
What does the community prefer? by TheN64Shooter in vtolvr

[–]Ghillie__ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Set it in SMS.

What does the community prefer? by TheN64Shooter in vtolvr

[–]Ghillie__ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Basically you fire the 120 and it goes pitbull (enables onboard seeker) as soon as it's off the rail without guidance from the launching aircraft.

egg🔫irl by the_retrovaporwave in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Seconding this, especially the pepper spray part. Takes very little training to use, and gives you critical standoff distance that something like a contact taser won't. That said, make sure you don't use a gel; using a spray (including tight-stream ones) gives you some room for error. Modern ones usually also have a couple percent CS gas, so while some people may not react to the heat, you don't get to pick whether you react to the CS gas (though it takes precious extra time to kick in). If legal in your jurisdiction, a ballistic taser might not be a terrible idea either.

egg_irl by ErikQRoks in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Pixie cut. Never fails.

Egg🕳irl by Mr_Pixel_ in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 9 points10 points  (0 children)

TL;DR This is a long f*cking rant and I was the textbook definition of an egg and it basically took someone telling me to my face that I seemed to naturally gravitate towards a more feminine appearance and mannerisms and way of thinking for me to crack. It was not instantaneous, and I spent months grappling with it before reaching a conclusion. This is a long as hell post. Read at your own despair.
Addendum: I spent hours writing and re-writing this aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It's funny, looking back I was just utterly oblivious. For context, I'm 22, and just graduated uni last year, right about as I was realizing I was trans. For as long as I can remember I've rejected practically every male aspect of my appearance and hated those I couldn't change. [Two paragraphs have been truncated into the remainder of this one]. My hatred for really any outward appearance of masculinity led to a lot of appearance choices that, as you might guess, lent me a more feminine appearance in general. Combine that with the fact that my only real form of exercise is cycling (every day is leg day) and the fact that I'm very light for my height, and oops my silhouette is not a masculine one. I won the lottery on a lot of aspects of my appearance not being overtly male, i.e. face, adam's apple, generally thin hair (except my fucking legs, because of course). If I keep my shoulders down, I look. . . narrow enough, I guess. I always hated having short hair, hated my body hair, never really felt a whole lot in common with my male peers, never liked being shirtless around others, etc.. I've also always chosen pretty ambiguous clothing.

Fast forward to 2020. COVID happens, and now everyone is wearing masks, including me. Funny story, it turns out if I'm wearing a mask, the ambiguity skyrockets, and of course because I had striven to quash any overtly masculine aspect of my appearance, every now and then, someone would mistake me for a girl. And this. . . didn't actually bother me. I liked it. I found it sort of neat that I could be seen as a girl. Can you imagine how dense I was to not connect the dots at that moment? Seriously. Every now and again I would look in the mirror and think to myself, "Wow, I sorta look like a girl, and I like that!" and my utterly inept little brain just couldn't quite compute an end meaning for that (though that may have been due to the fact that I really didn't have the emotional capacity to spare, being in a really dark place mentally, and too busy with my studies to care). And this would continue for another almost two years, of me being enamored with every feminine aspect of my appearance, and hating every masculine aspect of my appearance. And realizing nothing.

Last year was very different from the rest of my life for a number of reasons. I graduated from university, and simultaneously wrapped up my 3-year flight training endeavors with my CFI/CFII certificates. It was important because now I finally had time to think about something other than school (or just general misery), and oh boy did I spend a disturbing amount of time thinking about who I am. And over the span of 7 months or so, it fucking clicked. This funny r/egg_irl place I had joined for the oddly relatable memes started to look less like memes and more like an accurate depiction of some of the things I had experienced. This was also the first time I had any friends who were close enough to pick up on the fact that I had clearly put effort into looking and to some extent generally appearing to be a girl (to be clear, this was somehow not something i considered a deliberate goal), and drunk enough to tell me I'd look cute as one. It wasn't instantaneous, but around August/September, I really started thinking about who exactly I was. By November, I was having a pretty severe existential crisis, and in December, I finally started to settle into the realization that maybe rejecting every masculine aspect of my appearance and taking pleasure in appearing and being seen as a girl was not a coincidence.

When you get right down to it, I've sort of known I didn't belong this way all along, but I've just operated under the unchallenged assumption that I was supposed to be a boy for some reason. Once I broke free of that assumption, I realized I could be me, but deliberately.

egg_irl by [deleted] in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Haven't been real satisfied with my pick so far, so you give it a shot I guess!

If you had to sell RimWorld to me, what would be your slogan? by 123Ark321 in RimWorld

[–]Ghillie__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s only a war crime if there are witnesses.

I 3d printed and built a robot that makes you stand on Lego (sort of) by adam_beedle in 3Dprinting

[–]Ghillie__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Finally, Michael Reeves has a worthy challenger.

I don’t know what to say… by daveschicken in fuckcars

[–]Ghillie__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

These words scan with an astounding amount of confidence considering the fact that, strung together, they make absolutely no sense.

My Own Little Design ... feed back please :) by TheCaptainOfStress in CitiesSkylines

[–]Ghillie__ 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Against my better judgement, yes.

My Own Little Design ... feed back please :) by TheCaptainOfStress in CitiesSkylines

[–]Ghillie__ 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Ah yes, I see you've studied the works of countless California traffic engineers. Truly, this is the ultimate evolution of some of SR99's interchanges.

I'm so sick and tired of being lased by Mike__O in flying

[–]Ghillie__ 32 points33 points  (0 children)

I listened to Sacramento PD bag somebody who lased their helo a bit under a year ago while I was passing through on my way south; these people generally aren't that smart.

Dunno why I made this, but I did by borischung01 in vtolvr

[–]Ghillie__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can already hear Walkure's music again.

Egg irl by GhostTuppence in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is the way. It's like a completely concealable fem hairstyle. It's what works for me right now, since there's no hope of transitioning and keeping my career. I know people have questions about my appearance, but there's just enough ambiguity to keep them from asking.

Egg irl by GhostTuppence in egg_irl

[–]Ghillie__ 12 points13 points  (0 children)

My advice: pixie cut.

"Learn to cope" thanks FAA by flyinpnw in flying

[–]Ghillie__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm unsafe to fly without my glasses. Does that mean I shouldn't be a pilot since the FAA isn't going to have an inspector on the flight deck every second of my career making sure I don't take them off?

羽々斬 on twitter by NightmareNexus5114 in touhou

[–]Ghillie__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The bow must get bigger every time she kills.

the touhou community is genuinely good at everything by konatamonogatari in touhou

[–]Ghillie__ 21 points22 points  (0 children)

The fact that nobody has mentioned Shibayan yet is a crime.

A basic interchange by Binary_Serox in CitiesSkylines

[–]Ghillie__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)


What do I do wrong? Nobody walks or bikes in my City.. by GeniusLeonard in CitiesSkylines

[–]Ghillie__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This has to be a joke right? Surely nobody is actually this oblivious? Please be a joke about godawful American pedestrian infrastructure.

Dawn Rush at the Talon Peninsula Transit Center by Ghillie__ in CitiesSkylines

[–]Ghillie__[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A transit center serving the entire Talon Peninsula area (heavily modeled on Seattle), this area bordering the Centerlink Freeway is home to vast public transit projects, including a combined metro/train station that serves both intercity and local high speed rail passengers. In addition, it is linked by monorail to the Downtown area, including passenger harbor, and as a result, serves as a major hub for tourists traveling by metro or train to other areas of the city. A planned expansion will see much of the nearby industrial area repurposed as a bus-metro hub to ease pressure on the heavily-burdened station.

As if all this were not enough, the area is also home to the peninsula's cargo rail terminal, implemented in conjunction with measures to discourage unnecessary vehicle traffic in general throughout the city, in combination with vast public transit, and enormous pedestrian infrastructure, including the raised paths seen here leading from the transit center into the city.