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Health inequality data repository
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Launch of the Health Inequality Data Repository

20 April 2023 13:00 – 14:15 CET

The Health Inequality Data Repository is the largest global collection of disaggregated data about health and determinants of health – with nearly 11 million data points across more than 2000 indicators. These data can be explored directly through the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT), an interactive software which facilitates the examination of inequalities and the evaluation of relevant interventions to address them. 

Disaggregated health data are a central requirement for quantifying and assessing health inequalities in a defined population. The WHO Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) states that “identifying health inequalities and their drivers is essential for achieving health equity and improving programme delivery”, calling for “strategic disaggregation of data through collection, analysis and reporting to better inform programmes.”

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its aspiration to “leave no one behind” provides major incentives for establishing and strengthening health inequality monitoring systems. Reducing inequality within and among countries is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (SDG 10) and is central to other goals such as ending poverty (SDG 1), ending hunger (SDG 2), promoting good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education (SDG 4) and achieving gender equality (SDG 5). 

Launch event

An informational webinar will introduce the Health Inequality Data Repository. You will hear from global stakeholders who will discuss the importance of disaggregated data and the Health Inequality Data Repository within their respective areas of work and across the SDGs.

Date and time: Thursday 20 April 2023, 13:00-14:15 CET


Welcome: Samira Asma, Assistant Director General, Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact Division, WHO

Overview of the Health Inequality Data Repository: Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, Lead, Health Equity Monitoring, Department of Data and Analytics, WHO

Demonstration of the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) v5.0: Health Inequality Monitoring team


Panel Discussion:

  • Arash Rashidian, Director of Science, Information and Dissemination, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO), WHO;
  • Alarcos Cieza, Unit Head, Sensory Functions, Disability and Rehabilitation, WHO;
  • Oscar J Mujica, Regional Advisor, Social Epidemiology & Health Equity, Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health, PAHO;
  • Gemu Tiru, Health Equity & Leadership Desk Leader, Health System Innovation and Improvement Lead Executive Office, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia

Open session for Questions: Moderated by Devaki Nambiar, Health Inequality Monitoring, Department of Data and Analytics, WHO

Closing remarks: Francesca Perucci, Assistant Director, United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)


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