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Xin chào! Tên tôi là Jabba

Photo for 80511 [281085]

Hi I'm Jabba,

As my name suggests I am a little on the heavy side and could benefit from a little cardio and weight loss. I am a little nervous in the shelter but have enjoyed slow petting and love.
Cats like me become very bonded to our people and places, and always need a little time to adjust to change. When we feel at home, we are very affectionate and playful - we also tend to have more nervous energy. We usually do best in homes with people who are home regularly to play and hang out with us, but are not super busy. We also tend to prefer children over 6-years, and take introductions to other pets very slowly - but just one or two okay? Please ask about me today!

Tin Tức và Sự Kiện

Foster volunteer Brandy and Emergency Management Analyst Alice with a kitten

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers - January 2023

Tarp, a cat adopted in December 2022.

December 2022 Monthly Report

Emergency Management Analyst Alice Busch takes a break from coordinating shelter operations to snuggle a puppy

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December Monthly Report Snapshot

Field Responses
Transfers Out
Reclaimed Pets