The Windows Subsystem for Linux in the Microsoft Store is now generally available on Windows 10 and 11

Today the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in the Microsoft Store is dropping its “Preview” label and becomes generally available with our latest release! We are also making the Store version of WSL the default for new users who run wsl --install and easily upgradeable by running wsl --update for existing users. Using the Store version of...

Systemd support is now available in WSL!

Systemd support is now available in WSL! The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can now run systemd inside of your WSL distros, empowering you to do more with your Linux workflows on your Windows machine. This post will cover: For a summary, check out the video below: What is systemd? What can you do with it? From : ...

Windows Terminal Preview 1.16 Release

The Windows Terminal team is back with another release for you! This release introduces version 1.16 to Windows Terminal Preview and updates Windows Terminal to version 1.15 with these new features. As always, you can install Windows Terminal and Windows Terminal Preview from the Microsoft Store, from the GitHub releases page, or by using ...

Windows Package Manager 1.3

Today I get to announce Windows Package Manager 1.3 has been released. The team has been adding several enhancements to manifests to improve your package installation experience. We’ve enabled better package version reporting. A new setting allows verbose logs to be on by default. If you run winget --info the system architecture is now ...

Windows Terminal Preview 1.15 Release

Welcome back to another Windows Terminal release! This release updates Windows Terminal to version 1.14 and includes all of the features from this previous blog post. Additionally, Windows Terminal Preview is getting an update to version 1.15 and will include all the features detailed here. As always, you can install Windows Terminal and ...

Windows Terminal Preview 1.14 Release

It's Microsoft Build! We have a Windows Terminal Preview release for you focused on fixing bugs and improving quality. This release also migrates Windows Terminal to version 1.13, which contains the new features defined in this previous blog post. As always, you can install Windows Terminal Preview and Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store...

Windows Package Manager 1.2

We've been busy improving the Windows Package Manager. Today I have the pleasure of announcing the availability of Windows Package Manager 1.2. It has been released to the Microsoft Store as an automatic update to the "App Installer" this morning if you're running Windows 10 (1809+) or Windows 11. ARM64 Support We've been working to ...