
Disease Intervention Specialist Courses & Webinars

For additional information on training and webinars, visit our Training page.

General Resources
  • An Update and Review of the Diagnosis and Management of Syphilispdf iconexternal icon – A clinical guide for diagnosing and managing syphilis developed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Bureau of STIs and the NYC STD Prevention Training Center. This guide is based on content from the 2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines. (March 2019)
  • CDC COVID-19 Contact Tracing Resources – Resources for conducting contact tracing to stop the spread of COVID-19 from CDC and other organizations.
  • Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) – The clinical practice of treating the sex partners of patients diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhea by providing prescriptions or medications to the patient to take to his/her partner without the health care provider first examining the partner.
  • Partner Services Providers Quick Guidepdf icon – Booklet for partner services providers containing need-to-know details on case management, disease interview periods, interviewing techniques and questions, disease overviews with signs and symptoms and treatment, and field safety tips for HIV, hepatitis, STD, and TB.
  • Prevention Resources – A variety of CDC resources available for HIV, Hepatitis, STD, and TB partners including recommendations and guidance, program support, training, and policy guidance.
  • STD Picture Cards – Printable illustration and photo cards depicting symptoms of STDs.
  • Toolkit for Technology-based Partner Services – General resource for health departments, community-based organizations, and others on how to use the internet and other technologies to trace and contact persons potentially exposed to STDs including HIV.
  • VCAmon – A computer-based application designed for stand-alone plotting of syphilis cases for visual case analysis (VCA) to assist those performing syphilis partner services and case management activities to identify all opportunities for disease intervention.