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ABC statement on John Tulloh


Photo of John Tulloh

The ABC is saddened by the news that distinguished journalist John Tulloh has died in Sydney at the age of 82. Tulloh, affectionately known as “JT”, was the ABC’s international news editor from 1985 to 2000 and then head of international operations until 2004.

Tulloh began his career in newspapers in South Australia before striking out for London in the 1960s, where he joined the international TV news agency Visnews. He was based at various times in Ho Chi Minh City (then called Saigon), Singapore, Hong Kong and New York, helping to shape how television audiences around the world saw major news events.

During his later leadership of the ABC’s international newsgathering he directed coverage of stories ranging from the two Gulf Wars and the breakup of the Soviet Union to the Balkan civil wars and the Bali bombing.

Justin Stevens, ABC Director, News: “Our condolences are with John’s family and friends. John led the ABC’s correspondents during a tumultuous period in history and the ABC’s international coverage benefitted immensely from his experience.

“He was an outstanding correspondent and editorial leader who mentored many of the great correspondents, international staff and camera operators. The reason the ABC is respected around the globe for its coverage of foreign affairs is to a large degree due to brilliant individuals such as John, and we stand on his shoulders today.”

Craig McMurtrie, ABC Editorial Director: “Calm in a crisis, unfailingly supportive, JT seemed to watch, read and listen to everything you filed and didn’t duck tough feedback when it was needed. Old school, a gentleman and a wonderful editor.”

Tulloh’s friends and former colleagues have also paid their respects.

Ian Macintosh: “Wise, warm and unfailingly affable, JT encouraged and was an inspiration to countless Visnews and ABC colleagues with his dedication to their professional success and support for their personal well-being.

“He maintained a career-long and unremitting commitment to journalists’ safety, especially for those on hazardous assignments in hostile lands. That dedication, and the priority he placed on correspondents, producers and crews working as a team, endeared JT to all who were fortunate enough to work with him.

“John’s innate modesty and self-deprecating persona belied his standing in the international broadcast news community, respected and admired by his peers around the world. A fine writer and keen analyst of world events, he was still turning out thoughtful, perceptive articles on international affairs long after his retirement.”

Walter Hamilton: “John’s concern for the welfare of reporters, camera crews, locally engaged staff –– everyone involved in the news gathering process, from the “stars” to the hidden faces –– was legion. His memory for names, his great store of anecdotes, going back to his days as a copyboy in an Adelaide newspaper office, and later running coverage for Visnews all over the world, made him wonderful company.

John oversaw a great and glorious period in the ABC’s history of international news coverage, a period when the ABC performed alongside, and often outperformed, the NBCs, BBCs, CBSs and CNNs. He played a major role in ensuring Australians were well informed, via television and radio and the then newly emergent internet, about the world in which we live. We may not see his like again.”

Greg Wilesmith: “For a correspondent John was the best editor one could have – worldly, interested, tireless across time zones and long-running stories, always providing feedback and encouragement. In the international news business he was a giant and his reputation endures in London, New York and elsewhere.”

John Tulloh is survived by his wife Barbara and friends and family around the world.

Media contact: Sally Jackson | ABC Communications | jackson.sally@abc.net.au

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