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The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries publish several different document types.

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  • Climate change, hungerand vulnerability

    16/02/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    At the climate summit in Glasgow (COP26) in November 2021, Norway pledged to double its climate finance to developing countries by 2026. This includes a commitment to at least triple funding for climate change adaptation, in line with the Paris

  • Government Pension Fund and the Santiago principles

    31/01/2023 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    The International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF) was established in 2009 with the purpose of promoting the Santiago Principles. Norway is not a member of the IFSWF, but fully supports these principles.

  • National charging strategy

    24/01/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Transport

    Electric vehicles (EVs) are likely to be the preferred zero-emission technology in many vehicle segments towards 2030, even if other technologies eventually can become more relevant. If we are to achieve the goals for the vehicle population in 2025

  • Migration and Integration 2021–2022

    16/01/2023 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Report for Norway to the OECD.

  • Fifth evaluation  round: Preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies

    13/01/2023 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Report from GRECO - Group of States against Corruption (Council of Europe).

  • Legalisation

    29/12/2022 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norwegian documents that are to be submitted to authorities abroad can be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Revision: National counterterrorism strategy

    14/12/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The national counterterrorism strategy was presented in 2021. After an inclusive process, it resulted in the designation of several priority areas and measures to address identified needs andgaps. With the present revision of the strategy, the

  • Combining forces against hunger – a policy to improve food self-sufficiency

    29/11/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Action plan to combat social dumping and work-related crime

    02/11/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Action plan to combat social dumping and work-related crime was submitted by the Government 1 October 2022.

  • Meld. St. 6 (2022–2023) - Greener and more active state ownership

    The State’s direct ownership of companies

    21/10/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    In the white paper on ownership policy, the Government describes why the state has direct ownership interests in companies, what the state owns and how the state exercises its ownership.

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2021

    Foreign Service Control Unit Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    13/10/2022 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Solutions for U-864 - the submarine wreck outside Fedje in Vestland

    13/10/2022 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    English summary of the report from the expert committee, which has assessed further measures for the submarine U-864.

  • Prop. 1 LS (2022–2023) - Taxes 2023

    Prop. 1 LS (2022–2023) Proposition to the Storting (Bill and Draft Resolution) For the 2023 Budget Year

    06/10/2022 Proposition Ministry of Finance

  • NOU 2022: 12 - The Fund in a changing world

    The Government Pension Fund Global and new economic and political developments

    26/09/2022 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

  • Meld. St. 5 (2022–2023) - Long-term plan for research and higher education 2023–2032

    23/09/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research

  • State Ownership Report 2021

    – The State's direct ownership of companies

    20/09/2022 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The State ownership report is an annual report of the State’s direct ownership and allows you to read about the strategies, performance, financial development and important events for the respective companies in 2021.

  • Roadmap – The green industrial initiative

    07/09/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Office of the Prime Minister

    This roadmap is the starting point for the Norwegian government's work to promote green industry. The document presents new ambitions, instruments and measures. The roadmap was launched by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Minister of Trade and

  • Norway’s battery strategy

    07/09/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Norway's first battery strategy was launched on 29 June 2022. The strategy presents 10 measures for how Norway will further develop a coherent and profitable battery value chain.

  • Dementia Plan 2025

    02/09/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Dementia Plan 2025 is the third national dementia plan. It is the government's five-year plan (2021-2025) to improve services for people with dementia and their families.

  • Meld. St. 14 (2021–2022) - Norwegian exports of defence-related products in 2021, export control and international non-proliferation cooperation

    31/08/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This white paper provides an account of Norwegian exports of arms, ammunition and other military equipment and components, related technology, and services for military use (shortened to ‘defence-related products’ in the rest of this document) in