The State of STDs in the United States in 2021 – HTML Version

The State of STDs in the United States in 2021.

STDs remain far too high, even in the face of a pandemic.

1.6 million cases of chlamydia; 4.7% decrease since 2017.

696,764 cases of gonorrhea; 25% increase since 2017.

171,074 cases of syphilis; 68% increase of infectious syphilis since 2017.

2,677 cases of syphilis among newborns; 185% increase since 2017.

Note: These data are considered preliminary prior to official 2021 close-out. Data also reflect the effect of COVID-19 on STD surveillance trends.

Anyone who has sex could get an STD, but some groups are more affected:

  • young people aged 15-24
  • gay & bisexual men
  • pregnant people
  • racial & ethnic minority groups

Left untreated, STDs can cause:
increased risk of giving or getting HIV
long-term pelvic/abdominal pain
inability to get pregnant or pregnancy complications

Prevent the spread of STDs with three simple steps:

Learn more at:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention