Brian Shelly in Conwy Castle, Wales
“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” – Ibn Battuta

What is Education Abroad?

An education abroad can be the most rewarding, exciting and challenging experience in your college career. It complements and enhances your academic and student life experience at the University of Maine and helps you obtain global competency skills. Education abroad opportunities come in different forms whether it be a semester, year, summer, or even an internship program. You’re not just given the opportunity to learn in a new context, but you’re also given the opportunity to learn more about yourself in relation to a new country, culture, and environmental setting. An education abroad gives you a chance to grow and achieve new heights within your life and academic career.

Why Complete an Education Abroad?

Completing an education abroad can change your perspective of the world. It gives you a unique opportunity to learn outside the classroom about topics within your major and even those outside of it as you’ll gain a new perspective on the world. You’re no longer just a student of the classroom but also a student of your new environment. You’ll develop long-lasting and professional skills that can ultimately launch your career once you finish your degree. From interpersonal skills to organizational skills you’ll come out from your study abroad experience as a different person.

Education Abroad Advisor Erika Clement is seeing students to talk about opportunities abroad for Spring 2023 and beyond!

For appointments:

  1. Email
  2. Specify you want an appointment and what term you plan to go abroad (If you don’t know, just indicate you’re not sure yet.)
  3. Look for a reply with instructions and the booking link
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Looking to go abroad but unsure where to start? Read our guide below!

Steps to Go Abroad

Step 1: Research

  1. Browse the program search, attend the education abroad fairs, and check out the UMaine Study Abroad Instagram (@umainestudyabroad).
  2. Look over the FAQ and Understand Study Abroad pages.
  3. Make an account in AbroadOffice
  4. Ask Yourself:
    What countries are you drawn to?
    What countries are available to travel to?
    What do you want out of the study abroad experience?

Step 2: Get the Details

  1. Meet with Education Abroad Advisor, Erika Clement, to discuss your best program options
  2. Go over finances, funding, coursework, and location with the Education Abroad Advisor
  3. Learn how to discuss your plans with your parents or guardians and your academic advisor
  4. Ask how to apply for your chosen program.
  5. Ask your education abroad advisor:
    How can you get the most out of your experience abroad?
    What locations are cost effective?
    When are program deadlines?
    What scholarships can/should you apply for?

Step 3: Academic Advice

  1. Let your academic advisor know you’re interested in going abroad.
  2. Find out what your curriculum will look like over the next year or two.
  3. See if your advisor can help you find the easiest semester(s) to go abroad.
  4. Ask your academic advisor:
    What do you need to take at UMaine?
    What specific course content do you need to look for?
    Should you use your education abroad experience to take care of your gen eds?
    What semesters can you take electives?