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  • Proposed addition to the schedule of the Medicines (Designated Pharmacist Prescribers) Regulations 2013

    Overview The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) invites submissions on proposed additions to the schedule of specified prescription medicines for designated pharmacist prescribers. The Ministry, on behalf of the Director-General, must consult with those people or organisations that may... More
    Closed 22 May 2022
  • HIU SharePoint Training Survey

    This survey is to assess the effectiveness of the SharePoint training in the Health Infrastructure Unit. More
    Closed 13 May 2022
  • HISO 10099:2022 NZ International Patient Summary (NZIPS)

    The Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) invites public comment on new draft standard HISO 10099:2022 NZ International Patient Summary (NZIPS) . NZIPS specifies the makeup of a core personal health data set that covers health conditions, immunisations,... More
    Opened 9 May 2022
  • Review of Radiation Safety Fees and Regulations

    The Review of Radiation Safety Fees and Regulations sets out proposals to amend the Radiation Safety Regulations 2016 (the Regulations), including significant increases to application fees for radiation safety authorisations, minor amendments to existing exemptions and setting out the fees... More
    Closed 29 April 2022
  • Proposed warning and advisory statement relating to the harm of opioid abuse, misuse, and dependence

    This Medsafe consultation proposes a new warning and advisory statement for the opioid class of medicines. The statement would be included in the Label Statements Database (LSD), which lists the warning and advisory statements that are required on medicines and related products package... More
    Closed 4 April 2022
  • ACT-NOW Data Standard

    The New Zealand Cancer Action Plan | Te Mahere mō te Mate Pukupuku o Aotearoa 2019-2029 provides a pathway to improve cancer outcomes for all New Zealanders with the objectives of building a system that delivers consistent and modern cancer care, equitable cancer outcomes, fewer cancers and... More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • Proposed Vaccinating Health Worker Role - Survey

    The Ministry of Health invites input from the health and disability sector into a proposed change to the Medicines Regulations 1984. The change involves expanding the scope of the COVID-19 Vaccinator Workforce into a new Vaccinating Health Worker role. This role could add significant... More
    Closed 18 February 2022
  • Transforming Mental Health Law in New Zealand

    We are transforming Aotearoa New Zealand’s approach to mental health and addiction, so that people can get the support they need, when and where they need it. Ensuring we have fit for purpose legislation is one part of this transformation. He Ara Oranga: Report of the... More
    Closed 28 January 2022
  • Second Feedback Survey Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard Implementation Progress

    The Ngā paerewa Health and disability services standard (NZS 8134:2021) (the 2021 standard) is now updated to better reflect the current models of care and support. The 2021 standard reflects the shift towards more person- and whānau-centred health and disability services, where people... More
    Closed 10 January 2022
  • Second HealthCERT team Implementation survey

    This survey is to get an understanding from the HealthCERT team where additional training or support is required. The survey is anonymous. More
    Closed 23 December 2021
  • Public Health Workforce survey

    Kia ora. This survey is a joint collaboration between the Public Health Association and the Ministry of Health, aimed at those who work or volunteer in Public Health in Aotearoa. It aims to gather data on the Public Health workforce for use in workforce planning. The survey is anonymous, and... More
    Closed 21 December 2021
  • HISO 10094:2021 Māori Descent and Iwi Affiliation Data Protocols

    Download and read the Iwi affiliation data protocols - 22 September 2021 The protocols describe procedures for the standardised collection, recording and output of Māori descent and iwi affiliation data for the New Zealand health and disability system. This document is consistent... More
    Closed 6 December 2021
  • NFC tag trial 2021 - Disability Services Newsletter

    NFC tags are being trialled at Victoria University and several businesses to understand whether using tap-to-scan technology would make it easier to scan and encourage more people to use the NZ COVID Tracer. More
    Closed 14 November 2021
  • Proposed warning and advisory statements relating to the harm of long-term use and overuse of stimulant laxatives

    This Medsafe consultation proposes warning and advisory statements for stimulant laxatives. Stimulant laxatives are either general sale or pharmacy-only medicines. This means these medicines can sometimes be purchased without advice from a healthcare professional. It also means... More
    Closed 8 November 2021
  • Changes to COVID-19 legislation

    The COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (No 2) 2021 proposes a range of changes to the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020. These reflect what we've learnt over the last year to improve the Act. For further information about the Amendment Bill, visit ... More
    Closed 11 October 2021
  • Consultation on the Draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm

    Harm from gambling is a significant public health issue for our communities, and to individuals, families and whānau, but this harm is not evenly spread across our communities. Every three years the Ministry of Health sets out a proposed strategy to prevent and minimise the harm caused to... More
    Closed 8 October 2021
  • HISO 10084.2:2021 Contracts, Schedules and Pricing Data Standard

    This draft standard is part 2 of the data standards developed with NZ Health Partnerships, Hono Ōranga Aōtearoa. ( Part 1 covers Suppliers and Items .) Part 2 defines the minimum data set for contracts, schedules and pricing used to populate the Health System Catalogue to be delivered by... More
    Closed 27 September 2021
  • HISO 10080:2021 Systemic Anti Cancer Therapy Regimen Data Standard

    The New Zealand Cancer Action Plan | Te Mahere mō te Mate Pukupuku o Aotearoa 2019-2029 provides a pathway to improve cancer outcomes for all New Zealanders with the objectives of building a system that delivers consistent and modern cancer care, equitable cancer outcomes, fewer cancers and... More
    Closed 24 September 2021
  • Breast Reconstruction – National Guidelines for Best Practice

    The Ministry of Health has been working with a Breast Reconstruction Expert Advisory Group (EAG) to develop a set of national best practice guidelines for breast reconstruction. The final draft guidelines have now been approved by the EAG and we are seeking wider consultation with the sector... More
    Closed 10 September 2021
  • Do you use the NZ COVID Tracer app?

    The Ministry of Health is seeking feedback on QR code scanning before trial of Near Field Communication tags begins. This feedback will be compared with trial feedback to help inform decisions on whether this technology could be used more widely. More
    Closed 7 September 2021
  • Feedback Survey Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard Implementation Progress

    The Ngā paerewa Health and disability services standard (NZS 8134:2021) (the 2021 standard) is now updated to better reflect the current models of care and support. The 2021 standard reflects the shift towards more person- and whānau-centred health and disability services, where people... More
    Closed 3 September 2021
  • Analysing access to interRAI (NASC) assessment

    This consultation seeks information from Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) settings regarding referrals for interRAI/NASC assessment for older people (>65). This will assist the Ministry of Health in responding to the interRAI Service Design recommendations. Further... More
    Closed 27 August 2021
  • HealthCERT team Implementation survey

    This survey is to get an understanding from the HealthCERT team where additional training or support is required. The survey is anonymous. More
    Closed 27 August 2021
  • Proposal that the HART Order should explicitly state that the use of cryopreserved testicular tissue is an established procedure

    The Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART) is seeking your feedback about a proposed change to the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Order. The Order would be amended to explicitly state that the extraction and use of sperm from thawed cryopreserved testicular tissue... More
    Closed 13 August 2021
  • Submission on amendments to the schedule of the Medicines (Designated Pharmacist Prescribers) Regulations 2013 and Schedule 1B of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977

    Purpose The Ministry of Health invites submissions on proposed amendments to the schedule of specified prescription medicines for designated pharmacist prescribers. The Ministry of Health, on behalf of the Director-General, must consult with those people or organisations... More
    Closed 12 August 2021
  • Orientation Day 12 July 2021 Feedback

    To gather feedback from participants about the orientation day. More
    Closed 25 July 2021
  • Provide your feedback on the PHARMAC Review

    The PHARMAC Review Panel wants to hear your feedback on the Review of the Pharmaceutical Management Agency (PHARMAC). Your feedback will contribute to the Review process and help form a proposal on how PHARMAC can best serve the needs of the communities of Aotearoa. How we will manage your... More
    Closed 16 July 2021
  • National Cervical Screening Programme: HPV Primary Screening Clinical Pathway to Introduce Self-Testing

    The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) is undertaking a public consultation for the revised human papillomavirus (HPV) Primary Screening clinical pathway to introduce the option of self-testing. More
    Closed 8 June 2021
  • Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan

    Have your say in shaping the Smokefree 2025 Action Plan We’re running a six-week consultation (15 April – 5pm, 31 May 2021) on Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan – an opportunity for all New Zealanders to have their say and provide feedback that will help shape the... More
    Closed 1 June 2021
  • UNHSEIP 10th anniversary and national hui, 11 May 2021 – event evaluation

    Kia ora and thank you for taking the time to join us for the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme (UNHSEIP) hui. We welcome your feedback to ensure we can provide engaging and effective training hui in the future. Please complete the survey by Friday 28... More
    Closed 28 May 2021
97 results. Page 1 of 4