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Titans (TV Series 2018– ) Poster

(I) (2018– )

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Pretty Entertaining!
DiCaprioFan1330 September 2022
Titans is a gritty show that's based off the comic book "Teen Titans" which follows a group of young heroes as they try to make the world a better place to live in. I've really come to enjoy this show a lot. There are some parts that slow the show down a little but the good definitely outweighs the bad. It's obviously a show that's much more aimed at adults so some might be turned off by that but I like it more because of it. It continues to have surprise after surprise that will keep you entertained and wanting more. They give each character plenty of room to grow and expand each of their storylines. You really become invested in each character because of the storytelling here. It's show that keeps you on your toes as it is not afraid to kill off main characters. I'm looking forward to future seasons!
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Season 1: terrific, season 2: mixed bag, season 3: dreadful
cherold1 December 2018
Original review of season 1 (9 stars): I notice some IMDB user reviews are horrified by the darkness of the series. This is exactly what I like about it, so if you want a series about heroic vigilantism as a source of empowerment, this is probably not the show for you.

The main protagonist is Dick Grayson, who has left Batman behind but whose long career as Robin has left him with a taste for heroic violence. Dick's fight scenes are horrifically violent; he's not just trying to stop the bad guys, but to severely punish them.

Soon he joins with a young girl with terrifying powers, an amnesiac who can generate fire, and a shape shifter, all of them working to protect the girl from mysterious forces out to get her.

But that's not the end of the superheroes. So far (I'm 8 episodes in) almost every episode introduces some other superhero in Grayson's life. It's interesting to see superheroes as a sort of fractious community, even if, yes, it's kind of the premise of comic book parody The Tick.

So far every episode has been riveting. Most of the time I really like the first one or two episodes of a superhero series then start losing interest (Flash, Arrow, Gifted) so I held off writing a review for a while. But this series seems, like Legion and Impulse, to stay fresh and intriguing, with an engaging story and compelling characters. It has fully-formed characters and many surprises.

And yeah, it's dark. And I love it.

Season 2 (7 stars): What happened?! The series got off to a bad start because the season 1 ender was pushed forward for sake of a cliffhanger and then rushed through. This introduced a messy season with random characters showing up and a story arc (of sorts) that swerved all over the road. The season seemed to right itself around the middle with the excellent introduction of Conner, but then crashed and burned with a season ender that was senseless and poorly conceived on multiple levels.

Season 3 (2 stars):

I was really hoping they would right the ship in season 3, but instead they bashed holes in the hull until it sank. It's an unpleasant, tedious season, but shockingly received the best reviews of the series from both fans and critics!

There are several plot threads, but the main one involves Red Hood, and this thread is awful. Red Hood and his mentor are bland psychopaths, and the plot is fueled mainly by stupidity. When the good guys lose it's because they did something phenomenally stupid, and when they win it's because the villains suddenly do something phenomenally stupid.

The most notable part of the Red Hood thread is episode two, which is well done and genuinely powerful, but which I found so grueling that I didn't watch another episode for two months.

But for the most part, it's just boring.

The other threads, focused on Starfire and Raven (one of two major characters gone for most of the season), are much better. The Raven thread is responsible for the one truly brilliant episode, episode 9 (Souls), and the Starfire thread is entertaining and engrossing. But together these make up maybe 20% of the season.

Easily the worst season so far, regardless of what anyone else says. I'm not optimistic that after the positive response we'll get anything better next year.
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Worth Watching!
Supermanfan-1327 July 2022
Titans was so much better than I thought it would be! After reading the reviews I wasn't really sure what to expect, there are more positive than negative but it's still pretty mixed so I still wasn't sure. I thought I'd finally give it chance and now that I just finished Season 3 I'd have to say I'm glad that I did because it was really good! It's obviously much more aimed at adults so some might be turned off by that but I like it more because of it. Im looking forward to future seasons!
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watched 3 seasons at the time of this review
MovieFreak3526 November 2021
I really like this show, it has the dark and gritty feel to it which i prefer in my comic book movies and tv. The characters are all well developed and the story, even tho different every season wraps up nicely in the end leaving no question or plotholes left untold.
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jmjones-341075 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Idk about every1 else but I love DC over Marvel. I was hugely surprised by Titans but Raven alone in this show could produce her own spinoff with the insane powers she possesses. Of course things could be better like Starfire actually flying but Robin's transition into Nightwing and Jason Todd's Red Hood brilliant. Now I'm reading HBOMax has some new dumbass ceo thats going to cancel pretty much everything that brought most of us to the platform to begin with. I've been waiting forever for the next season.
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Fresh new rendering done right!
devonee71312 April 2022
I love almost everything about this series. I'm going to get my main complaints out of the way, then get to the good stuff. Be sure to read the whole thing!

There were some slow parts that went on longer than I cared for (a bit of unnecessary clutter), but within said parts there is always relevant info. It doesn't make the series any less worth watching. Also, I wanted Scarecrow to be a little more unhinged. Only one star off for both of these complaints, now to the good stuff.

I love that it's dark and gritty, like a tiny level above CW's Gotham (which was also fantastic except for being too watered down for network television). We're mostly adulting in this [formerly/known/as teen] series, and it's a breath of fresh air.

Teagan Croft is delightful as Rachel. I'm hoping we get to see more of her personal struggles, and more of her awesome powers.

There could not have been a better Donna Troy cast than Conor Leslie. She's perfect for the role, body language, voice inflections, facial expressions, everything.

Curran Walters did a stunning job at portraying Jason Todd. Bring. Him. Back. Find a way.

Hank Hall's personal story line was awesome, and portrayed in a way that brought attention to a current issue without completely breaking the immersion of the main story. Brilliantly done!

Brenton Thwaites is also perfectly cast, brings personal conflict and an overthinking broodiness to an already dark series. I can't imagine anyone else in this role.

I love the darkness of the series. And I look forward to seeing more dark sides in all of the characters.
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Starts off epic not sure about later seasons but I'm sure it's better than Arrow or even the The Flash has terrible acting
UniqueParticle27 March 2022
Absolutely love the music and how exciting the series is especially the grittiness! I'll probably end up appreciating Titans more than some it seems very enjoyable with very likable characters. If I had known the series was based off Teen Titans among a bunch of other DC characters I would've watched sooner. The cinematography and violence is amazing makes everything worth while!
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Season 3 - Good, but bad
andre_carreiro1 October 2021
This is a show that if not called "Titans" would be a nice show. Nice Special FX, nice characters, decent plot, good shooting (pun intended), lots of good props. They could have called it "Young Generation" (not "Next", it's "Taken"). This way they're just pretending to be the Titans, most of the time.

  • And why is Alfred trying to pretend he's Bruce?

All and all, you can still enjoy it. Barely, but still enjoyable.
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Season 1 showed promise. Season 2 destoyed that promise.
rapettif15 January 2020
Season 2 is bad. Just tons of internal conflicts, and several characters acting like psychopaths, idiots or some combination of that. In almost all of the season nothing happens at all. Some quite horrible choices made in this season. What a waste!!

Live action is overrated. Instead, go watch Young Justice. The plot is infinitely better than in Titans.
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kylebrown020928 March 2022
This show is everything I want from a DC live action series. It is fun and awsome and scary in the best way. If you like DC you will love this show . They are bringing awsome DC charater to the show.
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Not what I expected
nothimme13 October 2018
It wasn't as edgy as I thought it would be. Actings wasn't as weird as I thought it would be. The choreography wasn't as fake as I thought it would be. CGI didn't look as bad as I thought it would be. Production didn't look as cheap as I thought it would be. Editing wasn't as sloppy as I thought it would be. Dialogues weren't as cheesy as I thought it would be. Interactions are promising. Narrating is captivating. The build-up is looking good. Developments are on point. The episodes actually make sense. The show isn't overly edgy. It has a gritty and realistic take on and it works. I really didn't expect this. I hope they won't spoil this in the future, and raise their bar, it has really good potential. Just don't be fooled by the trailers like i was.

So, just finished the last episode of the first season. And they delivered. There were some awkward moments throughout the season, some scenes definitely could've executed differently, some introductions could've served better, the writing and directing was meh, but as a whole, it was a decent season. This universe is definitely worth your time.
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I'm I Missing Something Here?
gostuffawesome1 December 2019
It's just easter eggs and one repeated character arc for Dick Grayson. I just can't understand why people praise this show so much the characters have no character.
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Appeals To The Lowest Common Denominator
sstidham-417 November 2019
Have you ever wanted to see bad fan fiction, written by a 13yo, given the live treatment? This is the show for you. Now fans of Teen Titans Go! or of the equally popular award winning 80's run of The New Teen Titans; will not recognize these characters. There's almost no budget, so Starfire looks nothing like Starfire, same for Beast Boy. In this universe dropping f bombs is the only way to complete sentences. It's a very dark show based with relationships so fractured, you're left wondering how these people ever came together to begin with. It's baffling that Geoff Johns is involved. Not only from a writing standpoint, but from a destroying the incredible world Wolfman and Perez created. If he thought he was improving on these heroes, he's sadly mistaken. The writers don't respect the characters they're using here. So many of Dick Grayson's actions goes against the core of who he is. The Titans are a family, they care for one another and build each other up. At least that's how they should be written. This seems to be a continuation of the Snyderverse of ultra violent live action DC projects with no enjoyable plot lines, miscast actors and leaving you hopeless.
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season 3
gtenalokes18 September 2021
I somewhat enjoyed the first and second season, but I'm not feeling season 3, I find myself constantly wondering "Who writes this nonsense..."
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How do they keep doing it?
asterblasterth1 October 2021
How do these writers of DC series keep screwing things up after a good first season? I liked the first season. Got me interested. Then the second was barely okay but the third is just so irritating. Everything is going downhill once again. They did it with Green Arrow and Flash too. They get you excited and then they fumble the ball badly.
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Has It's Problems But Overall It's Pretty Good
Athanatos17312 October 2018
The main weakness this show has is the writing. Though overall it's acceptable, there is a major lull in a few episodes of the first season where they are trying to introduce characters with upcoming series of their own. I think this is the first time I've seen this done in a shows first season, and it doesn't work.

The actors all seem to have good chemistry and it shows, though hard core fans will be disappointed as pretty much all the characters have been drastically altered from the source material.

As for Starfire, I don't care what color the skin the actor portraying her has, as long as she can act. The answer is that Anna Diop can act, however she is stymied by the script she is given.

I wasn't expecting an Emmy caliber show, as long as the writers don't eventually sink the show, the actors seem to be doing a good enough job with a so-so script.
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devtiwari79330 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode is the worst and thing made by DC Comics and WB. How wonder girl can killed by electricity she is immortal. The whole series is not making any point. Please stop these nonsense WB and DC and make some good to watch
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A self-indulgent exercise in pure nihilism
DangerousDag16 November 2019
Dark and edgy for the sake of dark and edgy might have worked ten years ago, before a hundred other shows did the same, and did it better than this incoherent mess. The atmosphere is the only notable feature of the show, and its so oppressive that it weighs everything down. Storylines that might have been interesting are instead left flat and meaningless by the writers' constant need to divert attention back to the darkness and edginess. Characters who might actually be on the verge of developing into interesting people are instead forced to constantly revert back to brooding, emotionally stunted, self-involved narcissists. The writers' efforts to explore moral ambiguity and shades of gray are consistently frustrated by their own inability to see past the show's unnecessary grittiness long enough to generate anything of substance. Instead, they and their audience are left running around in circles in the unrelenting darkness that is Titans' only real character.
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I'll Give it an 8.5 because it has so much potential but that Season 2 finale man..
mr_perryhudson26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Titants Started out very Solid in it's first season, they were taking their time introducing and developing characters and Then they decided to rush everything halfway through season two?.... They introduce Deathstroke played by the brilliant Esai Morales which is honestly, enough storyline for a 13 episode miniseries but for some reason they also decide to send Starfire on her own sidequest? And by the end of the season this Fearless, terrifying villain is deafeated in 5 minutes?? AND THEN, out of nowhere Wondergirl can be killed with electricity? What the hell was that??? This show has SO MUCH POTENTIAL but they're rushing everything and that's their mistake.
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Dark but good
waqassaleem-8520130 January 2021
At points you feel like what is it you're watching. But it is turns out to be pretty good. Worth a watch. Some things the show did wrong but if you look past it you'll enjoy it.
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Better than expected
MadamWarden6 March 2020
Way better than the Flash/Supergirl/Green Arrow DC teen offering. It actually has some adults and some deeper characters. Certainly a lot darker which I prefer.

Good special effects, characters and complex plot that actually makes sense.

Good fun!
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The right mix......
s327616918 February 2019
Rather than wasting time being pretentious and overly clever, Titans simply jumps right in with wall to wall action.

This series finally delivers what action superhero fans want. Lots of kick ass action with sophisticated, mature characters and a solid back story. Its such a wonderful departure from bloated series that offer up a lot of drawn out emotional padding but little in the way of story or action.

My only gripe and its not a huge one, is the violence could have been dialed down a little and this would still have worked.

Well done people. Look forward to season 2. 8/10 from me.
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Season 2
kangle5021 September 2019
Season 1 was very good and I gave it a decent review, but I have no idea what happened with the writers between then and now. So far, 3 episodes in, Season 2 is terrible - unbelievable situations, stupid character decisions meant only to propel the plot such as it is, lazy writing, the acting is unconvincing, and it's all so predictable, stupid, and boring boring boring. I find myself doing lots of other things while it's playing, not missing anything interesting, and desperately awaiting a new season of Doom Patrol, a far and away better show than this relentlessly blue tinged humorless dreck.
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Really should have 'allowed´ S2E1 to play through as S1E13
mwpowelllde7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, they cue S2 and now suddenly they 'agree´ on a team name? The continuity is a bit broken, they really should have let the season play through in S1 and it might be more plausible... Instead if feels more like the S1 resolution we were wanting.

Edit: Last season they could not quite figure out who they were. Then magically all of a sudden in what would have been the last episode they figured out they had a history as 'the Titans´. Now this season, not to be out done, but they are also finding it hard to discover who they are in the shadow of 'the Titans´. Well, duh, it is 'Teen Titans´ in the making. Basically you have a rehashing of the cartoon series', IMO. The story is the story, but come on guys!

Oh, and Starfire and her kind still do not know how to fly! Kinda sucks...
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Who actually cares?
jeroen-10616 January 2019
The acting is good, but the cinematography is bland and the writing is full of lazy cop-outs, absurd coincidences and safe cliches. There is no real threat or conflict that grabs my attention or makes me feel anything about any character. The story is just a series of "and then they did this..." events strung together. And the forced quirkiness feels like DC was desperate in trying to reinvent the dull world they have created in cinemas the last few years.

The last season of Daredevil on Netflix demonstrates how a show like this could be.
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