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Information and advice for mums and dads to be.

Title: Your Pregnancy. Episode 01 of 15

Title: Rachael & John’s Whānau

[Rachael and John sort baby clothes on their bed.]

Rachael (voice-over): We're just really excited to have her with us, just to have her around. It seems like a long, long time. I'm twenty-six weeks pregnant and we're having a girl.

Title: Christine & Vika’s Whānau

[Christine and Vika sort through bag of baby clothes.]

Vika (voice-over): She gave me a call at work and she said she was pregnant. It was hard to take it all in. I just got really emotional knowing that I've got a baby.

[Interview with Christine and Vika.]

Christine: We're coming along to four months.

Title: Jane & Pat’s Whānau

[Pat places his hand on Jane’s pregnant stomach.]

Jane (voice-over): Your relationship with your body is quite interesting, I think, when you're pregnant – like, the more and more pregnant you get, the more aware you are that your body is doing this amazing job and it's preparing for an amazing job. I'm thirty-six weeks pregnant.

[Interview with Christine and Vika.]

Christine: When I found out I was pregnant, I was so excited and happy and full of a lot of different emotions at the same time.

[Interview with Rachael and John.]

John: When we found out we were having a girl, I was quite nervous but I was really excited. I can't wait to meet her.

[Ngaire knocks on Christine and Vika’s front door. Christine lets her in.]

[Interview with Ngaire.]

Title: Ngaire Va’a, Midwife

Ngaire (voice-over): I'm Ngaire Va'a. I'm a midwife out in the community. I've been practicing for ten years.

[Shot of Ngaire with Rachael and John. She holds a report, which she shows to the parents.]

Ngaire: So I'm just gonna go over the scan report with you. This is when you were twenty weeks and four days.

Ngaire (voice-over): My role as a midwife is to help support mum, baby and the whanau throughout her pregnancy and get the best possible outcome for them.

[Interview with Christine and Vika.]

Christine: With this being my third pregnancy, I knew it was important to find a midwife early. Because I want a midwife who was going to be with me throughout the whole pregnancy. The main things I was looking for in a midwife was someone I could relate to.

[Ngaire performs a scan on Christine in Christine’s living room.]

Ngaire (voice-over): We also offer mum various tests – scans, screening tests, blood tests. To make sure that mum is fit and well and is providing the best possible environment for her baby.

[Interview with Jane and Pat.]

Pat: The first scan we had was pretty cool.

Jane: It was the twelve week scan, which is one that you opt into.

[Vika watches an ultrasound video on his laptop.]

Vika: When I first saw the scan, we were able to see the heartbeat. It was just so surreal. To see that we've created another human being.

 [Interview with Ngaire.]

Ngaire: So it's important to start taking supplements in early pregnancy.

[Shots of Christine taking supplements.]

Ngaire (voice-over): The ones that we offer are folic acid. Folic acid helps prevent spine deformities. The other one is iodine and that helps with brain development.

[Interview with Christine.]

Christine: It was important to me to take these supplements just to make sure baby is getting everything that it needs to grow.

[Interview with Jane and Pat.]

Pat: Morning sickness, A.K.A. five months of you feeling slightly hungover all the time.

Jane: Yeah, it wasn't particularly volatile – having to run off into the the loo or anything – but I just felt “ick” for weeks and weeks and weeks.

[Interview with Rachael and John.]

Rachael: It's a lot more fun in the second trimester because you're not sick or tired.

[Rachael and John pet a rabbit in an enclosure on their lawn.]

Rachael (voice-over): I've felt a lot more energetic, been able to get up.

[Shots of the mums engaging in exercise and preparing healthy food.]

Ngaire (voice-over): It's also important to look after yourself, making sure that you're eating well, keeping yourself active, and avoiding all the things that you shouldn't be having, like smoking, alcohol, drugs.

[Jane and Pat pack a bag with supplies.]

Jane (voice-over): In terms of getting ready for the arrival of the chubby hobbit child, you just want all your ducks in a row. Things like a hospital bag.

[Interview with Jane and Pat.]

Pat: We've ordered the carseat.

Jane: Yes, the carseat gets installed on Saturday.

Pat: We know roughly how long it takes to get to the hospital from here, and we've got a standby bag with all the bits and pieces.

[Interview with Vika.]

Vika: I'd like to share with the guys out there, that if you're having your first baby, make sure you support your wife or your partner – they pretty much need all your energy.

[Shots of the couples spending time together.]

[Interview with Rachael and John.]

Rachael: If I was to give any advice, it'd be to enjoy every part of it. It's such a beautiful thing. It's like a super power! You grow humans!

Title: Our thanks to the families and health workers who appeared in this video for the Ministry of Health. Find out more about pregnancy and child health on www.health.govt.nz/yourhealth.

In this video, three different whānau share their pregnancy stories, including how they found out they were having a baby, chose a midwife, and prepared for baby's arrival. Find out how the mums-to-be felt during pregnancy and who had morning sickness. There's also advice for dads-to-be.

Stay healthy for you and your baby by eating safely and well, getting immunised, taking folic acid and iodine tablets, and being active. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs

Know the danger signs during pregnancy for when you should seek immediate medical help.

In this section

  • You’re pregnant! Here is some helpful advice to answer some of the questions you may have about being pregnant. They are for you and your partner. Read more
  • Find out about keeping healthy and well during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Read more
  • Find out about keeping healthy and well during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Read more
  • Find out about keeping healthy and well from week 30 of your pregnancy until your baby is born. You’ll also find information about what you need to do to prepare for baby’s arrival.  Read more
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