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World Health Organization (WHO)
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. ▶️ Always check our latest tweets on #COVID19 for updated advice/information.
Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization Geneva, Switzerlandwho.intUniuse en abril de 2008

Chíos de World Health Organization (WHO)

"On Saturday, I will have the honour of participating in the opening of the Carlo Urbani Museum in his hometown of Castelplanio, Italy. Today we are honoured to be joined by Dr Urbani’s son, Tommaso"-
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"The following month, during a flight to Bangkok, Dr Urbani developed symptoms of SARS, and died of complications related to the disease less than three weeks later. He was 46 years old, and left behind his wife and their three children"-@DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/164
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"The following month, during a flight to Bangkok, Dr Urbani developed symptoms of SARS, and died of complications related to the disease less than three weeks later. He was 46 years old, and left behind his wife and their three children"-
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"Recognizing that this new disease was highly contagious, Dr Urbani decided to spend several days at the hospital coordinating infection prevention and control procedures, quarantine interventions and maintaining the morale of hospital staff"-@DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/164
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"Recognizing that this new disease was highly contagious, Dr Urbani decided to spend several days at the hospital coordinating infection prevention and control procedures, quarantine interventions and maintaining the morale of hospital staff"-
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"Dr Urbani’s rapid actions were critical in helping to contain the epidemic by triggering a global response that was key to stopping the outbreak in Vietnam, and saving countless lives around the world"-@DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/164
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"Dr Urbani’s rapid actions were critical in helping to contain the epidemic by triggering a global response that was key to stopping the outbreak in Vietnam, and saving countless lives around the world"-
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"One day, Dr Urbani received a call from a hospital in Hanoi to assist in investigating what appeared to be a severe case of flu. After examining the patient, he realised it was not flu, and something else was going on"-@DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/164
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"One day, Dr Urbani received a call from a hospital in Hanoi to assist in investigating what appeared to be a severe case of flu. After examining the patient, he realised it was not flu, and something else was going on"-
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"One of the most instrumental people in identifying SARS as a new and deadly disease was Dr Carlo Urbani, who was the director of infectious diseases for @WHOWPRO, working in Vietnam"-@DrTedros twitter.com/DrTedros/statu
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"One of the most instrumental people in identifying SARS as a new and deadly disease was Dr Carlo Urbani, who was the director of infectious diseases for , working in Vietnam"-
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Today we remember our colleague Dr Carlo Urbani, who lost his life 20 years ago while fighting SARS in Vietnam. Carlo played a key role in early detection and containment of the disease. His legacy continues to inspire all those who seek to serve humanity. who.int/news/item/29-0
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"WHO & partners incl. , the & have offered support to the government to bridge any gaps in the response. As we said last week, WHO is working to integrate research into the response, incl. trials of vaccines & therapeutics"-
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"In #Tanzania, the number of confirmed #Marburg cases remains at 8, with 5 deaths. Three people are currently being treated in a health facility. Two health workers are among the confirmed cases, including one death. So far, all of the reported cases are in one region"-@DrTedros
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"WHO is aware of additional #Marburg cases, and we have asked the government to report these cases officially to WHO"-
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"The number of officially reported #Marburg cases remains at 9, with 7 deaths, in three provinces. However, these three provinces are 150 kilometres apart, suggesting wider transmission of the virus"-@DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/164
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"The number of officially reported #Marburg cases remains at 9, with 7 deaths, in three provinces. However, these three provinces are 150 kilometres apart, suggesting wider transmission of the virus"-
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"In #EquatorialGuinea, WHO is on the ground with partners, supporting the Ministry of Health to respond to the #Marburg outbreak. We have deployed teams to assist with case finding, clinical care, logistics, and community engagement"-@DrTedros
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