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List of Suspended and Restricted Persons
USA Gymnastics publishes a separate list of Participants declared Permanently Ineligible for Membership by USA Gymnastics or the U.S. Center for SafeSport. This list can be found here.

The Participants listed below are subject to restrictive measures issued by USA Gymnastics and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Restrictive measures limit a Participant’s access to athletes, USA Gymnastics Member Clubs, and USA Gymnastics Members, up to and including a suspension from any contact.

Prior to December 17, 2020, restrictive measures were issued consistent with preceding USA Gymnastics Bylaws. The now obsolete language contained in the Bylaws prior to December 17, 2020, is provided at the bottom of the page for reference. Interim measures are now issued consistent with the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Investigation & Resolution Procedures, Amended and Restated Bylaws of USA Gymnastics, Inc., Effective December 17, 2020, and the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement Section XII.

An interim measure is not a finding of misconduct under the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy or the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement and should not be interpreted as such. Interim measures are intended to ensure the safety and well-being of the gymnastics community; prevent conduct or participation detrimental to the sport or its reputation; prevent escalation of a reported Safe Sport violation; or limit/monitor the conduct of a Participant who is the subject of a Safe Sport violation report.

An interim measure or restrictive measure issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport indicates the matter is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Federal law prohibits USA Gymnastics from discussing such matters. Matters under the Center’s jurisdiction can include any form of misconduct addressed in the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy and the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement and are not limited to sexual misconduct. For additional information regarding measures issued by the Center, please contact the Center directly here.

A person who violates any restrictive measure may be guilty of an Abuse of Process pursuant to the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy and the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Anyone who intentionally assists an individual in violating these measures may also violate the “Aiding and Abetting” language of the Safe Sport Policy and the SafeSport Code. USA Gymnastics Member Clubs must follow membership guidelines regarding persons on this list.

These lists do not include minors, expired interim measures, or persons declared ineligible for future participation.

Applicants who are ineligible for USA Gymnastics Membership for failure to pass a background check are not included on this list. USA Gymnastics does not publish the names of these individuals in accordance with federal privacy law.

A finding of sexual misconduct by the U.S. Center for SafeSport will also render an applicant ineligible for USA Gymnastics Membership, in addition to any sanctions imposed by the Center. USA Gymnastics does not publish the names of individuals ineligible for USA Gymnastics Membership due to a finding of sexual misconduct unless a sanction is imposed.

These lists are not exhaustive and must be consulted for guidance only. They should be considered in addition to other research.

The U.S. Center for SafeSport publishes a separate searchable database for individuals subject to the Center’s measures related to all Olympic and Paralympic sports. The database can be found here.
Post Resolution
Name State Duration Grounds Action Taken
David Carlson MN 3/22/2021 to 3/22/2024 U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Paul Daniel AZ 1/21/2022 to 7/21/2022 USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Richard Fiorentino PA U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Mitchell Godi OK 12/3/2019 to 12/3/2022 U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Maggie Haney NJ 4/30/2020 to 4/30/2025 USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.12 Suspended from All Contact
Carlie Jensen AZ 4/15/2021 to 4/15/2023 USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Victoria Levine NJ 7/31/2020 to 12/31/2024 USA Gymnastics Suspended from All Contact
Christina McClain NY 5/27/2020 to 5/27/2023 USA Gymnastics Suspended from All Contact
Douglas Miran Wi 1/28/2021 to 1/28/2023 U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Brandon Sandoval TX 9/20/2021 to 5/27/2022 U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Melinda Small RI 1/15/2018 to 1/15/2028 U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Matt Zollitsch GA USA Gymnastics Bylaw 9.3 / 10.5 Suspended from All Contact
Pending Resolution
Name State Grounds Action Taken
David Arnold GA U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Kaycee Blackwell SC USA Gymnastics Bylaw 9.3 / 10.5 Suspended from All Contact
Brian Blewitt KY U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Levegenii Bogonosiuk IL USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.5 No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Dan Bruring KS USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Jason Button KY USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Bill Callander AZ U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Pablo Capote TX U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Jack Carter AZ USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Pei-Jen “PJ” Chi WA U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors or Participants
Christopher "Chris" Garces IL U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Sean Gardner IA U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Michael Garrow WI U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Ute Heger IL U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Chauncy Haydon OK U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
John Holman PA U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Barry Hyder AR U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Edouard "Edward" Iarov TX U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Cameron "Kodiak" Kerfoot GA USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.5 Suspended from All Contact
Mitchell Kessler NY USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Terry Lampo TN U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Jonathon Lee ND USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Nicole Lord VA USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Abdelouahab "Abdul" Mammeri MD USA Gymnastics Suspended from All Contact
Ron Manara CA USA Gymnastics Bylaw 9.3 / 10.5 Suspended from All Contact
Tammy Marshall NY USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.5 No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Richard Mast KS U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Russell Mast KS U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Kevin Mazeika TX U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Justen Millerbernd ID U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Brandon Modeste NJ USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Jeremy Nevers OH U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Rick Newman CA USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Randal Owens MI USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Roy Peregrina LA U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Darren Pieper NJ USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.5 Suspended from All Contact
Joseph Ramon TX U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Sasha Raught NJ U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Timothy Rogers CA U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
William Sherm FL U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Petr Soul CA/TX U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Lance Spencer WV U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Jennifer "Jenna" Spiekermeier/Golding IL U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Mike Spiller TX U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Donald Spradling IL U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Ricia Story KY USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Patricia Sutphen NJ USA Gymnastics Bylaw 10.5 No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Mike Swiscz IL U.S. Center for SafeSport No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Rodney Van Reenen CA USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Oleksandr Vorobyov IL USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Macey Watson VA USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Franklin Winstead NC U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
Wilbur "Phillip" Wortman FL USA Gymnastics No Unsupervised Contact with Minors
Troy Wright AL U.S. Center for SafeSport Suspended from All Contact
  • Event: for the purpose of this list, event is defined as including training, competition, travel, lodging and health/medical treatment.
  • Suspended from all contact: the individual is not permitted any contact with any USA Gymnastics-sanctioned event, member club, professional member or athlete involved with USA Gymnastics member clubs or events.
  • No unsupervised contact with minors: the individual may not be in the presence of minors at any USA Gymnastics member club or USA Gymnastics-sanctioned event without another adult present. The second adult must have successfully completed the U110 training course within the previous 365 days, as required by the U.S. Center for SafeSport and USA Gymnastics.
  • Membership suspended: the individual’s membership in USA Gymnastics is suspended, which means the individual may not exercise any rights of USA Gymnastics membership, including but not limited to participation on the competition floor of any USA Gymnastics sanctioned event.
  • Pending resolution: the individual’s matter remains involved in the grievance resolution process, and a final decision has not been issued by either USA Gymnastics or the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
Bylaws prior to December 17, 2020
9.3 U.S. Center for Safe Sport. The Corporation shall report and refer all allegations of sexual Misconduct to the Center, and all such matters will be within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction. The Center shall investigate such allegations or reports, issue any interim suspension or other measures pending the conclusion of the investigation and any hearing(s), make recommendations of sanctions or disciplinary action as a result of such investigation, and fully adjudicate such matters. Members have an obligation to promptly report any possible violations pertaining to sexual Misconduct: (a) Directly to the Center, or (b) Directly to USA Gymnastics, which will in turn forward the information to the Center. Reporting to the Center and/or the Corporation DOES NOT satisfy any legal reporting requirements under state or federal law. If the suspected conduct may also be criminal, persons are required to report to law enforcement. For state-bystate reporting requirements, see www.childwelfare.gov. USA Gymnastics shall accept jurisdiction over matter referred by the Center to USA Gymnastics.

10.5 Interim Measures. At any point before a Complaint is resolved under the provisions of this Article 10, interim measures may be imposed to ensure the safety and well-being of the gymnastics community or where an allegation is sufficiently serious that an Adverse Party’s continued participation could be detrimental to the sport or its reputation. (a) Notice. Unless imposed under emergency circumstances involving an imminent threat of harm, the Corporation will notify an Adverse Party that intends to impose an interim measure by a specific date, and the Adverse Party may request a hearing prior to interim measure becoming effective. (b) Hearing. The hearing, if requested, shall be: (i) A telephonic hearing; (ii) Will be conducted by a three (3)-member hearing panel appointed by the Ethics and Grievance Committee, consistent with the Hearing Panel staffing requirements set forth in this article; (iii) Implemented on the most expedited basis possible; and (iv) Strictly limited to determining whether there exists reasonable cause to impose one or more interim measure. (c) Measures. The Corporation may impose any interim measure consistent with the forms of discipline set forth in this Article 10, and may also include, but not be limited to altering training schedules, providing chaperones, implementing contact limitations, or Member Club restrictions.

10.12 Discipline. The following forms of discipline may be imposed: (a) Reprimand. A communication, either public or private, of the Corporation's decision to impose a reprimand regarding the Complaint. Any reprimand may be combined with probation or suspension. (b) Probation. A ruling that, for a specified time, the subject's continued participation in the Corporation's activities, sanctioned competitions or membership programs is conditioned upon the satisfaction of certain conditions. These conditions shall be described specifically, as shall the consequences of failing to meet them. (c) Suspension or Termination. A determination that: (i) Either permanently or for a specified period of time, the subject is prohibited from participating in sanctioned competitions or other of the Corporation’s activities, or (ii) The subject is terminated from membership in the Corporation. The effect of a suspension may be limited to certain activities or competitions, and conditions may be established that, if satisfied, will result in the lifting of a suspension. (d) Other. The Hearing Panel may order such other relief as it deems appropriate (e.g., letter of apology or restitution, including, for example, the payment for damaging equipment or the recovery of any financial benefit improperly derived by an Adverse Party). (e) Notice of any discipline imposed on a Member will be communicated to the affiliated Member Club, and to any other necessary parties such as State and Regional Chairs or meet directors.

10.13 Disciplinary Affects. (a) Any member suspended for any duration, who is terminated from membership, or who is determined to be permanently ineligible is prohibited from any association with any activities conducted by a Member Club, in addition to being prohibited from participation in sanctioned competitions or other Corporation activities, for the duration of the suspension, termination or ineligibility. (b) A suspension, termination or determination of permanent ineligibility of an individual Member who has any ownership interest – direct or indirect -of a private gymnastics facility and/or the managing director of public/non-profit facility will result in a suspension of Member Club status. (c) With respect to all matters which are investigated and adjudicated by the Center, the Corporation shall enforce any such sanction imposed by the Center.