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NPW National Prevention Week Save The Date May 7-13 2023

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#MyPreventionStory is a way for us to acknowledge our mental health and substance misuse prevention experiences.

Year-round, we encourage individuals and organizations to create and share a prevention story on social media—whether it’s telling how they are helping to prevent substance use or sharing the ways they’re promoting mental health. Be a part of the national conversation that celebrates prevention by using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory!

How You Can Be Included

#MyPreventionStory is about capturing our collective mental health and substance misuse prevention experiences. Here are some ideas for how individuals and organizations can get involved. This is not a complete list, and all entries are welcome, including videos, photos, artwork, poems, written stories, etc. Feel free to submit multiple entries.

Easy Ways to Participate

  • Make a short video of a member of your organization or community sharing a story that exemplifies the importance of prevention. This could be a leader in your organization, a young person in your community, or anyone with a particularly impactful prevention story.
  • Share a compelling, original video or photo that illustrates why prevention or mental health promotion is so important. Include a brief explanation for context.
  • Create a visual work of art—like a group painting or collage—then share a picture of the finished product and explain its meaning. For example, individuals could paint one thing that inspires their prevention efforts as part of a large group mural.
  • Ask a leader in your organization or community to write a short statement about how the COVID-19 pandemic changed their perspective on the importance of prevention and positive mental health.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 01/27/2023