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Today was our second full day as we explored the region of the Negev. After a good nights rest in Beersheba and breakfast, we checked out of our hotel and began our day at about 7:40. We read from Psalm 126 (about the “watercourses of the Negev”) to begin the day. The weather was once again perfect, with full sun and temps in the low 70s.



We arrived at Tel Beersheba at 8 a.m. This is small but interesting archaeological site. We saw a replica of a 4-horned altar found here, the city well, walls, gates, and a few Israelite “four-room houses. We read from Genesis 21 about Abraham. Isaac (Gen. 26), Jacob (Gen. 46), and Elijah (1 Kings 19) were all here. We left the site by walking through the impressive cistern water system.


Sde Boker / Gravesite of David & Paula Ben Gurion, Zin Desert

We drove about 50 minutes south to the Zin Desert. We saw a few ibex on the way, a wild goat that is referred to in Psalm 104. The small community of Sde Boker overlooks the beautiful canyon of the Zin. This is where the graves of David Ben Gurion (Israel’s first Prime Minister) are located. His wife Paula is also buried here. From here we drove down into the Zin canyon for a hike to the water falls and back. Many in the group continued the hike, ascending to the far rim. The 12 spies came through the Zin Desert (Numbers 13) and Moses struck the rock somewhere here as well (Numbers 20).



We drove about an hour back north to Tel Arad, an early Canaanite and Israelite/Judean site. Arad was a city whose king opposed the Israelites at the time of Moses (Number 21). The city would later be conquered by Joshua (Joshua 12). We started our visit on top of there citadel. Here we saw the false worship center here, complete with a courtyard, sacrificial altar, and a “Holy of Holies” inner chamber. King Hezekiah (and later Josiah) brought an end to these high places (2 Chronicles 31 & 34). We also reflected upon how we are to be a “living sacrifice” to God by laying ourselves on the altar of His purpose and will for our lives (Romans 12:1-2). We also walked down to the Canaanite city to see the reservoir, house structures, and the walls and towers of the city.

“We spent the day in the Negev and Judean Desert. These regions are completely different than the Shephelah (lowlands). It was a wonderful day with many biblical connections in a very beautiful area of Israel.”
Zin Desert Jan 2023 Israel Tour John DeLancey

From here we drove through modern-day Arad to the eastern side of this large modern city. We stopped for a brief walk out into the edge of the Judean Desert for a fantastic view of the mountains of Moab in modern Jordan today. We boarded back on the bus and drove on a windy road into the Judean Desert and to Hanokdim, our “bedouin-style tent hotel” for the night. Upon arriving we check into our “tents” and/or private huts. We also enjoyed listening to a bedouin share about his lifestyle and a tasty dinner. To end the night we enjoyed a bonfire.



Beersheba Cistern Jan 2023 Israel Tour John DeLancey</p

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Arad High Place Jan 2023 Israel Tour John DeLancey
SDE BOKER Ben Gurion grave Jan 2023 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Arad Judean Desert Overlook Jan 2023 Israel Tour John DeLancey

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