SPACE Monkey 1.0

S.P.A.C.E. Monkey

What is SPACE Monkey?

SPACE Monkey, or the STD Prevention Allocation Consequences Estimator, is a tool created for state and local STD programs to estimate the effects of changes in their budgets. Estimating these effects is not an exact science; however, SPACE Monkey helps STD prevention personnel make evidence-based calculations that show how budget changes impact disease burden, direct medical costs, and partner services. More information describing the methods for this tool can be found in the full journal article.external icon

How do you use it?

SPACE Monkey comes with an instruction manualpdf icon to guide users through the process of inputting budget data and calculating outcomes. The tool, and your calculations, should be made within the estimator spreadsheet.

Is there a way to share the tool’s outputs?

Yes, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) jointly released a customizable fact sheet that can be used to present outputs from SPACE Monkey. From ASTHO’s landing pageexternal icon, you will find four different versions of the fact sheet to choose from, as well as a guideexternal icon with instructions on inputting data.