Yardım:Devriyeli değişiklikler

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Patrolled edits and the translation is 12% complete.
PD Not: Bu sayfayı düzenlerken katkınızı CC0 altında yayınlamayı kabul edersiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için Kamu Malı Yardım Sayfalarına bakın.

Devriyeli değişiklikler, belirli kullanıcılara yeni sayfalar ve ögeler için Special:RecentChanges sayfasında "devriye" olarak yani "onaylanmış" olarak işaretlenmesine olanak tanıyan bir özelliktir. Varsayılan olarak bu özellik hizmetli grubunda olsa da; çoğu viki kullanıcılara 'patrol' grubunu atamaktadır.

Bu özellik son değişikliklerdeki istenmeyen değişiklikler, link spam'ı ve vandalizmi izlemede oldukça etkilidir. Bu, insanların (bunu yapma izni olan) devriye faaliyetlerini koordine etmelerine olanak tanır, böylece düzenlemeler bir kez kontrol edilir ve daha az çaba harcanır (aynı düzenlemeyi kontrol eden farklı kişiler).

This feature also allows setting trustworthy users' edits to be automatically patrolled, so that the people who review recent changes need not spend time doing unnecessary reviewing.

Marking edits as patrolled

To mark an edit as patrolled
  1. Access Special:RecentChanges
    Changes which are not patrolled display with a red exclamation mark (!).
  2. Click the (diff) link next to an edit.
  3. To mark the edit as patrolled, click the Kontrol edilmiş olarak işaretle link.
To mark a new page as patrolled
  1. New pages which are not patrolled display with a yellow background.
  1. To mark a new page as patrolled, visit it and click the [Kontrol edilmiş olarak işaretle] link near the bottom of the page.
To mark a new file as patrolled
  1. If you want to see only unpatrolled files, check "Denetlenmiş yüklemeleri gizle"
  1. To mark a new file or new file version as patrolled, visit it and click the [Bu dosya sürümünü kontrol edilmiş olarak işaretle] link near the bottom of the file description.


  • There is currently no method to undo the marking of a page as patrolled.

Hiding patrolled edits from recent changes

Patrolled edits can be hidden from recent changes by adding &hidepatrolled=1 to the URL in the following form:


Note: this works only for users with the patrol or patrolmarks right. This might change after görev T44246 is solved in future.



MediaWiki sürümü:

Patrolled edits are enabled by default in MediaWiki 1.4 and later. To disable this, set $wgUseRCPatrol in LocalSettings.php to false.

$wgUseRCPatrol = false;


MediaWiki sürümü:

In MediaWiki 1.4, patrolled edits are enabled for all users. To restrict this to sysops, set $wgOnlySysopsCanPatrol in LocalSettings.php to true.

$wgOnlySysopsCanPatrol = true;
MediaWiki sürümü:

In MediaWiki 1.5 and later, patrolled edits are enabled for sysops. Use the $wgGroupPermissions configuration variable to assign this to new or existing user groups. See Manual:User rights management .

For instance, to create a patrollers group:

$wgGroupPermissions['patrollers']['patrol'] = true;

Automatic patrolling

MediaWiki sürümleri:
1.6 – 1.8

In MediaWiki 1.6 through 1.8, there is a user preference available to users who are able to mark edits as patrolled. When set, this causes their edits to be patrolled automatically.

This option is not available if the patrolled edits feature is switched off.

MediaWiki sürümü:

In MediaWiki 1.9 this user preference was removed and replaced by a new "autopatrol" right, assigned only to sysops by default. Also, users cannot mark their own edits as patrolled.


The formatting of the unpatrolled edit marker can be altered using CSS. The exclamation mark displayed on the Recent changes log is styled using the span.unpatrolled class.


Patrolling actions are listed in the Patrol log (example).

See also