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Kielâravvuuh[mute käldee]

Teehi puáhtá lasettiđ kielâravvuid.

List of administrators[mute käldee]

Tääl ko mist lii olmâ Wikipedia, te mij kolgâp valjiđ aainâs-uv oovtâ "administrator":

N. Iävtukkâsah Jienah
1 Kevttee:Muotâ Muotâ, Yupik, Holder, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
2 Kevttee:Yupik Trondtr, Muotâ , Holder, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
3 Kevttee:Seipinne Trondtr, Yupik, Muotâ, Holder, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
4 Kevttee:Mlolthuis Trondtr, Muotâ, Holder, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
5 Kevttee:Jon Harald Søby Trondtr, Yupik, Muotâ, Holder, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
6 Kevttee:SaMSUoM Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Holder, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis
7 Kevttee:Trondtr Yupik, Muotâ, Holder, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Mlolthuis

Mu mielas berrešii leat eanet go okta. Ođđadárogiela wp:s lea omd. 25 hálddašeaddji, nu ahte mu mielas livččii buorre jos juohke dálá aktiivalaš čálli sáhttá leat hálddašeaddji. Jos omd. boahtá vandalisma dahje miinu, de livččii buorre jos livččii máŋga hálddašeaddji. Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 20:23, 20 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST).

Mun lam siämmáá uáivilist. Mun puávtám koijâdiđ iärásijn, halijdeh-uv sij leđe fáárust. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 11:34, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)
* Kevttee:SaMSUoM haalijd leđe fáárust. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 11:52, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)
* Kevttee:Mlolthuis haalijd leđe fáárust. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 15:16, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)
* Kevttee:Yupik haalijd leđe fáárust. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 13:41, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)
* Kevttee:Trondtr haalijd leđe fáárust. Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 15:01, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST).
* Kevttee:Seipinne haalijd leđe fáárust. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 17:56, 21 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)

Fuom! Mis eai velge leat hálddašeaddjivuoigatvuođat. Dál go vandálat leat gávdnan smn wp livččii buorre daid oažžut. Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 00:46, 14 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)-

... muhto dál mii leat hálddašeaddjit, gč. More, gos lohká Siho ja Suoijii. Buorre! Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 16:24, 22 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET). Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 16:24, 22 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Congratulations[mute käldee]

These are great news that there is now a Wikipedia in Inari Sami! Best regards. --Holder (savâstâllâm) 20:02, 20 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EEST)

Fallback language[mute käldee]

Kevttee:Jon Harald Søby: The fallback language is the language which is used in the interface if there is no translation of a message in Inari Sámi. By default, the last fallback language is always English (which is why you're seeing English messages in some places), but I think for Inari Sámi Finnish should be an additional intermediary fallback language. In that case, you will only see messages in English if they don't have a translation in neither Inari Sámi or Finnish. I think it is safe to assume that Inari Sámi people are more likely to understand Finnish than English, so it makes sense to add it as a fallback.

Ađai mij kolgâp valjiđ nuuvt kočodum "fallback language". --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 19:31, 26 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET)

N. Iävtukkâsah Jienah
1 eŋgâlâskielâ
2 suomâkielâ Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr
3 orjâlâškielâ

And the fallback language seems to still be English, despite the overwhelming (!) support for Finnish?! Could you look into this (and perhaps the administrator issue above as well), Jon Harald? Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 00:48, 14 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET).

A somewhat late Note for the record: The fallback language is now Finnish, it thus works as intended. Thanks! Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 23. cuáŋuimáánuta 2021 kello 11.54 (EEST).

Algâamnâsáid termâiävtuttâsah anarâškielân[mute käldee]

Hei! Nuurrim orjâlâškielâlii Wikipedian algâamnâsij teermâid já meridim nuurrâđ täid meid anarâš- já nuorttâlâškielân. Nuuvtko puáhtá ärvidiđ, jiem kavnâm algâamnâsij teermâid täid kieláid. Ko jiem määti anarâškielâ lovnâsaanij njuolgâdusâid uáli pyereest, haalijdvetteđ-uv smiettâđ, heivejeh-uv anarâškielâlii teermah vuoi ferttee-uv vistig tivvoođ maidnii? Ááigum meid vuolgâttiđ iävtuttâsâid Säämi Kielâkäldei maŋeláhháá :) -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 00:32, 29 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET)

"alumiini" puáhtá leđe sehe "alumiin" já "alumin", já "astatiini" puáhtá leđe sehe "astatiin" já "astatin".
"kloorâ", "kromâ" já "fluorâ" kolgâččii leđe "kloori", "kromi" já "fluori".
Mun puávtám koijâdiđ Aanaar škoovlâst, lii-uv sist listo algâamnâsijn anarâškielân. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 02:44, 29 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET)
Takkâ! Tivvum täid. -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 01:37, 1 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Ovdâsijđo[mute käldee]

Hei! Mun lean evttohan hábmet ovdasiiddu ođđasit, gč. Savâstâllâm:Ovdâsijđo. Livččii buorre gullat maid earáid oaiviliid. Ieš in leat nu buorre hukset dakkár kompleaksa siidduid, muhto kánske Yupik dahje Jon Harald leaba dan dahkan ovdal? Mii fertet goitge smiehttat, maid mii háliidit. Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 12:57, 29 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET).

Mun sáhtán veahkehit (ásahin davvisámegiel Wikipedia ovdasiiddu), muhto dalle mii fertet geavahit davvisámegiel ovdasiiddu. Jon Harald Søby (savâstâllâm) 15:48, 29 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET)
Ličij-uv máhđulâš kevttiđ vuáđđun vepsákielâlii Wikipedia ovdâsiijđo ( --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18:48, 29 roovvâdmáánu 2020 (EET)

Global Bot Policy proposal[mute käldee]


To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement it soon if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests.

Takkâ. --MarcoAurelio (savâstâllâm) 12:04, 18 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)

I have read the Bot policy and thinks implementing it here is a good idea. In general, this is a small wiki with a limited number of contributors and expertice, so I am all in favour of utilising processes common to several wikis. Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 12:13, 18 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET).
I have read the Bot policy. I agree with Trondtr. We should implement it here. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 15:00, 18 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)
Hello Trondtr and Muotâ. Thank you for your replies. Where do you think votes for bot status should happen? Is this page okay or do you prefer a different page? Best regards, --MarcoAurelio (savâstâllâm) 10. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 12.58 (EET)
This page is OK. --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 10. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 13.13 (EET)
Thank you. I have added a note on top of this page and will redirect Project:Bot policy to this page as per the Meta policy. Best regards, MarcoAurelio (savâstâllâm) 11. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 14.41 (EET)

Global bot policy proposal: invitation to a Meta discussion[mute käldee]

Õnnõsooviq! / Onnittelut![mute käldee]

Lämmäq õnnõsoviq võrokõisilt inarisaamõlõ umakeelidse Vikipeediä puhul! / Lämpimät onnittelut võrolaisilta inarisaamelaisille omankielisen Wikipedian aikaansaamisesta! fiu-vro:Inarisaami kiil --Võrok (savâstâllâm) 00:04, 25 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Takkâ! / Kiitos! --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 01:02, 25 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)
Aiteh! :) -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 01:37, 25 skammâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Sivu Testi syntyi vahingossa Wikipedian puolelle[mute käldee]

Sen oli tarkoitus olla osio sivulla Wikipedia-avaruudessa. Etsin syyn, miksi se meni pieleen. Voisiko ylläpito poistaa sivun? Pahoittelut ja kiitos paljon vaivasta! – Susannaanas (savâstâllâm) 12:54, 2 juovlâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Loin myös sivun Muusivu vahingossa. Susannaanas (savâstâllâm) 13:08, 2 juovlâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Otetaan käyttöön Visuaalinen muokkain projektinimiavaruudessa[mute käldee]

Ehdotan, että Visuaalinen muokkain otetaan käyttöön projektinimiavaruudessa eli sivuilla Wikipedia:xxx. Äänestyksen jälkeen voimme ehdottaa sitä Phabricatorissa. – Susannaanas (savâstâllâm) 18:33, 3 juovlâmáánu 2020 (EET)

Wikipedia okkokištoh[mute käldee]

Tääl lii máhđulâš uásálistiđ suomakielâlii Wikipedia okkokištoid meid anarâškielân. Taan oho fáddá lii Suomâ ađai puoh mii lahtoo Suomân: elleekoveh, kirječälleeh, kaavpugeh jna. Tiervâpuáttim kištottâllâđ! :) -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 07:00, 4 juovlâmáánu 2020 (EET)

New administrators[mute käldee]

We need to choose new administrators by February 18th. Here are the candidates:

N. Candidates Signature Votes
1 Kevttee:Muotâ --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 16. uđđâivemáánuta 2021 kello 18.27 (EET) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
2 Kevttee:Yupik -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 16. uđđâivemáánuta 2021 kello 20.27 (EET) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
3 Kevttee:Seipinne -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 16. uđđâivemáánuta 2021 kello 22.57 (EET) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
4 Kevttee:Mlolthuis Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
5 Kevttee:Jon Harald Søby Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
6 Kevttee:SaMSUoM -SaMSUoM (savâstâllâm) 3. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 17.47 (EET) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM
7 Kevttee:Trondtr Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 26. uđđâivemáánuta 2021 kello 09.31 (EET) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, SaMSUoM

The candidates are the same as last time. Please leave a message here if you no longer wish to be part of the team of administrators for the Inari Sámi Wikipedia.
--Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 16. uđđâivemáánuta 2021 kello 18.27 (EET)

Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back![mute käldee]

Please help translate to your language

Wiki Loves Folklore Logo.svg

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

MediaWiki message delivery (savâstâllâm) 6. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 15.25 (EET)

Proposal: Set two-letter project shortcuts as alias to project namespace globally[mute käldee]

Please help translate to your language

Hello everyone,

I apologize for posting in English. I would like to inform everyone that I created a new global request for comment (GRFC) at Meta Wiki, which may affect your project: m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

In this GRFC, I propose that two-project shortcuts for project names will become a default alias for the project namespace. For instance, on all Wikipedias, WP will be an alias to the Wikipedia: namespace (and similar for other projects). Full list is available in the GRFC.

This is already the case for Wikivoyages, and many individual projects asked for this alias to be implemented. I believe this makes it easier to access the materials in the project namespace, as well as creating shortcuts like WP:NPOV, as well as helps new projects to use this feature, without having to figure out how to request site configuration changes first.

As far as I can see, Wikipedia currently does not have such an alias set. This means that such an alias will be set for you, if the GRFC is accepted by the global community.

I would like to ask all community members to participate in the request for comment at Meta-Wiki, see m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this proposal.

Best regards,
--Martin Urbanec (talk) 18. kuovâmáánuta 2021 kello 16.12 (EET)

Arctic Knot Conference 2021 neetist 24.–25.6.2021[mute käldee]

Wikimedia Taažâ uárnee Arctic Knot Conference 2021 wikimediaprojektij ucceeblovokielái sárnoid. Taan ive uáivikielah láá sämikielah já arktâsij kuávlui kielah. Pandemia tiet tot lii tiäđust-uv internetist. -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 14. njuhčâmáánuta 2021 kello 17.50 (EET)

Kyehti tábáhtus älgih 1.4.[mute käldee]

Wikimedia Suomâ uárnee Ruopsis liiŋkâi nisonij (já eressuhâpiälálij) -kišto 1.-30.4. já Wikimedia Serbia almugijkoskâsâš čäällimtábáhtus 1.-8.4. romanij aalmugpeeivi kunnen, jis kiinii halijdičij uásálistiđ. Wikimedia Suomâ kištoost láá meid palhâšumeh, ko tot lij kišto. -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 30. njuhčâmáánuta 2021 kello 11.56 (EEST)

Global bot policy changes[mute käldee]

Lovottuvah anarâškielâg wikipedia biografiain[mute käldee]

Ruopsis liiŋkâi nisonij (já eressuhâpiälálij) -kišto ääigi lovottuvvojii biografiah suhâpele mield. Taa láá anarâškielâg wikipedia lovoh kištoost:

Pvm já tme Ohtsis Almaah Nisoneh Nisonij
artikkâlmeeri (%)
Tubdâmettum suhâpeeli
teikkâ eres suhâpeleh
Puoh (1.4.2021, tme 00.00) 167 95 72 43.114 % 0
Puoh (2.4.2021, tme 08.53) 168 95 73 43.452 % 0
Puoh (2.4.2021, tme 23.30) 169 95 74 43.787 % 0
Puoh (4.4.2021, tme 22.23) 173 95 78 45.087 % 0
Puoh (7.4.2021, tme 23.00) 176 95 81 46.023 % 0
Puoh (9.4.2021, tme 00.12) 177 95 82 46.328 % 0
Puoh (10.4.2021, tme 23.45) 179 95 84 46.927 % 0
Puoh (12.4.2021, tme 01.30) 180 95 85 47.222 % 0
Puoh (15.4.2021, tme 23.35) 181 95 86 47.514 % 0
Puoh (18.4.2021, tme 00.02) 182 95 87 47.802 % 0
Puoh (18.4.2021, tme 16.34) 185 95 90 48.649 % 0
Puoh (19.4.2021, tme 23.50) 187 96 91 48.663 % 0
Puoh (20.4.2021, tme 23.27) 188 96 92 48.936 % 0
Puoh (21.4.2021, tme 23.59) 190 96 94 49.474 % 0
Puoh (22.4.2025, tme 23.55) 193 96 97 50.259 % 0
Puoh (25.4.2021, tme 00.40) 196 96 100 51.02 % 0
Puoh (25.4.2021, tme 23.52) 198 97 101 51.01 % 0
Puoh (26.4.2021, tme 23.55) 199 97 102 51.256 % 0
Puoh (28.4.2021, tme 00.40) 200 97 103 51.5 % 0
Puoh (30.4.2021, tme 00.10) 203 97 106 52.217 % 0
Puoh (1.5.2021, tme 00.00) 205 97 108 52.683 % 0
Puoh (16.5.2021, tme 15.30) 212 100 112 52.83 % 0
Puoh (7.7.2021, tme 02.10) 221 108 114 51.584 % -1
Puoh (3.8.2021, tme 23.17) 226 109 117 51.77 % 0
Puoh (25.9.2021, tme 2.08) 244 125 119 48.77 % 0
Puoh (20.1.2022, tme 14.28) 307 165 142 46.254 % 0
Puoh (28.4.2022, tme 13.15) 397 184 213 53.652 % 0
Puoh (1.5.2022, tme 02.57) 399 184 215 53.885 % 0
Puoh (15.6.2022, tme 18.17) 410 191 219 53.415 % 0
Puoh (1.11.2022, tme 16.19) 427 201 226 52.927 % 0

Kištoost lijjii anarâškielâ lasseen meid suomâ-, aunuskärjil-, orjâlâš- já nuorttâlâškielah. Täin suomâ- já aunuskärjilkielâg wikipediain lii tuše 18-20% artikkâlijn nisonijn. Orjâlâškielâg wikipediast tile lii uccáá pyereeb; tobbeen loho lii suulân 32%. Mut nuorttâlâškielâ iskoswikipediast lii párásumos tile, aainâs-uv nisonáid! Tobbeen lii puoh biografiah nisonijn, vaarâ tondiet ko tobbeen láá 5 biografia ubâ wikipediast :D

Takkâ puohháid já kištottâllop puáttee cuáŋuimáánust oppeet! -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 16. vyesimáánu 2021 tme 15:34 (EEST)

Wikimania 2021[mute käldee]

Wikimania 2021 uárnejuvvoo porgemáánu 13-17 peeivij já taan ive pandemia tiet taat-uv lii neetist. Tääl puáhtá iävtuttiđ oovdânpyehtimijd, pargopáájáid jno. -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 27. vyesimáánu 2021 tme 22:43 (EEST)

3000![mute käldee]

Ennuv lukko! -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 15. kesimáánu 2021 tme 07:39 (EEST)

Ennuv lukko must meid! Fantastlâš pargo! Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 15. kesimáánu 2021 tme 11:38 (EEST)

Read-only next Tuesday[mute käldee]

New administrators[mute käldee]

We need to choose new administrators by August 9th. Here are the candidates:

N. Candidates Signature Votes
1 Kevttee:Muotâ --Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 12:49 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne
2 Kevttee:Yupik --Yupik (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 14:34 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne
3 Kevttee:Seipinne -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 20:22 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne
4 Kevttee:SaMSUoM SaMSUoM (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 13:33 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne
5 Kevttee:Trondtr Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 13:21 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne
6 Kevttee:Nnrytk Nnrytk (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 13:32 (EEST) Muotâ, Trondtr, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk, Mlolthuis, Yupik, Seipinne

The first five candidates are the current administrators. Please leave a message here if you no longer wish to be part of the team of administrators for the Inari Sámi Wikipedia.

If you are not an administrator, but wish to become one, please add your username to the list.--Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 22. kesimáánu 2021 tme 12:49 (EEST)

Wikipedia jurgâlemkonferens 15.–17.12.2021[mute käldee]

Wikipedia aalmugijkoskâsâš jurgâlemkonferens uárnejuvvoo neetist kuulmâ peeivi ääigi juovlâmáánust ađai 15.–17.12.2021. Konferens fáddá lii Translation and Multilingual Practice in the World's Largest Online Encyclopaedia.

Oovdânpyehtimijd puáhtá iävtuttiđ 30.6. räi. Konferens ohjelm almostittoo 1.11. já 1.12. lii majemuš peivi almottâttâđ jieijâs konferensân.

Jis haalijd uásálistiđ konferensân, uásálistemmáksu lii 100 Hong Kong dollárid ađai 10,60 eurod. Wikimedia Suomâ áigu mäksiđ 1–30 uásálistee uásálistemmáávsu. Jis haalijd uásálistiđ nuuvt, ete Wikimedia Suomâ máksá uásálistemmáaávsu, te vääldi ohtâvuođâ! -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 28. kesimáánu 2021 tme 09:11 (EEST)

Reimagining Wikidata from the margins[mute käldee]

Taan projektist láá muu mielâst mielâkiddiivááh koččâmušah. Ličij-uv täin ävkki meid anarâškielâg Wikipediast já ohtsâškoddeest? -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 29. syeinimáánu 2021 tme 00:29 (EEST)

Ennuv lukko![mute käldee]

Ihe tassaaš anarâškielâlâš Wikipedia vuáđudui. Ennuv lukko! :) -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 19. roovvâdmáánu 2021 tme 19:32 (EEST)

Systeemviestâ -siijđoh[mute käldee]


Kiäst/kiäin láá vuoigâdvuođah mutteđ systeemviestâ siijđoid? Smietâškuottim tuš váigutteh-uv toh toos, ete motomeh myenstereh iä tooimâ nuuvtko kolgâččij. Ovdâmerkkân Systeemviestâ:Common.css lii mist aaibâs kuárus. Tiätá-uvks kiinii tain? -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 16. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 12:36 (EET)

Mun jiem tieđe, kiäst/kiäin láá tagareh vuoigâdvuođah. Yupik sáttá tiettiđ.--Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 16. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 23:25 (EET)
Mun-gin jiem tieđe, mut Jon Harald vissâ tiätá :) (tuáivu mield!) -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 27. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 00:28 (EET)
"They need interface rights" lâi vástádâs. -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 27. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 17:46 (EET)
Jáá, na talleba mij ep pyevti maiden porgâđ jieš taid. Takkâ ko koijâdih! :) -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 31. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 10:41 (EET)
Ličij-uv máhđulâš uuccâđ vuoigâdvuođâid taan siijđost? -Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 31. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 15:13 (EET)

Global ban proposal for Musée Annam[mute käldee]

Apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language There is an on-going discussion about a proposal that Musée Annam be globally banned from editing all Wikimedia projects. You are invited to participate at Requests for comment/Global ban for Musée Annam on Meta-Wiki. Takkâ! NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh (savâstâllâm) 27. juovlâmáánu 2021 tme 16:22 (EET)

Wiki Loves Folklore is back![mute käldee]

Please help translate to your language

Wiki Loves Folklore Logo.svg

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (savâstâllâm) 9. uđđâivemáánu 2022 tme 15:15 (EET)

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories[mute käldee]

Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact

About This Month in Education · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery · For the team: ZI Jony (Talk), koskokko 18:58, 16 skammâmáánu 2022 (UTC)

New administrators[mute käldee]

We need to choose new administrators by July 26th. Here are the candidates:

N. Candidates Signature Votes in favour Votes against
1 Kevttee:Muotâ Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 6. kesimáánu 2022 tme 17:41 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk
2 Kevttee:Yupik Yupik (savâstâllâm) 10. kesimáánu 2022 tme 01:00 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk
3 Kevttee:Seipinne Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 10. kesimáánu 2022 tme 11:48 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk
4 Kevttee:SaMSUoM SaMSUoM (savâstâllâm) 12. kesimáánu 2022 tme 20:27 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk
5 Kevttee:Trondtr Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 9. kesimáánu 2022 tme 22:01 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Trondtr, Seipinne, SaMSUoM, Nnrytk

The first five candidates are the current administrators. Please leave a message here if you no longer wish to be part of the team of administrators for the Inari Sámi Wikipedia.

If you are not an administrator, but wish to become one, please add your username to the list.--Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 3. kesimáánu 2022 tme 14:53 (EEST)

Wikidata proposal related to this project[mute käldee]

Hello, a Wikidata proposal related to this project is ongoing. StarTrekker (savâstâllâm) 29. syeinimáánu 2022 tme 10:21 (EEST)

Anarâškielâg Wikipediast čáálus Wikimedia Taažâ blogist[mute käldee]

Tiervâ! Wikimedia Taažâ lii onne čáállám anarâškielâg Wikipediast blogistis. :) Yupik (savâstâllâm) 8. porgemáánu 2022 tme 17:28 (EEST)

Wikipedia:Kesipeeivih 2002[mute käldee]

Wikimedia Eesti uárnee kesipeeivijd 26.–28.8.2022 Vaiblast, Eestist. Jis kiinii tist halijdičij tábáhtusân uásálistiđ, Wikimedia Suomâ puáhtá máhđulávt tuárjuđ uásálistee määđhi. Uásálistee ferttee vuolgâttiđ muuneeld ucâmuš já máhđulâš mätkisajanmáávsuid čujottâsân talous(at) Yupik (savâstâllâm) 8. porgemáánu 2022 tme 19:42 (EEST)

Jurgâlusâi käldeeh[mute käldee]

Tiervâ! Mist láá ennuv siijđoh taan Wikipediast, moh láá ollásávt jurgâlum mottoom nube Wikipediast, já tain iä maŋgii ton suujâst lah ollágin käldeeh. Ličij-uv pyeri, ete meid käldeeh liččii kopijistum taid? Te jis motomin kiinii haalijd veik tärhistiđ teikkâ luuhâđ lase mottoom ääšist, te tom käldee ij tarbâsiččij uuccâđ nube Wikipedia peht. Mudoi-uv oro ain pyerebin, jis artikkâlijn láá käldeeh. Maid tij arvâlvetteđ? -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 29. porgemáánu 2022 tme 21:43 (EEST)

Tiervâ! Mun lam siämmáá uáivilist tuin. Ličij pyeri pieijâđ ain käldeid, veikkâ sijđo ličij jurgâlum ereskielâlii Wikipediast. Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 30. porgemáánu 2022 tme 12:53 (EEST)

Tárukiel Wikipediai mánuppajekištoh[mute käldee]

Tääl lii máhđulâš uásálistiđ tárukielâlij Wikipediai mánuppajekištoh meid anarâškielân. Taan máánu fáddá lii kulttuurärbi-piirâs Taažâst. Tiervâpuáttim kištottâllâđ! :) - Yupik (savâstâllâm) 2. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 19:47 (EEST)

Interface admin[mute käldee]

We need at least one interface admin. Here are the candidates:

N. Candidates Signature Votes in favour Votes against
1 Kevttee:Seipinne -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:19 (EEST) Muotâ, Seipinne, Yupik, Trondtr

If you would like to become an interface admin, please add your username to the list. Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:17 (EEST)

Permanent admin rights[mute käldee]

We would like to get permanent admin rights for the current administrators of our Wikipedia.

N. Candidates Signature Votes in favour Votes against
1 Kevttee:Muotâ -Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:41 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr
2 Kevttee:Yupik -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 14:01 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr
3 Kevttee:Seipinne -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 15:05 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr
4 Kevttee:SaMSUoM Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr
5 Kevttee:Trondtr Trondtr (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 15:31 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr

The candidates are the current administrators. Please leave a message here if you no longer wish to be part of the team of administrators for the Inari Sami Wikipedia. Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:33 (EEST)

Bureaucrats[mute käldee]

We would like to elect bureaucrats for our Wikipedia. Here are the candidates:

N. Candidates Signature Votes in favour Votes against
1 Kevttee:Muotâ -Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:41 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, mlolthuis
2 Kevttee:Yupik -Yupik (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:55 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, EriLas, mlolthuis
3 Kevttee:Seipinne -Seipinne (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 15:20 (EEST) Muotâ, Yupik, Seipinne, Trondtr, mlolthuis

If you would like to become a bureaucrat but your username is not on the list, please feel free to add it. Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 18. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 13:41 (EEST)

Symbol dot dot dot violet.svg (Non Steward) Comment: Hello to all the candidates! In case if you don't know, I wanted to tell you that sadly becoming a Bureaucrat is very hard nowadays. In recent years, the Stewards have a tendency to grant it very rarely due to the presence of certain requirements written on this link.
Some minimum requirements for a user to become a Bureaucrat, is to have at least: 15 votes, 6 permanent administrators and especially if the community is "large enough" determined by the Stewards.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend you requesting on Meta in becoming a Bureaucrat for now. You would probably get rejected by the Stewards because of the minimum requirements, even if you gain a lot of votes in favor and no votes against :-(. So this voting procedure, would turn out to be a huge waste of time for you for that reason...
(In my case, It happened that I helped a user for trying to become a Bureaucrat by keeping track of the voting and requesting it on Meta for the user. But for the user, despite being a permanent admin and having 20 votes in favour, the Stewards rejected the request, especially because for the "not large enough community" part).
Cheers and have a nice evening! :-) --S4b1nuz ᴇ.656(SMS) 26. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 19:02 (EEST)
Thanks a lot for the information! Muotâ (savâstâllâm) 26. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 20:07 (EEST)

2 years of Anarâškielâlâ Wikipedia![mute käldee]

Hello everyone! Sorry for writing in English, Today I noticed that it has already been 2 years since this Wiki was created with even reaching 4.700 articles today! I am very pleased that this wiki has been created and best wishes from here (and sometimes even from here.)!

I heard about the Sami language since when I was in school in this place... so If you saw recently my username in Special:RecentChanges recenly, I have been a bit curious in roaming around how this wiki was doing. By the way a nice step forward for the Sami language in general, Cheers! --S4b1nuz ᴇ.656(SMS) 19. roovvâdmáánu 2022 tme 17:44 (EEST)