STD Data Management & Information Technology

Timely access to quality data is one of the backbones of an effective STD prevention and control program. The ability to accurately collect and analyze data in a timely fashion is a key part of making correct decisions regarding individual patient care and case management and, on a broader level, making effective programmatic decisions on issues such as prioritizing intervention activities and allocating scarce resources. A key part of the data collection and management process falls into the area of informatics, i.e. the use of information systems and technology to perform the critical tasks of data collection, management, and analysis. This website provides access to information and resources designed to assist state and local STD prevention programs in their use of data and information systems.


NETSS Implementation Plan – (Effective January 2018) This document contains the procedures and record layouts that must be used by state and local health departments to electronically report cases of nationally notifiable STDs to CDC via the National Electronic Telecommunication System for Surveillance (NETSS).
Summary – A summary of the latest changes to the NETSS Implementation Guide.

Guidance on Reporting Case Classification Status for STD Case Notifications [PDF – 205 KB] – This document contains background and guidance on reporting case classification status for cases of STDs sent to CDC. (Updated January 2022)

Guidance for Including Information on Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) in Chlamydia Case Notifications Provided to CDC [PDF – 366 KB]—This document contains background and guidance on how to distinguish between LGV and non-LGV infections in chlamydia case notifications sent to CDC (Updated April 2022).

Guidance on Classifying STD Case Reports into MMWR Week [PDF – 192 KB] – This document contains background and guidance on how jurisdictions should assign the MMWR week data element for STD case reports. (Updated February 2021)

De-Duplication Guidance for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Laboratory Reports – This document contains background and guidance on the timeframe that jurisdictions should use to de-duplicate their gonorrhea and chlamydia laboratory reports before reporting these cases to CDC. (Updated June 2016)

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) Modernization Initiative (NMI) – NMI is enhancing NNDSS’ ability to provide comprehensive, timely, and high quality data for public health decision making. Guidance on requirements for electronically reporting cases of nationally notifiable STDs to CDC is available, including message mapping guides (MMGs) for STDs and congenital syphilis.

STD Information Systems

STD Information Systems Currently Available for Adoption by other States, Territories, and Project Areas

This is a caption.
Systems, Developers, and Points of Contact
Name Developer Users Type Capability Contact
Sunquest WorldCare Sunquest Information Systems Multiple Counties and States within the U.S. and abroad Web-based Communicable and chronic disease surveillance, Case management, Contact management, Outbreak management, Workflow, Electronic report management ( ELR, eICR, and EHR), and Reporting Samir Ahmetovic, Director of Sales-Public Health
PRISM HDS Health Design Solutions (HDS), LLC Multiple U.S. States and Cities Web-based Web-based Disease Surveillance, Case Management, ELR, Reporting, Workflow, Outbreak management, Special Project tracking (SET-Net, SSuN, Enhanced GC, etc.) Mary White, Software Engineer
PRISM-Based* State customized versions of PRISM HDS Multiple U.S. States Web-based Web-based Disease Surveillance, Case Management, ELR, Reporting, Workflow, Outbreak management Mary White, Software Engineer
Maven Conduent Public Health Solutions Multiple U.S. States and Cities Web-based Web-based disease surveillance, outbreak management across all communicable diseases (including TB, STDs, HIV, GCDs, VPDs, Cancer, Lead Poisoning, Chronic Diseases) Pamela Schwartz, Director – Public Health Consulting
NEDSS Base System (NBS) CDC/CSELS Multiple local and state health departments Web-Based Web-based Disease Surveillance, Case Management, ELR, Reporting, Workflow Decision Support Michael Wodajo (
Marion Anandappa (
EpiTrax Collaborative Software Initiative Multiple local and state health departments Web-based Surveillance, Case Management, Contact Management, Outbreak Management, disease-specific questionnaire development, ELR, AVR, support for all communicable diseases JoDee Baker, Product Manager

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) also maintains information regarding which electronic surveillance systems are currently being used by its members.

*PRISM-based systems are PRISM HDS databases that have been customized (by the states), reside at the state level, and are maintained by the states. All updates after the systems have been customized are handled by the states, and not Health Design Solutions, LLC

For more information on specific systems see the following brochures and websites:

NEDSS Base System


AVR – Analysis, Visualization, and Reporting

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CSELS – Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services

ELR – Electronic Laboratory Reporting

GCDs – General Communicable Diseases

HAI – Healthcare-Associated Infections

HIV – Human Immune Deficiency Virus

NHSN – National Healthcare Safety Network

SET-NET – Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Network

SSuN – STD Surveillance Network

TB – Tuberculosis

STDs – Sexually Transmitted Diseases

VPDs – Vaccine Preventable Diseases

U.S. – United States