opportunities, and demonstrating a desire to take on a greater leadership role? Apply now for the Power Africa’s Young Women …

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Statement by the Press Secretary on Progress Toward Peace Between Ethiopia and Eritrea

The United States is encouraged by the progress that Ethiopia and Eritrea have made to resolve longstanding disputes and normalize relations.  Over the past 20 years, the frozen conflict between these states has hindered stability and economic growth in the vital Red Sea region.  A durable peace will yield greater prosperity and security not only …

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Remarks by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson On U.S.-Africa Relations: A New Framework

Remarks by  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson On U.S. – Africa Relations: A New Framework  George Manson University, Fairfax, Virginia March 6, 2018 MR CABRERA:  Good morning, everyone.  Thank you so much for being with us today for a very, very special presentation.  I’m honored to welcome our Secretary of State to George Mason, who, …

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Readout of a Meeting between Ambassador Haley and African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Minata Samate Cessouma

Ambassador Nikki Haley, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, met with African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Minata Samate Cessouma at African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ambassador Haley and Commissioner Samate discussed a range of topics of mutual concern on the continent, including the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and the …

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Transcript of Press Availability by Ambassador Nikki Haley at the African Union

Ambassador Haley: Alright, if everyone is ready please just give me thumbs up that you ready will go across ready? Are you ready? ready?  Ok very good. Well, first of all we are thrilled to be in Addis and obviously trilled to be here at the AU. I had a wonderful meeting with the AU Commissioner and …

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Remarks by President Trump at Working Lunch with African Leaders

Lotte New York Palace Hotel New York, New York 1:31 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much, General. I appreciate it. And I’m greatly honored to host this lunch, to be joined by the leaders of Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and South Africa. In particular, I want to thank …

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USAID Assistance Expands Community HIV Care and Treatment Services

Addis Ababa, September 19, 2017 – The U.S. Government, through the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), today announced the launch of the five-year, $40 million Community HIV Care and Treatment project. Through the project, USAID aims to contribute to the 90-90-90 global goals, which are 90 percent of people living with HIV diagnosed, 90 …

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Statement by the U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa on Reports of Ethnic Violence on the Oromia-Somali Border

Addis Ababa, September 19, 2017 :- We are disturbed by the troubling reports of ethnic violence and the large-scale displacement of people living along the border between the Oromia and Somali regions, particularly in Hararge, although the details of what is occurring remain unclear. We urge the Ethiopian government to conduct a transparent investigation into all allegations of …

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Opening statement by USTR Amb Lighthizer at the AGOA Forum in Togo

Opening Statement by USTR Robert Lighthizer at 2017 AGOA Forum   (As Delivered, August 9, 2017, Lomé, Togo) AMBASSADOR LIGHTHIZER: Good morning, Your Excellency, Prime Minister Komi Klassou; Trade Minister Legzim-Balouki; esteemed members of the Togolese Government; ministers and heads of delegations from the AGOA partner countries; and distinguished delegates and guests. I am honored to be …

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U.S. Announces $169 Million in New Humanitarian Assistance for Ethiopia and Kenya

Washington D.C., August 3, 2017 – Today the United States announced more than $169 million in humanitarian assistance to support those in Ethiopia and Kenya who are experiencing the effects of prolonged severe drought. This additional funding, including nearly $137 million in Ethiopia and nearly $33 million in Kenya, brings the total U.S. humanitarian contribution in …

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USAID Support Improves Leadership and Management of the Health Workforce

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its implementing partner Management Sciences for Health marked the successful completion of the USAID-funded Leadership, Management and Governance project. The five-year project focused on capacity building of public sector health care providers and civil society organizations in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, and Southern Nations, Nationalities …

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NBA Stars Bring Basketball and Life Skills to Ethiopian Youth

The U.S. Embassy, in partnership with the National Basketball Association (NBA), UNICEF and the Ethiopian Basketball Federation, hosted a basketball clinics and conducted outreach on leadership skills for Ethiopian youths from July 29-31, 2017 in Addis Ababa and Mekelle.  Four basketball stars participated in the clinics and also served on a panel to discuss “Sports …

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