Customizable Infographic with Instructions

On this page, you will find a customizable infographic that allows you to add state- or local-level STD data to post on your website and share in your community. There is a detailed set of instructions to help customize this material.

What to Do and How to Do It
Customizable Infographic
  1. Browser settings can interfere with this process. If you have issues, try downloading the PDF with a different browser instead.
  2. Right-click this link to download and save the PDF to your device.
  3. Open the PDF from your desktop, not your browser. Keep these instructions visible in another window if possible.
  4. Note that there are 11 editable text fields.
  5. Editable text fields all read “Edit here.” Click to edit them. To see the type of information intended for these fields, see the National Version. The most recently available data from CDC pertaining to your state can be found in the 2020 STD Surveillance Report State Ranking Tables.
  6. Save your customized infographic with a new name.
  7. Print or share.