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Resiliency in Disaster Behavioral Health


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Listen to a discussion of specific behavioral health interventions across the stages of disaster response that also focus on the needs of specific populations.

The goal of this podcast is to inform local behavioral health agencies about strategies for building resiliency in individuals and the community before, during, and after a disaster.

Episode 6: Long-Term Recovery

In this episode, we hear from Natalie Grant, a Program Analyst in the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Division of Recovery. She has served as the Health and Social Services Field Coordinator for the federal interagency coordination following Hurricane Sandy from 2012 to 2016 and supported recovery planning and coordination in other disaster and emergency incidents nationwide.

Episode 5: Persons with Substance Use Disorders

In this episode, we hear from Dee S. Owens, Special Assistant to the Director in SAMHSA’s Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. She discusses the importance of disaster behavioral health coordinators taking into consideration the needs of people with substance use disorders and how planning can increase resiliency among this population.

Episode 4: Resiliency Among First Responders

In this episode, we hear from Amy Kevis, a sworn officer and the Assistant Director for Community Mental Health and Addiction Services in Delaware. She discusses why it is important for first responders to build resiliency as well as unique challenges facing this population.

Episode 3: Pre-Disaster Organizational Resilience

In this episode, we hear from Thomas R. Thomson, the Access Specialist and Disaster Coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. He discusses how an agency can prepare itself for a disaster, increase employee resilience, and serve the community in a time of need.

Episode 2: Behavioral Health Reactions and Ways to Enhance Resilience

In this episode, we hear from Dr. Melissa Riley, State Coordinator for the Tennessee Disaster Crisis Counseling Program. She discusses ways trauma can affect our lives in the short and long term and ways to enhance resilience in individuals, families, and communities.

Episode 1: What Is Community Resilience?

In this episode, we hear from Brian Houston, Co‑Director of the Terrorism and Disaster Center at the University of Missouri, a partner in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. He discusses community resilience definitions, models, strategies, and tools.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 06/07/2022