Rocky Balboa's story has seen him fight all types of fighters, using different styles each time. But like all great boxers, he had to start somewhere, and in Rocky's case, this meant fighting smaller matches and gaining wins to prove himself worthy to a trainer like Mickey. As a result, he encountered many equally skilled fighters as he got his start. And, in typical Rocky fashion, he never forgot them, like one of his earlier opponents named Spider Rico.


The first five Rocky films saw life give Rocky quite a few obstacles, including the death of his friend, Apollo Creed. He also lost all of his money, leaving him and his family to return to Philadelphia and live a much quieter life. However, Rocky Balboa was a special film in the series that gave the legendary boxer a proper sendoff and showed that while he was older, he could still keep punching even beyond a life of boxing. But because it celebrated so much of his past, the film also included a cameo from none other than Spider.

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Who Was Rocky's Spider Rico?

Spider Rico in the kitchen in Rocky Balboa

Spider was the first on-screen opponent that audiences saw Rocky fight, and it took place in a smoky club in the original film's opening. While the fight was small-time, that didn't mean both boxers weren't skilled. That said, not much was seen of Spider after that moment. However, his legacy continued when he fought in his first and final title match. Though he won by decision, Spider decided to quit boxing life. Sadly, from there, not much was known about his past aside from that he had suffered head trauma that made it hard for him to keep a job.

Rocky Balboa was the first film to revisit Spider and finally show fans what he had been up to all those decades. When he appeared in Rocky's restaurant, it came out that Rocky would always give him free meals. However, Spider couldn't let that slide and would find himself in the dish pit helping clean to give thanks for Rocky's kindness. While Rocky wouldn't let him at first, he eventually gave Spider a job at his restaurant, cleaning or prepping food. Not only was Rocky's kindness appreciated, but his relationship with Spider perfectly captured what made the franchise so great.

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Why Spider Rico's Cameo Was Perfect for Rocky Balboa

The character of Rocky was always about an average guy who, thanks to his persistence and inability to give up, was handed great blessings. But he was also forced to deal with terrible loss, as even Rocky Balboa showed him still grieving over the death of his wife, Adrian. Nevertheless, the film perfectly captured that he never stopped being kind to others. In fact, it was one of his most natural ways to cope with his own sadness. And this was best shown by the kindness he showed Spider.

For audiences, Spider was only shown once and never seen again throughout Rocky's career. But the fact that Rocky still remembered the fighter and offered him food and a job showed that there was nothing he wouldn't do for those that impacted his life. As a result, he also showed viewers that if a person can provide for others, they should, as it's the least a person could do if they have the means. Sure, Spider was a minor blip on the map of Rocky's life. That said, his actions in the film and their connection to the original movie prove just how special Rocky is as a person and the lengths he will go to help any animal or person in need.