Promoting disability inclusion

There are no limits to what people can achieve when technology reflects the diversity of everyone.

Our commitment

We’re making a commitment to expand accessibility in our technology, our workforce, and the workplace at large.

Learn about our approach

Deepen your accessibility knowledge

There are many ways to support your colleagues, classmates, friends, and family members with disabilities.

Explore accessible accessories

Customize your set up with adaptive accessories to fit your unique needs.

View the products

Products and services for everyone

Explore accessibility in Microsoft products and apps

Get support for Microsoft accessibility features

Icon representing accessibility.

Learn how to use accessibility tools in Microsoft 365

Get accessibility product resources
Icon representing tech support for customers with disabilities.

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Contact the Disability Answer Desk
  • Hiring people with disabilities

    We believe that our workforce must reflect the diversity of everyone who uses our technology. We’ve gathered helpful resources for creating more inclusive workplaces.

    Get employment resources
  • AI for Accessibility

    Microsoft is committed to revolutionizing access to technology for people living with disabilities—impacting employment and quality of life for more than a billion people in the world.

    Learn about AI for Accessibility

Latest news about accessibility at Microsoft

  • Tackling misconceptions about dyslexia

    Microsoft UK is raising awareness of how technology can support the experience of people with dyslexia and other learning differences. Their new campaign, “Be You,” seeks to empower people with dyslexia and dispel popular misconceptions and stigmas associated with the world’s most common learning disability.

  • Accessible voting

    People with disabilities face many barriers when trying to cast their vote. Challenges ranging from inaccessible websites to inconsistent labeling make it difficult to find correct and pertinent information. Learn how Microsoft is working to ensure everyone can make their voices heard.

  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

    Microsoft Chief Accessibility Officer, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, reflects on our progress and continued commitment to partner with industry professionals, people with disabilities, and allies to make the workplace more accessible and inclusive.

    Read the GAAD blog
  • Explore content from Ability Summit 2022

    This free, virtual, community event brings together people with disabilities, allies, and industry professionals to Imagine, Build, and Include the future of disability inclusion and accessibility. We are thrilled to share on-demand content from our 12th annual Ability Summit.

  • Designing for adaptability

    Surface products are built to help people be creative, productive, and connected. Surface Adaptive Kit, created in partnership with people with disabilities, makes it easier to adapt, use and navigate your compatible Surface PC and accessories.

    Get the Surface Adaptive Kit

Image “JORD1318_WM-1” by Jordan Nicholson is courtesy of Disability:IN and licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0