Equality and diversity

Everyone living in Norway should have equal opportunities to contribute and to participate in the community, regardless of gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation and disability.

To menn som holder en paraply med regnbuefarger

More equal and inclusive society for all LGBTQ people


The attack that took place on the night of 25 June 2022 is a painful reminder that work still needs to be done – also politically – to make Norway a safer, more equal and inclusive society for all LGBTQ people. The Government wants to strengthen the efforts to combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and gender characteristics.

Bilde fra #ikkegreit

Hate speech and cyberhate


No one should be subjected to violence, hate or trolling on the basis of their faith, skin colour, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression etc. Hate speech and cyberhate can have serious consequences for individuals, groups and society as a whole.

Kvinner og menn på rekke

Gender equality


We wish to promote equality and put in place better protection against discrimination for everyone. A society free from discrimination is a prerequisite for equality and equal opportunities. We therefore need a robust and transparent statutory framework that prevents gender-based discrimination, and safeguards legal protection.

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