
It is the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs that has overriding responsibility for the Government’s labour policy.

Labour immigration

Labour immigration provides Norway with important expertise and covers our need for labour in several sectors. Norway has for many years been part of a common Nordic labour market. Through the EEA Agreement and the EFTA Convention, Norway is also part of a common European labour market.

Labour market measures

Labour market measures, or active labour market policy, is one of the most important group of policy instruments aimed at promoting a well-functioning labour market. Labour market measures aim at contributing to increased employment, reduced unemployment and combating exclusion from the labor market by helping people find work and become active.

The working environment and safety

Enterprises are themselves responsible for preventing accidents and harm to health as a result of work. Employers have a duty to ensure that the working environment is both safe and satisfactory.

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Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

Phone: +47 22 24 90 90
Address: Postboks 8019 Dep, 0030 Oslo
Visitor address: Akersgata 64, 0180 Oslo