Contact a Recruiter in the Department of County Assets

Not sure if your skills match the job or are transferrable?  Contact one of us.

A Message From Our Recruiters

We put together a list of our top suggestions to help you get started with the application process. We are delighted that you are interested in joining our team and we are here to help.  

Most important, read the job announcement thoroughly for special instructions. It will guide you through the steps to apply for a job. Here are more tips to help you succeed:

Tell Us About Your Experience

  • Explain, in detail, what you actually did. If we have to guess about your experience and talents, we might guess wrong.
  • Provide specific examples of the work you have done and the outcomes.
  • Highlight your key accomplishments.

Master the Application

  • List more than your title or function of “Developer”, or “Analyst”, or “Electrician”. 
  • Enter dates (month and year) so we can determine your years of experience.
  • Tailor the description of your work experience and skills to the job qualifications.
  • Include your military and volunteer experience in the Work History section.
  • Take the supplemental questions very seriously. They could determine whether you will advance in the process.
  • Double check that you have included all the required content in your application.

Have a Resume?

  • If you choose to include a resume, we encourage one to two pages.  
  • If you are applying for IT jobs, and you need help with your resume, send it to us.

The Interview

How to Prepare for an Interview

  • Think about what you have to offer. Get ready to tell us.
  • Re-read the job announcement and review what you submitted in your application.
  • Read about our department and Multnomah County on our website [link].
  • Talk with someone who works at Multnomah County to learn about the work we do, even if it’s in another department.

When You Talk About Your Experiences, use the STAR Method:

  • What was the Situation?
  • What was the Task assigned to you?
  • What Action did you take?
  • What was the Result of the action you took?

Resources on How to Prepare for an Interview