Jennifer McGuirk is the Multnomah County Auditor.

Hi, I’m Jennifer McGuirk, Multnomah County’s elected Auditor. I started my four-year term in January 2019 and am accountable directly to the public. I ran on a platform advocating for a strong audit function at the county that includes:

  • An ongoing focus on ensuring accountable, transparent government

  • A prioritization of auditing programs that directly impact people’s health and safety

  • Incorporating equity and including the voices of underserved populations as a consistent practice in our work

The county has had an auditor since 1854. My staff and I are dedicated to our office’s mission: to ensure that Multnomah County government is efficient, effective, equitable, transparent, and fully accountable to all who live in our county. 

Read more: What does the Auditor do?