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Krishnan Guru-Murthy: Journalist's genetic heart condition - 'Dying now would feel early'

KRISHNAN GURU-MURTHY is a British Journalist who is the lead presenter of Channel 4 News. But in 2021, the famed news reporter revealed he was living with a genetic heart condition during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Krishnan Guru-Murthy is well-known for his place on television screens as the lead presenter of News. In 2021, the star shared a look into his personal life, when he revealed he was living with a genetic condition on .

Posting on January 25, 2021, just as the UK was in the depths of a lockdown, he explained his concerns over "underlying conditions" and the coronavirus pandemic.

He said: "I'm 50, have genetic heart condition, same as Dad who's 87.

"I'm 'healthy': ride London-Paris for @duchenneuk trekked Namibia for @comicrelief.

"Dying now would feel early by decades.


Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Krishnan Guru-Murthy: "Dying now would feel early". (Image: Getty Images)

Chest pain

Some people will experience symptoms from their genetic heart condition, while others will not. (Image: Getty Images)

"An 'underlying condition' does not mean death with Covid is only to be expected or doesn't count." [SIC]

The now-52-year-old has not shared any other details or insights into his heart condition.

However, a genetic heart condition can cover many things and can impact one's life in various ways.

According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF): "Inherited heart conditions are passed on through families.

"They’re sometimes called genetic heart conditions or inherited cardiac conditions.

"They can affect people of any age.

"If left untreated, some inherited heart conditions can be life-threatening."

Sport relief: Krishnan Guru-Murthy

The Channel 4 news presenter is in good health, having taking part in Sport Relief. (Image: Getty Images)

What are the symptoms of an inherited heart condition?

As genetic heart conditions vary, the symptoms a person experiences can be vastly different.

Some people with inherited heart conditions have no symptoms, while others can experience:

  • dizzy spells
  • palpitations
  • blackouts
  • shortness of breath


Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Krishnan Guru-Murthy took on a trek through Nambia. (Image: Getty Images)

What causes an inherited heart condition?

The BHF explained: "Your body is made up of trillions of cells. Each cell has a nucleus, containing information that makes you unique.

"This information is called your genes.

"We all have between 20,000 and 25,000 different genes each."

Genes affect everything from how a person looks to how their bodies work. They are inherited from our parents.

Inherited heart conditions are caused by a fault, or mutation, in one or more of our genes.

The BHF added: "If one of your parents has a faulty gene, there’s a 50:50 chance you could have it too.

"If you do, then there’s also a 50:50 chance you could pass it on to your children."

In some cases, it is possible to have a faulty gene which can eventually lead to a heart condition.

Although you may never show any signs or symptoms of the condition, it can still be passed on to your children.

Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing for sure how a gene might affect someone else.

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