Sacred Name Broadcaster

The Sacred Name Broadcaster (SNB) is a monthly publication of the Assemblies of Yahweh headquartered in Bethel, Pennsylvania. The SNB serves as one of the numerous outreach methods employed by the Assemblies of Yahweh. Founded by the Directing Elder of the Assemblies of Yahweh, Jacob O. Meyer (OBM), this publication has promoted the Truth of the Sacred Scriptures on a monthly basis since 1968. The SNB has grown from transcribed radio messages (taken from the Sacred Name Broadcast) into a first-class publication containing articles and monthly feature sections. The most popular feature is the Prophetic Trends section, which provides a deeper look at current events in the light of Bible prophecy. The SNB seeks to present the message of Truth to sincere, interested people in an appealing manner, and this magazine is a valuable tool that will uplift and strengthen the sincere Bible student.

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January 2023 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 9

Topics include:
• Our Father Who Art in Heaven
• Spiritual Israelites - Not Jews or Chr-stians
• Prophetic Trends: The Great Tribulation


December 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 8

Topics include:
• Called By His Name
• A Faith For Every Millennium
• Prophetic Trends: The Trap is Set
• Radio Message: True History

November 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 7

Topics include:
• Chr-stmas: A Man-Made Holiday
• Bible Believing, But Why Not Bible Obeying?
• Prophetic Trends: Will You Heed the Warning?
• Radio Message: A Separate People

October 2022

Volume LIV, Number 7

Topics include:
• Thanksgiving: Is the American Thanksgiving Scriptural?
• Chr-stmas: A New Slant on an Old Holiday
• Once Again, the Leaves are Falling
• Radio Message: The Revealed Name of Our Heavenly Father

September 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 6

Topics include:
• The Sabbatical Year in End-Time Prophecy
• WMLK Listening Guide
• Television and Radio Listening Guide

August 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 5

Topics include:
• The Importance of Keeping Yahweh's New Moons
• Prophetic Trends: Truth Rejected
• Radio Message: The First Day of the Scriptural Month
• Questions to Bethel

July 2022 SNb

Volume LIV, Number 4

Topics include:
• For the Glory of Yahweh
• Prophetic Trends: The Age of Indifference
• The Time of Noah
• Radio Message: On Trial

June 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 3

Topics include:
• They Knew Him Not
• Prophetic Trends: How Much Worse Can It Get?
• Radio Message: The Assemblies of Yahweh-The People Living By His Law

May 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 2

Topics include:
• Yahweh's Feast of Perfection
• Prophetic Trends: The Bridegroom Draws Near
• Radio Message: The Spiritual Temple
• Why are the Youth of Today So Violent?

April 2022 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 1

Topics include:
• From Calvary to Glory, Part 2
• Radio Message: Reviewing the Law of Yahweh
• Prophetic Trends: The Latter Days in Prophecy
• Radio Message: Love and the Law of Yahweh

March SNB 2022

Volume LIII, Number 12

Topics include:
• The Days of Unleavened Bread
• From Calvary to Glory, Part 1
• Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread

February 2022 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 11

Topics include:
• Sun Worship Today! Modern Traditions Investigated
• Prophetic Trends: Deceiving the Nations
• Passover Facts: Understanding Yahweh's Spring Holy Days
• The Sign of Yahshua's Messiahship: Three Days and Three Nights in the Tomb

January 2022 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 10

Topics include:
• Heart-Shaped Heathenism
• Change in the Priesthood
• Fulfilling the Great Commission


December 2021

Volume LIII, Number 9

Topics include:
• Christmas in Retrospect
• New Year's Day
• Melchizedek or Levi

November 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 8

Topics include:
• Chr-stmas, The Unparalleled Paradox
• Radio Message: Are You Observing Pagan Times?
• Prophetic Trends: Dystopian Times
• Marcion: Deceptive Heretic Exposed

October 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 7

Topics include:
• The Sabbath, The Sabbatical, and Jubilee Years
• Why Stand You Idle?
• American Thanksgiving: Popular but Problematical
• Radio Message: The Sabbatic Rhythm

September 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 6

Topics include:
• Laboring to Fulfill the Great Commission
• WMLK—The International Shortwave Radio Voice of the Assemblies of Yahweh

August 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 5

Topics include:
• Moses's Law or Yahweh's?
• Reinforcing the Apostolic Doctrine of the Messiah
• Prophetic Trends: A World Turned Upside Down
• Ampegon Transmitter Installation Progresses

July 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 4

Topics include:
• Circumcision: The Root of the Problem
• Prophetic Trends: Like a Thief in the Night
• Back Under Law?
• What's Happening at Bethel

June 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 3

Topics include:
• Liberty or Legalism?
• How Do You Perceive the Holy Spirit? Part 2
• What's Happening at Bethel

May 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 2

Topics include:
• Which Law Was Added?
• How Do You Perceive the Holy Spirit? Part 2

April 2021 SNB

Volume LIII, Number 1

Topics include:
• Count 50
• How Do You Perceive the Holy Spirit? Part 1
• Program Log

March 2021 SNB

Volume LII, Number 12

Topics include:
• The New Moon of Green Ears
• The Days of Unleavened Bread
• Letters to Bethel

February 2021 SNB

Volume LII, Number 11

Topics include:
• Grace Nullified
• Radio Message: Yahweh's Holy Days The Sabbath and Passover Proven
• Prophetic Trends: Redemption Draws Near
• Recipes for the Feast of Unleavened Bread
• Program Log

January 2021 SNB

Volume LII, Number 10

Topics include:
• Valentine's Day
• Right Division of the Bible
• Prophetic Trends: Resetting the World
• Radio Message: A Little Flock


December 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 9

Topics include:
• Judean Messianic Congregations Accept Paul
• The Need for the Jerusalem Conference
• Prophetic Trends: Enslaving the World
• Program Log

November 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 8

Topics include:
• Deceptive Winter Holidays Popularizing Ancient Pagan Religious Fictions
• Paul's Declaration of Doctrinal Consistency
• Prophetic Trends: The Coming Global Reset

October 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 7

Topics include:
• The American Thanksgiving: Should We Celebrate It?
• Understanding the Book of Galatians
• Prophetic Trends: Wickedness Brings Yahweh's Judgment
• Program Log

September 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 6

Topics include:
• How Would Yahshua Vote for President
• The Feast of Tabernacles

August 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 5

Topics include:
• Knowing, Using, and Believing the Sacred Name
• Radio Message: An Era of Lasting Peace
• Prophetic Trends: Prophecies Fulfilled
• Radio Message: A Way of Life
• Program Log

July 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 4

Topics include:
• How and Why the Sacred Name Was Deleted From the Bible
• Prophetic Trends: The Last Great Prophecy
• Radio Message: Prophecy Moves Along

June 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 3

Topics include:
• The Sacred Name Exclusively
• Prophetic Trends: Living in a World Without Restraint
• Radio Message: Are You Prepared?
• Program Log

May 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 2

Topics include:
• YHWH or YHVH-Which?
• Radio Message: Preaching the True Message of Salvation
• Prophetic Trends: Has the World Become Less Than Sane?
• Prime the Pump
• Radio Message: Is G-d Dead?

April 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 1

Topics include:
• The Name That Transcends All Languages
• Radio Message: Knowing the Memorial Name of Our Heavenly Father
• Prophetic Trends: Yahweh's Judgment Looms!
• Program Log

March 2020 SNB

Volume LI, Number 12

Topics include:
• Yahshua's Resurrection—Predicted and Proven
• Prophetic Trends: Fulfillment of the Beast of Revelation 13 Looms!
• Yahshua—The Only Saving Name

February SNB 2020

Volume LI, Number 11

Topics include:
• The Seal of Salvation
• The Blood of the Covenant
• Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread
• Program Log

January 2020 SNB

Volume LI, Number 10

Topics include:
• What's in a Name?
• Living by Every Word
• Radio Message: Recognizing True Worship
• The Bible's True Message

December 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 9

Topics include:
• The Memorial Name Yahweh
• The Sanctified Name
• Radio Message: The End of Grace
• Exodus Chapter 3
• Program Log


November 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 8

Topics include:
• Tree Worship in Ancient Pagan Religion
• Christmas Customs: How Scriptural Are They?
• Seven Reasons Why I Do Not Observe Christmas
• Questions to Bethel

October 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 7

Topics include:
• What About T-Day?
• Radio Message: Crime and Punishment
• Radio Message: The Sacred Name in Reference to the Kingdom
• Radio Message: The Kingdom Covenant
• Questions to Bethel
• Program Log

September 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 6

Topics include:
• What is the Name of the Heavenly Father?
• What is the Messiah's Name?
• Growth in the Face of Opposition
• Expanding Outreach
• Questions to Bethel

August 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 5

Topics include:
• What Has El Wrought?
• Radio Message: The Assemblies of Yahweh
• Radio Message: Will You Obey the Scriptures?
• Modern Technology Can Be Employed for Good or Evil
• Questions to Bethel
• Program Log

July 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 4

Topics include:
• History of the Assemblies of Yahweh Organization
• Why Are We Called the Assemblies of Yahweh?
• Pictorial Commemoration 50 Years of Service
• Testifying to the Name Yahweh: Seven Thousand Witnesses, Seven Ancient Witnesses

June 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 3

Topics include:
• Micah - Prophet of Hope, Prophet of Doom
• Ras Shamra, Qumran, and Ebla, Part 2
• The Exclusive Source of Truth
• Program Log

May 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 2

Topics include:
• The Seven Big Ways to Health
• Radio Message: The Sacred Name in the Psalms
• Ras Shamra, Qumran, and Ebla
• Introduction to the Sabbath
• Parallel Arguments Against the Seventh-day Sabbath and the Sacred Name

April 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 1

Topics include:
• Satan's Evil Winds
• Radio Message: The Law for Our Time
• Radio Message: The Durable Law
• Program Log

March 2019 SNB

Volume L, Number 12

• What is the Holy Spirit?
• Should You Observe Pentecost?
• Radio Message: The Holy Spirit Teaches
• Radio Message: What Do You Know About the Bible?

February 2019 SNB

Topics include:
• Passover: An Annual Exodus
• Radio Message: Passover
• To All the World, For A Witness
• Did the Messiah and His Disciples Use the Sacred Name? Part Two
• Recipes for the Feast of Unleavened Bread
• Program Log

January 2019 SNB

Volume L, Number 10

Topics include:
• The Miracle of Conversion
• Did the Messiah and His Disciples Use the Sacred Name?
• Radio Message: Contemporary Social Upheavals
• Radio Message: Further Contemporary Degeneration
• Radio Message: Laodicean Virgins


December 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 9

Topics include:
• Let Your Light Shine
• Radio Message: True Worship vs. Idolatry
• Babylon Across the Ages
• Radio Message: New Year's Day
• Radio Message:The Bible Translators Affirm the Sacred Name
• Program Log

November 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 8

Topics include:
• Reject Heathen Ways
• Radio Message: The Executive Officer
• The Worldly Holiday Christmas

October 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 7

Topics include:
• Do You Keep the Pagan Holidays, Or Yahweh's Holy Days?
• Marcion-Deceptive Heretic Exposed
• Radio Message: The Worldly Holidays
• Radio Message: The Heart of Man
• Program Log

August 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 5

Topics include:
• EliYah-Forerunner of Messiah
• Radio Message: EliYah is Here!
• Yahweh Makes a Division
• Program Log

September 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 6

Topics include:
• Tabernacles-Dwelling With Yahweh
• At-One-ment With Yahweh
• Radio Message: A Preview of the Kingdom

July 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 4

• The Sower Went Forth to Sow
• From A Little Mustard Seed
• Upgrading Outreach
• The Decisive Battle on Mt. Carmel
• Radio Message: Fulfilling the Great Commission
• Radio Message: The Covenant Name

June 2018 SNB

Topics include:
• Passing the Milestone of Publication
• Landmarks and Milestones
• Pressing On: 50 Years of Publishing
• Program Log

May 2018 SNB

Volume X, Number 2

Topics include:
• Religious Hobbyism
• Get Off That Fence!
• Why is Religious Knowledge Stagnant?
• Questions to Bethel
• Radio Station WMLK

April 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 1

Topics include:
• Yahshua Entombed Three Days and Three Nights
• Radio Message: Easter
• Radio Message: Pentecost
• Program Log

March 2018 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 12

Topics include:
• 12 Infallible Proofs
• Radio Message: The Mark of the Beast, The Mark of Unleavened Bread

February 2018 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 11

Topics include:
• Knowledge Hidden from the World
• Yahshua's Virgin Bride
• How Vital is the Sacred Name?
• Prophetic Trends
• The Gathering Call is Sounding!
• Recipes for the Feast of Unleavened Bread
• Program Log

January 2018 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 10

Topics include:
• Many Are Called, Few Chosen
• Prophecy in Isaiah 65
• Prophecy in Isaiah 66
• Prophetic Trends
• Avoiding the Filthiest of Lucre, part 3


December 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 9

Topics include:
• Are We Romans Today?
• The Big Picture
• Make Your Decision Now
• Xmas, A Worldly Celebration to Avoid
• Program Log

November 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 8

Topics include:
• Xmas—Genuine Holy Day or False Tradition?
• Question about Thanksgiving
• Avoiding the Filthiest Lucre, Part 2

October 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 7

Topics include:
• Avoiding the Filthiest of Lucre, Part 1
• Children-Obey Your Parents
• Victory or Defeat
• Program Log

September 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 6

Topics include:
• Give Willingly to Build Yahweh's True Worship, Part 2
• Yahweh's Holy Days—Prophetically Foretelling
• Radio Message: Feasts of Yahweh
• Radio Message: Protection in Keeping the Feasts

August 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 5

Topics include:
• Give Willingly to Build Yahweh's True Worship, Part 1
• A World Without Yahweh
• Prophetic Trends: Babylon's Imminent Fall
• Program Log

July 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 4

Topics include:
• The Goal of the True Worshiper
• Prophetic Trends: The Judgment of the Wicked
• A Vow to Yahweh
• Does Yahweh Deny Himself?

June 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 3

Topics include:
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 6
• Right Division of the Word
• Radio Message: Sound Doctrine
• Program Log

May 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 2

Topics include:
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 5
• Prophetic Trends: Lasting Peace Eludes Mankind's Quest
• Radio Message: Saved by a Ch-rch Roll?
• Righteous Giving

April 2017 SNB

Volume XLIX, Number 1

Topics include:
• The Feast of Weeks Observance
• Tithing—Teachings Yahweh's People the Principle of Giving
• Program Log

March 2017 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 12

Topics include:
• The Truth About Easter
• Easter and Passover: Are They New Testament Observances?
• Recipes for the Feast of Unleavened Bread

February 2017 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 11

Topics include:
• In Search of Green Ears
• The Origins of Valentine's Day
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 4
• WMLK Listeners Responses

January 2017 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 10

Topics include:
• No Excuse for Sin
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 3
• Entering His Gates With Praise


December 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 9

Topics include:
• Xmas: A Biblical Holiday, or a Pagan Tradition?
• Christmas Traditions Reflect Ancient Saturnalia
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 1

November 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 8

Topics include:
• Xmas: A Biblical Holiday, or a Pagan Tradition?
• Christmas Traditions Reflect Ancient Saturnalia
• Government as a Doctrine, Part 1

October 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 7

Topics include:
• Which Thanksgiving-Yahweh's or Man's?
• WMLK Listener Responses
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness, Part 10
• Prophetic Trends: Shameful Acts of Babylon
• Program Log

September 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 6

Topics include:
• How Would Yahshua Vote for President?
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness, Part 9
• Radio Message: Scriptural Family Life

August 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 5

Topics include:
• The Blueprint for a Successful Marriage
• Wedding Instructions
• Childrearing
• Program Log

July 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 4

Topics include:
• Faith & Love, Part 2
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part 8
• Prophetic Trends: Lawlessness Multiplied

June 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 3

Topics include:
• Faith and Love - Part One
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Seven
• Prophetic Trends - Pestilences and Plagues
• Program Log

May 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 2

Topics include:
• A Believer's Prevailing Prayer
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Six

April 2016 SNB

Volume XLVIII, Number 1

Topics include:
• A Timeless Torah for a Changing World
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Five
• Ecumenism is Not Dead
• Letters to Bethel - WMLK
• Program Log

March 2016 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 12

Topics include:
• The Days of Unleavened Bread
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Four

February 2016 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 11

Topics include:
• WMLK: The International Shortwave Radio Voice of the Assemblies of Yahweh
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Three
• Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread
• Program Log

January 2016 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 10

Topics include:
• Great Things Has Yahweh Done!
• Looking Back
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness, Part Two
• Prophetic Trends: Fulfilling the Great Commission


December 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 9

Topics include:
• The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness, Part 1
• Basic Bible Truths: The Supreme Name Over All Ethnic Peoples
• Bread: The Strength of Man’s Heart
• Program Log

November 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 8

Topics include:
• Chr–stmas: Will You Observe It This Year?
• Radio Message: Set Apart by Obedience to the Word
• The Temple Mount in Prophecy
• Sharing the Gift of Truth
• Seven Things Yahweh Hates

October 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 7

Topics include:
• What is the Authoritative Biblical Calendar for Yahweh’s Assembly Today?
• The Civilizing Cycle
• On What Day Will the Messiah Return?
• World Religion in Chaos
• Quest for Healthful Living
• Program Log

September 2015

Volume XLVII, Number 6

Topics include:
• Observing Yahweh's Feasts Teaches Spiritual Lessons
• The Feast of Tabernacles
• The Feasts of the Seventh Month
• Questions to Bethel: The Last Great Day

August 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 5

Topics include:
• The Great Physician Still Heals
• Yahweh's Word is Truth
• Why We Use the Word Messiah
• Program Log

July 2015

Volume XLVII, Number 4

Topics include:
• Many Coming to Deceive Many
• Stewardship
• Prophetic Trends: Be Not Deceived
• Baal and Asherah Worship: Mythology to Be Avoided

June 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 3

Topics include:
• The Second Commandment: Idolatry
• Misconceptions About Giving
• Prophetic Trends: Believing A Lie
• Radio Message: Our Heavenly Father’s Name
• Program Log

May 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 2

Topics include:
• Names-Which?
• Truth Gains Momentum
• Habit or True Worship?
• Questions About the Feast of Weeks
• Calling All Pioneers

April 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 1

Topics include:
• Count 50
• Beware of Imitations
• Why I Keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath
• Yahweh's Righteous Rule
• Program Log

March 2015 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 12

Topics include:
• The Biblical Resurrection Account Confirmed
• Part 2: Apostolic Assembly Preaches the Resurrection Message
• Part 3: Three Days and Three Nights
• Part 4: Lessons Learned While Studying in Israel
• Which Lamb Will You Choose?
• Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread

February 2015 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 11

Topics include:
• The Sabbath, the Sabbatical, and Jubilee Years
• Procrastination
• Prophetic Trends: Terror on Every Side
• Spirituality or Carnality: No Middle Ground
• Radio Message: The Kingdom of the Heavens
• The Holy Spirit Love of Yahweh

January 2015 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 10

Topics include:
• You Kindled the Sparks, Now Watch Out for the Fire!
• The Bible-Let It Speak to You
• Unlearning Error to Learn Truth
• Radio Message: The Name of the True Believer
• Radio Message: The Laws of Farming and Homemaking


December 2014 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 9

Topics include:
• Septuagint Study Proves the Sacred Name
• Blessings in the Sacred Name
• Is the Book of John Greek to You?
• Radio Message: The Name and the Kingdom

November 2014 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 8

Topics include:
• The Sabbatical Year in End-Time Prophecy
• Chr-stmas, A Man-made Holiday
• Prophetic Trends: A Blessing, Or A Curse?

October 2014 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 7

Topics include:
• Thanksgiving: Is the American Thanksgiving Scriptural?
• The Feasts of the Seventh Month
• The Eleventh Hour of Life
• Prophetic Trends: Times of Trouble
• Sitting Ducks?

September 2014 SNB

Volume XLVI, Number 6

Topics include:
• Interrogatories Elucidated
• Answers to questions about diet, worship, the sabbath, the feast days, and more
• Prophetic Trends: The Day of Yahweh Approaches!

August 2014

Volume XLVI, Number 5

Topics include:
• Yahweh's Weekly Holy Day
• Radio Message: The Sabbath Day, parts 1-3
• Prophetic Trends
• Were Mushrooms Created for Our Food?

July 2014 snb

Volume XLVI, Number 4

Topics include:
• You Are What You Eat
• Those Who Forsake the Right Way
• Standing on One Foot

June 2014

Volume XLVI, Number 3

Topics include:
• The Angel of Yahweh, Part 4: The Word Becomes Flesh
• Seeds Left Ungerminated
• Prophetic Trends: Like the Days of Noah
• Where's the Beef?

May 2014

Volume XLVI, Number 2

Topics include:
• The Angel of Yahweh, Part 3: Michael and Metatron
• Editorial: Counterfeits, Hobbyists, Hypocrites and Other Religious Types
• Radio Message: Baptism: An Outward Sign of An Inward Cleansing
• Spiritual Virgins: Are You Listening?

April 2014

Volume XLVI, Number 1

Topics include:
• The Angel of Yahweh, Part 2
• Sun Worship Today! Modern Easter Traditions Investigated

March 2014

Volume XLV, Number 12

Topics include:
• The Angel of Yahweh, Part 1
• Letters to Bethel
• Yahweh's Holy Days: The Sabbath and Passover Proven

February 2014

Volume XLV, Number 11

Topics include:
• Yahweh's Calendar in the Heavens
• You Are Lights
• Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread
• Radio Log

January 2014

Volume XLV, Number 10

Topics include:
• Yahshua's Healing Ministry
• Heart-Shaped Heathenism
• Lazarus and the Rich Man
• The Pathway to Salvation


December 2013

Volume XLV, Number 9

Topics include:
• Seven Thunders Speak
• Why Are Prognosticators Giddy?
• Chr-stmas as the Bible Teaches It
• Chr-stmas in Retrospect
• New Year's Day

November 2013

Volume XLV, Number 8

Topics include:
• A Sanctified Pagan Holiday?
• Questions to Bethel
• Hanukkah
• The Birth of the Messiah
• The Creator’s Name in Layman’s Terms, Pt. 3
• Born-Again Doctrine

October 2013

Volume XLV, Number 7

Topics include:
• What is the Name of the Heavenly Father?
• Proving the Sacred Name from Your Bible
• Prophetic Trends: The Great Day of Yahweh is Near!
• What About T-Day?
• The Creator’s Name in Layman’s Terms, Pt. 2
• Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake

September 2013

Volume XLV, Number 6

Topics include:
• Yahweh’s Spokesman
• The Creator’s Name in Layman’s Terms, Pt. 1
• Halloween: Facts Behind the Mask

August 2013

Volume XLV, Number 5

Topics include:
• What is the Messiah’s Name?
• Back to That Name Again!
• Prophetic Trends: Be Not Deceived!
• Yeshua

July 2013

Volume XLV, Number 4

Topics include:
• Graduation Caps and Gowns
• Exodus 6:3
• Prophetic Trends: Take Heed, Watch, and Pray!
• Total Dedication
• Radio Message: The Modern Philadelphia Assembly

June 2013

Volume XLV, Number 3

Topics include:
• Our Outreach Through the Printed Page
• The Deterioration of the World’s Society
• Prophetic Trends: The Day of Yahweh Is at Hand!
• Radio Message: The Prophecy of Malachi

May 2013

Volume XLV, Number 2

Topics include:
• A World Without the True Mighty One
• Our Gift to the World—Knowledge of the Word of Life
• The Savior’s Name Manifested
• Prophetic Trends: Hands That Shed Innocent Blood!
• Radio Message: The Sealed Book

April 2013

Volume XLV, Number 1

Topics include:
• Coming Bankruptcy of the World’s Economic System
• Eroding Freedoms Today Gives Hope for Yahweh’s Kingdom Tomorrow
• Prophetic Trends: Like the Days of Noah
• Which Voice Do You Follow?
• Radio Message: Hear the Word of Yahweh

March 2013

Volume XLIV, Number 12

Topics include:
• From Calvary to Glory, Part 2
• Complacency
• Radio Message: A Lone Voice
• Radio Message: Calling Upon His Name
• Radio Message: The Everlasting Good News
• Recipes to Enjoy for the Days of Unleavened Bread

February 2013

Volume XLIV, Number 11

Topics include:
• From Calvary to Glory, Part 1
• Fear Not Little Flock…
• Prophetic Trends: Behold the Bridegroom Comes!
• Radio Message: Teachers of the Word
• Yahweh’s Perfect Law

January 2013

Volume XLIV, Number 10

Topics include:
• A Comprehensive Interpretation of Philadelphia
• How to Study the Bible
• Radio Message: Philadelphia or Laodicea?


December 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 9

Topics include:
• Vital Visions of the Future
• The Blood of the Covenant
• Prophetic Trends: Grievous Times Shall Come
• Grace in the New Testament

November 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 8

Topics include:
• Remember the Sabbath Day, and Keep It, Wholly
• Prophetic Trends: A Nation Void of Counsel
• Pinpointing the Sabbath
• Proving the Seventh-Day Sabbath
• Radio Message: The Worldly Holidays

October 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 7

Topics include:
• What is Sin?
• How Would Yahshua Vote for President?
• American Thanksgiving—Popular But Problematical
• Radio Message: Obedience

September 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 6

Topics include:
• The Sacred Name—Key to Understanding the Bible
• "Awake, You that Sleep and Arise" (Ephesians 5:14)
• Halloween
• Radio Message: What Do You Know About the Bible?

August 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 5

Topics include:
• The Reliability of the Biblical Texts
• Prophetic Trends: Wars and Tumults
• Radio Message: Taxation in the Bible

July 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 4

Topics include:
• Why Believe the Bible?
• The Law Before Sinai, Part 2
• Prophetic Trends: Yahweh’s Judgment Evident
• Radio Message: Are You a Religious Hobbyist?

June 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 3

Topics include:
• The Tallith, Tefillin, and Yarmulke
• The Law Before Sinai, Part 1
• Prophetic Trends: Troublous Times Ahead
• Radio Message: Who Are the Assemblies of Yahweh? People Who Are Living by His Word

May 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 2

Topics include:
• What Must We Do to Be Saved? Part 8
• Prophetic Trends: Like a Troubled Sea—The World in Confusion!
• Gardening—Appreciating Yahweh’s Earth
• Radio Message: Who Are the Assemblies of Yahweh? Why Use This Specific Name?

April 2012

Volume XLIV, Number 1

Topics include:
• What Must We Do to Be Saved? Part 7
• Prophetic Trends: Signs of His Coming!
• Personal Perseverance
• Radio Message: The First Resurrection

March 2012

Volume XLIII, Number 12

Topics include:
• What Must We Do to Be Saved? Part 6
• Prophetic Trends: News Events of Today in the Light of Bible Prophecy
• Recipes to Enjoy for the Days of Unleavened Bread
• Passover Facts
• Death of the Messiah: Was it on a Cross or Tree?

February 2012

Volume XLIII, Number 11

Topics include:
• What Must We Do to Be Saved? Pt. 5
• The Sacred Scriptures (Bethel Edition, 1981–2011) —A Pure Religious Vocabulary
• Radio Message: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

January 2012

Volume XLIII, Number 10

Topics include:
• What Must We Do to Be Saved? Part 4
• The Sacred Scriptures (Bethel Edition—1981–2011)
• The Sacred Scriptures (Bethel Edition)